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Hammered a Lot

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Posts posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. I think they lied. I pulled into Drive 1 at 9:02, and you could tell they'd already been letting people in for probably 10-15 minutes. My guess is, once the traffic jam backs up to the 219 ramps, they bail.


    Drive 2 opened at 8:55am Traffic on Abbott Road to the north was lined past the scoreboard. To the south, in front of Hammer's Lot a little backed up mainly cars headed in to One Bills Drive.

  2. Pay back is a B word! Lets hope our guys are man enough to take care of business the next time we play! Talk is cheap, action speaks louder than words!


    I doubt if the Bills will Pay Back. I had a former Bills O-lineman at my house (The Rock Lot) Sunday. He was at training camp this summer and watch as a d-line man handled ( hand on face mask) an o-lineman in a cheap way. Commenting In his playing day fists would have been flying for cheap shotting. In other words, the current O-line are wimps, no fight in them, soft!!!

  3. Lower than low

    Wheel chair stolen from boy with Spina Bifida at pats game.


    When things like that happen it makes me so mad.


    Things that make me feel good and give me faith that all there is good in the world

    My 51 year old neighbor is in the early stages of Lou Gehrigs. When he was healthy, if you needed a hand he would give you 5. Now he cannot talk and walks very slowly. There was an article in the local paper about the fund raiser Saturday October 9 at Woodlawn Volunteer Fire Hall 5-11pm which would help pay for upcoming medical bills and the needed addition to the house. Beside the over 275 donated prizes, Bills wife told me she is getting phone calls from people she does not know asking her how they can help the family out. Somewhere from construction workers willing to donate their time and skills when it comes time to building the addition.


    In the balance of moral integrity, for ever stupid action, there are good actions.

  4. was talking to 2 police officers on horses in the limo lot after the game . they said that the fights in the parking lots before the game where bad but the one he told us about takes the cake . 2 bills fans beat the stevestojan out of a father and his young son and took their tickets . he did not say how young the kid was ,but he did say that he was young . that's bad . did anyone hear about it?


    That's sad. The Bills should put security in the corners of the upper decks with binoculars scanning the parking lots looking for trouble.

    The Buffalo News stopped reporting any bad things that happen at the Ralph, but the local papers will have it Monday.

  5. Ok, i have to know. Where is Hammer's lot?


    100 yards south of One Bills Drive the main entrance to the Ralph (not drive 1)

    Hammer's Lot 4170 Abbott Road Orchard Park NY 14127

    You will have to mapquest it. There was a map/directions post on tha TBD East tailgate board made by GHost, but for some reason it has been removed or I am not looking in the right area.

  6. Jeremy's gonna be there for the Zona game? SAAAWEEET!!! I used to see him every Thursday at Mickey Ratts before moving down here.


    I just talked with his manager, Jeremy will play on Oct 31 weather (too cold/rain)permitting or if there is a tent.


    Anyway, Hammer, again, whats the Price? And I am meeting about 15 people there, can I bring all of them?


    Sure. Parking is $15.00 Bring your own food and drink. The buffet that DreamonDan mentioned was for a private party. The regular game day hangout for the TBD posters is Lot 1 Pole 6 about a 5 minute walk from the lot.


    Thanks buffalomike. I get a lot of comments about the Helmet. It was a little warm to keep it on for a long time.

  7. I parked there this week and I'll tell ya that I had another great time. THey had a huge buffet and an awesome blues band. I have been to around 50 concerts and played bass in a band. But the guitarist in the band that was there was the best I had ever seen, very impressive.


    One of the best! Mick Hayes Band 2003 Blues guitarest of the year (People choice award) He plays at the Lafeyette (sp) tap room I think on saturdays (check Gusto)


    The other band was Jeremy Hoyle Band Plays at Duffs of O.P. Wednesday 9pm.

    Lead singer of Strickly Hip band also.

    Jeremy Hoyle Band is supposed to be at at Hammer's Lot the next 2 games (Oct 17 and Oct 31)

    For more info google Top Shelf Entertainment.

    Who wanted info on a wedding band last week???

