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Posts posted by CentralVaBills

  1. 1. If smashmouth is two yards per rush and two yard passes to the tight ends and wide outs then we are snashmouth baby. If a team doesn't even attempt to throw downfield what do you think the opposing defense is going to do?????


    2. Agreed - do not talk crap unless you are absolutely, positively going to back it up


    3. This d doesn't have a leader since TKO went down. Fletcher may be the defensive captain but Spikes is the heart and soul. And btw, I hate Troy Vincent.


    4. Thanks for stepping up Eric. You really supported the new guy and you've been amazing with Holcomb.  <_<


    5.  He'll still get ridiculous money in the free market but the guy proves on a regular basis that he is not a consistent top tier cb.


    6. Jerry Gray is turning into the Kevin Gilbride of the defensive side. The blitzing worked last year. Is it Pat's absence or TKO's that makes it not work this year? He better figure it out because guys are out of position and our rush is not getting it done when it needs to. I can't believe our d is 6th in the afc in sacks because it sure as hell seems like we never get to the qb when we have to.


    7.I said it when he was struggling and I say it now - we needed to stick with JP and get through the growing pains. Does anybody really think that Kelly Holcomb was the difference in the two victories at home against inferior divisional opponents? JP stepped into a buzzsaw in TB, kept the team in competition against possibly the second best nfc team (Atlanta) and lost a game in San Antonio where our special teams tripped over their feet, the defense sucked and the coaches went away from the running game after enjoying early success. TD MADE JP the starter. He cut Drew and annointed JP the starter without opening up the position to competition. I don't have a problem with that - we did trade up to get him after all. But stick to your guns. We are not that good a team. Let JP get his learning in and show us that we're moving in the right direction.


    8. Hey, at least he has been quiet - hasn't he????


    Good post btw.


    #6 You didn't read his post effectively. It has nothing to do with players missing or not here. It has everything to do with who we played. EVERYTHING.

  2. 6)  Gray.  Stop telling me how the players just aren't executing their assignments.  I'm not stupid - your assignments only work if you have 11 Pro Bowlers, and even then only 20% of the time.  You don't know how to make adjustments - even worse, you REFUSE to acknowledge that you have to.  That's what Gregg-o got fired for, and you're gonna be next if you don't watch it.  Your schemes are designed for bullying poor offenses at home - they will NEVER win a Championship.





    Especially the part where "Your schemes are designed for bullying poor offenses at home - they will NEVER win a Championship."


    I've been saying this for two years, but about the whole football team and staff.

  3. No arguments there. Between the ClodTollins era, the exodus of Kelly/Thurman/BruceReed, homerunthrowback, RJ vs Flutie, just give it to'em, Butler jumping the leaky ship, the GW era and the Drew fiasco it has been a realy really realllllly frustrating 8 years. And watching us struggle to get over the hump the last couple years has been really unsatisfying.

    While 2005 isn't a throwaway year, I think the Bills management recognized that 2006 and beyond provide a much better opportunity for us to compete for a conference title and I think they've planned accordingly. JP's slow start has everybody on edge (at least everybody who had convinced themselves that a 23yrold first year starter was going to light the league up) and delaying the inevitable permanent change in an effort to stay atop the division with a vet QB has also frayed some nerves.

    It's a tough time to be a Bills fan, but times like these can tell an awful lot about a person (but hopefully not a fanbase  <_< ).



    LMAO.....OK. And what will your excuse, as well as TD's be when the AGING defense needs dismantled starting pretty much next year. Because this team was built to win now. In it's 5th yr under a new GM, don't you think we should have seen improvement by now? On top of that, by the time our offense gets good (and we don't even know if that will happen), the defense will need major re-structuring because of contracts and age. Our roster is a royal mess right now.

  4. I keep reading over and over again (often from the same people) about how bad we suck because we couldn't beat the 1-4 Raiders. Have you people even seen what the Raiders have done this year? Look at this freakin' schedule they've started out with:


    vs New England; lost by 10

    vs Kansas City; lost by 6 on the last play of the game

    vs Philadelphia; lost by 3 with :09 left in game

    vs Dallas; won by 6

    vs San Diego lost by 13


    That's a brutal stretch and a lot of good teams might have come out of it at 1-4. While I don't thikn the Raiders are a real "good" team, they don't suck and going out to the West Coast to beat a solid team whose backs are against the wall is no easy trick.


    Continue your regularly scheduled crying.......


    Yeah OK, everyone is crying. So, explain this then.....under the TD and MM era....The Tom Donahoe era is sickening. And the worst part is that this team walks around like it's sh-- doesn't stink. We look halfway decent agaisnt awful teams at home. And the rest we pretty much get our sh-- handed to us. Same logic as the Raiders record. How long does TD get?


    23 Games of Data




    Vs. teams under .500 (8-3)

    Vs. teams at .500 (2-0)

    Vs. teams over .500 (2-8) Best win vs. 10-6 NY Jets (home)


    On the road......


    Vs. teams under .500 (2-3) Worst Loss vs. 5-11 Oakland

    Vs. teams at .500 (1-0)

    Vs. teams over .500 (1-4) Best win vs. 9-7 Seattle


    At home.....


    Vs. teams under .500 (6-0) N/A

    Vs. teams at .500 (1-0)

    Vs. teams over .500 (1-4) Best win vs. 10-6 NY Jets

  5. A couple of questions for people who want to actually have an intelligent discussion, rather than just saying "We suck."  Who are probably the same people who last week said, "I told you we'd start winning again", who two weeks earlier said "We suck."


    Do you credit the terrible run defense to the loss of Pat Williams?  I find it hard to believe that he is the singular reason that we can no longer stop the run, but I can't find any other glaring reasons.


