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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I have have my doubts which sucks because I hope all the hostages return home safely. The question is if Hamas is going to be wiped off the planet like Netanyahu says then what is their motivation to let the hostages go? My guess is Israel will go a small portion of the hostages in return for a few days of ceasefire but that’s about it.
  2. You’re a liar. A bold faced liar. I never said there were no counter protesters. I asked if there were as shown below. Believe it or not I don’t like that slogan “from the river to the sea”. They claim it just means freedom and not the end of Israel but it sounds like it. They need to change that. Good thing I’m not from the left. I was born in the 70s. I’m a sticks and stones… type of guy. As if such an echo chamber actually exists? Lol. What a tool. Thanks. I really appreciate that. I love you too. Can you please explain?
  3. Wow!!!’ Hatred for this country??? Woooowwww. Propaganda works especially well on you huh? Brainwashed properly I’d say. B*^*h my parents can’t even move back there because they lost their right to return to the country they were born in so until s**t likes that changes I’m stuck here… the country I was born in, love and pay taxes on. I’m sure you’d love to see all Muslims leave to their own countries huh you hateful POS. “You cannot put 2 million people in a box, close the cover, and expect nothing will happen.”
  4. So your contention is it’s fueled by hate? Specifically antisemitism? Correct? I mean no word about the Congo right? No word about Darfur? So it must be religiously motivated? Can it be because the US and Israel hold themselves in the highest of regards and when they get caught in their BS ppl like to point it out? Can it be because of that? You think the world doesn’t get sick of the west proclaiming superiority? I concede it can be based on hate. Can you concede it can be based on other issues?
  5. Sadly I don’t know. Congo too. It’s horrible.
  6. It’s been reduced to 1200. And before y’all attack me I will say 1 is too many.
  7. I couldn’t resist a return. The “ there is a list” guy made me come back. it was a freaking calendar! You got a love the elevator shaft being a tunnel too! They are laughing at you. This is what they think of your intellect. Lol Fools. and you guys are so morally bankrupt. You can’t even bring it up while I was away. “I know what America is,” Netanyahu said. “America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won’t get in the way.”
  8. Gotta respond before I leave. I never said there weren’t any counter protestors. Not once. Did I say that. I asked a question if there were. B-man said there was no violence so I said the counter protesters deserve some credit for that too. This explains a lot about you. Can’t even comprehend what you’re reading so how can I expect you to understand this conflict? bye bye
  9. Eyeroll again. Nothing of substance. Again. That’s it. My time here is done. I’ve seen enough. See y’all in another few years. Gonna fade away from this place like I always do.
  10. All these empty calories. That’s a lot of accusations without even one shred of evidence. All my posts are here to see. Try finding one example of me needing a mirror. Foh.
  11. I can find the same exact thing happening on the other side. You just see what you want to see. You gave an eye roll to my lights, camera, action post. You already been exposed as being biased AF. At least I can condemn Hamas and all those people you just shared. I condemn their actions wholeheartedly. You’re just a hateful person. You need to come to grips with that.
  12. 1. Were there counter protestors? And if so shouldn’t they get credit for non violence as well? 2. And this one is moronic because it’s the US that’s supplying Israel with weapons and money. Why the ever living F would pro Palestinians bring a US flag when that’s the case and the US is against a ceasefire? Huh?????? 3. Hold up. Number 3 said hold my beer. This is just as moronic as statement 2. Maybe even more so since in no way can that be proven. “You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your *****in’ fingers and say, ‘That’s the bad guy.’ So what that make you? Good? You’re not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie.” — Tony Montana, Scarface 4. You’re on a roll here. It’s amazing this needs to be pointed out but here I go anyways…. You don’t need a mask when your livelihood isn’t on the line. Foh. 5. Kind of hard to feel bad about people when thousands are still dying. 6. This is just ignorant. Everyone sucks on Israel’s c*^k. We all know that. 7. One large protest doesn’t even begin to add up to all the pro-Palestine protests around the world. Do better. Get up off your knees.
  13. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8DCnE5p/ Lights, Camera, Action!
  14. Dude is a brave man for speaking up. The reporter doesn’t want to lose his life. It’s quite simple.
  15. No way this is staged. Gotta be real! 100%! Greatest evidence ever. What was that now??? Huh? I can’t hear you. Yeah I thought so. The silence is deafening. Now run along.
  16. I’m not saying he always is but everything he said on that particular clip sounded about right. Can you dispute what he said for me?
  17. It was all factual. I know you probably have difficulty dealing with truth.
  18. No. Don’t watch this. Watch that video of that girl Tommy Callahan liked so much.
  19. I suppose when you have nothing to live for some might start looking for things to die for. All of my Palestinian-American friends and relatives are well off. None of us want to be a martyr. Of course they are but people keep harping over a election that took place almost 20 years ago smh
  20. Lots of questions here about how Israel should handle this situation. It’s extremely difficult to answer that question. Nobody can argue with a people fighting for their future, their land, their way of life. This goes both ways. There is no easy way out. All I know is violence will only bring more violence and the cycle will continue no matter what happens to Hamas. Some other group will take their place. The best defense is peace. A real peace. I believe more than anything who you side with in this conflict says a lot about each and every one of us. My parents were born in Palestine and were forced to flee in 67. I recognize Israel’s right to exist. I also think Palestinians are entitled to their own land too. Lots of people argue Palestine never existed. I for one don’t care what you call it. Fact is Arabs were there and have a legitimate claim. The Jewish people also have a legitimate claim. So where do we turn from here? I stand with both. I stand with peace. The holy land belongs to everyone imo. Christians, the Jewish people and Muslims. From what I understand evangelicals need Israel to belong to the Jewish people so that Jesus can return and bring about end of times. Muslims also believe the same exact thing but believe Jesus will side with the Muslims. Most Jewish people believe it’s a miracle the Jewish people regained control of Israel therefore they’re entitled to the land now and that this will expedite the return of their messiah and bring about peace. If you ask me they’re taking a huge risk in overtaking the land now. They’re not supposed to be there. The scriptures said they would be exiled. It clearly states Israel will not exist until their messiah returns. Orthodox Jews who support Palestine are the vast minority but they fear the creation of a Jewish state now is against God’s plan. Even if you don’t agree with the Neturei Karta there are still dangers in backing an Israeli state. They believe their temple is below Al-Aqsa mosque. They want to destroy Al-Aqsa and build their temple. This will surely lead to even more wars and chaos. Which leads me to what I want and what I’ve always wanted. A one state solution where everyone has equal rights. We need to delay end of times for as long as possible as far as I’m concerned. How can one justify supporting anything that can lead to end of times? Everyone slams Iran for trying to destroy Israel to bring about end of times and rightfully so. But what about the USA? Our support will lead to the same results. This situation is a clusterf**k. There is no winning here for anybody. F it. Officially rename it the holy land and give equal rights to everyone.
  21. Why would anybody listen to this guy on that video when we have the “geniuses” we have around here? Lol
  22. Doesn’t matter what terrorist group. You sound like one. I’m sure they sound like you. Just fill in the blank with their choice words, ‘We are a blank nation, support blank or go to hell”. It’s people with this kind of mentality that makes this world a horrible place. Like I always say…. the only difference between the terrorists and people like you is balls.
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