  8. Gotcha, simple explanation...simiple understanding.

    Can I hang out at your lot next game?


    Sure. As of today I don't know if their will be a band for the Phins game. We open

    at 7:30 am Stadium lots open at 9am.

    I think there will be some Bandetts (cheerleaders better looking than the jills) on site. And WGR should also be there.

  9. Thats cool, but I'm not sure I understand. Exactly what kind of business are you running?


    The kids must have been a fluke, a couple of stragglers walking by I guess.


    Business? I am a provider. I try to help people have a worry free, good time. A carefree release from the work week.

    Alot of restrooms, Security on the lot when you are at the game, all the garbage picked up while you are at the game so no broken glass on the ground when you leave.

  10. Both this game and the opener, Bills fans are REALLY ANGRY at the end of the games, very disgusted with how the team plays, me included


    Pats fans...........lot of them at the game yesterday and a real lot in my section, 204. OBNOXIOUS. One guy with a Klecko jersey, and about the same size, would come down to the front of the aisle as the Pats would score and just bait all the Bills fans and try to cause some trouble. Just as bad in the parking lot after the game as they are calling out Bills fans, swearing, and challenging other fans, again just causing stevestojan


    Same thing in my section 311. I heard there was alot of fights in the stadium parking lots after the game. I could only imagine what happen in the bus parking lot.

  11. 8 restrooms for my customers use, more per parker than ANY other parking lot



    Hammer, I got nothing but love for you man....but this is just too funny. Bragging about the seating?


    You miss the point!! I take care of my customers. I see too many parking lot's with no restrooms. Instead of providing a basic human need I see The owners just put the $$$ in their pockets leaving you hanging!!!!!

  12. Ever since his ridiculous article about trading Henry, his stories have been pretty accurate...we're 0-3.


    I talked with Jerry yesterday before the game and asked him how the players like the carpet at the Ralph. I thought it was a little slippery. He said Travis Henry told him he liked it, and then TH slips,or stumbles or trips during the game.

  13. Nothing really, I just finally stumbled on to it, didnt know where it was before. I'll save my family fun for the other six days a week that dont involve football.


    And Paco's a retard but that was kind of funny



    Kids every where?? What are you 90???? Your right Hammer's Lot is not for people looking for NOTHING. 8 restrooms for my customers use, more per parker than ANY other parking lot. I guess you did not like the 2 bands we had playing yesterday. The great ,great, granddaughter of Jack Daniels enjoyed herself. And yes the 2004 Jack Daniels Tailgate Party winner resides at Hammer's Lot.

  14. Mr. Wilson has made matching funds these past few years for the Cans From Fans food drive. And also, those times when he buys the remaining tickets to a game and gives them to the Police, FF, or kids, he is purchasing the tickets with money out of his own pocket.

    Are you sure that money is coming out of his pocket or is he using the million of dollars operating capital money that Erie County and New York State gives him every year??

  15. I am DESPERATE for real sports talk. Listening to WGR in the morning has become painful. Since LAST MONDAY(!!!!!) all they have been having the same argument:


    Kevin: Bledsoe's our best shot at winning

    Puff: Put in Matthews

    Kevin: You're nuts Puff

    PuFF: Put in Mathews.


    Now to our special guest from ESPN Sean Salsbury: Should we bench Bledsoe and start Shane Matthews?

    Sean Salsbury: :devil:


    Thats it!!! Thats all they have been saying. Every time I turn on the radio as I'm getting dressed, driving to work, whatever, the same agrument for over a week!!!!


    There were what, 10 footabll games yesterday, a great quarterback shootout, a game in a hurricane, Jamal Lewis almost running for 200 again, did I hear ANY of this talked about....NO!!!!!! Just

    Kevin: Bledsoe's our best shot at winning

    Puff: Put in Matthews

    Kevin: You're nuts Puff

    PuFF: Put in Mathews.


    If the people from that station actually do read this board, YOUR MORNING SHOW SUCKS!!!!!!!


    The Morning show will be at Hammer's Lot 4170 Abbott Raod, Next to drive 2 Sunday. Why don't you come over around 9:45am and talk to them in person.

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