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Hammered a Lot

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Posts posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. Mawhine-oh is an egotistical cry baby. I know people that have had dealings with him here and unversally they all agree that he and his wife are *.


    I have heard the same thing said about a retired QB living in WNY. He also lost a lot of respect for his off the field life, declaring bankruptcy which some people consider stealing.

  2. He was in my parking lot Sunday for a meet and greet acting as a rep. for Mineo and Sapio Italian Sausage, which were very good. I did not think it was the time to ask about his boxing future. It seems that after women got their photos taken with Baby Joe they had a hard time getting back to their husbands tailgate parties.

    Mysterious some women's wedding bands were temporally misplaced during the photo op!!!

  3. EERR 2 crappie teams. 35 degree at 7am, COLD rain and windy. Last night around 9pm, SNOW here in O.P.. Around 10PM last night I was outside when there was a very Bright Flash of lighting (I do not think it hit the Ralph even thou some of the other buildings there have been hit in the past) that seemed to rumble for a good 10 seconds.

    It seems Lake Erie is emptying out over The Ralph.

    phins 3 Bills 2

  4. i once bought gas from that back up tight end who got cut and decided to work at the Mobil across from the stadium. Also, true story, i came home from work once to find him laying on my couch...turns out he and my brother got into a car accident on the 290 and he gave my brother a ride home, came in and decided to take a load off.... he had painted toe nails.....kinda weird but hey to each his own.

    Super Freak Sheldon Jackson!

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