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Posts posted by Draconator

  1. http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c...BAGPPGSNI81.DTL


    A city concilman in San Francisco, tried to pass a resolution for the city of San Francisco to adopt the Seahawks as their "sister NFL team". No, really! There's a link and everything!


    Think this line would be loved throughout Brokeback Park at Candelstick Point?


    "Whereas, the 49ers have not had a winning season since 2002."


    The City Council shelved the resolution until after the SuperBowl.

  2. THe Bills ticket prices sound fair to me. I mean, before this upcoming season, if you went to a 49ers game, it was $65, period! No tiered pricing. If you on the 50 yd.line 20 rows up, or at the top of that toilet bowl known as Candelstick Monster Park, it was $65.


    And some, (not many), 49er ticket holders are complaining, saying that a tiered pricing system will be too confusing for fans to understand, and will end the streak of non-blacked out home games. :)

  3. Very, very good points made here. I don't think it's lost on Marv how passionate Bills fans are. Yet I think Marv stuck to what he feels is the most important issue at hand. How well the coach and G.M. work together. Granted, Jauron is not the "glamour" pick for HC, but maybe if Jauron and Levy can re-create the early 90's magic...

  4. Because so many are sex deprived on this board.  And t.v. these daze absolutely sux!    Further, they are too lazy to masturbate too or believe that it leads to blindness and the devil!    :rolleyes:



    You voted for Bush. Didn't you?


    Freedom of speech? Not in your world.

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