    Is there any particular reason that they don't allow Holcomb to try any throws over 10 yards?  It seems like they don't even want to get a TD.  On 3rd and 18, they run a planned screen.  Why don't they at least TRY to get the first down?


    At what point does Losman go back in?  I actually thought we'd see him later today after we were down by 14 for the second time.


    Why aren't they utilizing Roscoe more?  I know he's probably not 100% yet, but they raved about him in camp, but I only think I saw him 2 or 3 times on offense.


    Do the Bills realize that they are still supposed to play after the first drive?  We score on just about every first drive, but can't keep the production going.  WHY?


    Here's a try at intelligence in it's simplest form. This is about the most intelligent it needs to get. We win against the worst teams in the NFL at home. We lose to them more often than not on the road. We hardly ever beat winning teams.


    Last year's run came vs. a pathetic schedule. Then the Steelers kicked our asses. This year....check it out.....we've beaten winless Houston, and 2 win, Miami and the Jets at home. We are not a good football team, and I want to know how long Tom Donahoe gets.


    The proof.....

    23 Games of Data




    Vs. teams under .500 (8-3)

    Vs. teams at .500 (2-0)

    Vs. teams over .500 (2-8) Best win vs. 10-6 NY Jets (home)

    On the road......


    Vs. teams under .500 (2-3) Worst Loss vs. 5-11 Oakland

    Vs. teams at .500 (1-0)

    Vs. teams over .500 (1-4) Best win vs. 9-7 Seattle


    At home.....


    Vs. teams under .500 (6-0) N/A

    Vs. teams at .500 (1-0)

    Vs. teams over .500 (1-4) Best win vs. 10-6 NY Jets

  6. Did we get better last year, or was it the schedule?  Are we getting better this year, or is it as the schedule goes?

    22 Games of Data




    Vs. teams under .500     (8-2)

    Vs. teams at .500     (2-0)    

    Vs. teams over .500     (2-8)     Best win vs. 10-6 NY Jets (home)

    On the road......


    Vs. teams under .500     (2-2)  Worst Loss vs. 5-11 Oakland     

    Vs. teams at .500     (1-0)

    Vs. teams over .500     (1-4)  Best win vs. 9-7 Seattle


    At home.....


    Vs. teams under .500     (6-0)  N/A

    Vs. teams at .500     (1-0)

    Vs. teams over .500     (1-4)  Best win vs. 10-6 NY Jets


    Updated after the Raiders game. Ummmm, we turned the corner last year solely because of our schedule. Schedule isn't so easy down the stretch this year. How long does Tom Donahoe get? As the schedule goes, we go. Year five of the plan, and this franchise's best win under TD and MM is the NY Jets in a game where Chad Pennington was knocked out. Oh how far we've fallen.


    23 Games of Data




    Vs. teams under .500 (8-3)

    Vs. teams at .500 (2-0)

    Vs. teams over .500 (2-8) Best win vs. 10-6 NY Jets (home)


    On the road......


    Vs. teams under .500 (2-3) Worst Loss vs. 5-11 Oakland

    Vs. teams at .500 (1-0)

    Vs. teams over .500 (1-4) Best win vs. 9-7 Seattle


    At home.....


    Vs. teams under .500 (6-0) N/A

    Vs. teams at .500 (1-0)

    Vs. teams over .500 (1-4) Best win vs. 10-6 NY Jets

  7. Did we get better last year, or was it the schedule? Are we getting better this year, or is it as the schedule goes?




    22 Games of Data




    Vs. teams under .500 (8-2)

    Vs. teams at .500 (2-0)

    Vs. teams over .500 (2-8) Best win vs. 10-6 NY Jets (home)



    On the road......


    Vs. teams under .500 (2-2) Worst Loss vs. 5-11 Oakland

    Vs. teams at .500 (1-0)

    Vs. teams over .500 (1-4) Best win vs. 9-7 Seattle


    At home.....


    Vs. teams under .500 (6-0) N/A

    Vs. teams at .500 (1-0)

    Vs. teams over .500 (1-4) Best win vs. 10-6 NY Jets

  8. On the gameday preview page at Billsdaily, they have a very telling stat: when Willis gets the ball 20 or more times, the Bills are 10-1. We all know that that's the recipe for success for this team but jeez that just jumped out at me and made me think what the hell were the coaches thinking in some of those early games!? Especially the NO game!!!! Arrgh  :ph34r: ....Sorry for the pointless thread but I've been up all night studying and that just p'd me off!


    I agree 100% about the New Orleans game. But again, when Willis plays crappy teams, we win. The reason Willis has run so much, because he was succesful against teams that couldn't stay on the field offensively against us.


    Same thing happened last year. We really haven't had an impressive win under Mularkey in his tenure yet. We beat the Jets at home last year. Pennington also exited that game. Other than that, we pretty much have beaten teams we should beat, and haven't beaten anyone that we shouldn't have beaten.


    So far, as our schedule goes, Willis goes. Carry the Bills one time against someone good and then we'll talk. He's the star, put us on his back and get us a W. So far, it really hasn't happened.

  9. I think that Malarkey is insulting the Jets with this ploy. Last season I really thought we had finally found a coach that gets it, unfortunatley I now think I'm sadly mistaken. Nothing like making the opposition a bit more agitated Mike, good going you idiot.


    Think about how'd you feel if Herm Edwards did the same thing to the Bills by saying that he didn't know if they'd be starting Bollinger or Testaverte. Malarkey's over his head in this job.


    I'm not even sure he's insulting the Jets as much as he's making himself look like an incompetent moron. And if Edwards did that, I'd think he's an idiot too. Who cares who starts for the Jets. Bottom line is that we will see either of two incompetent QB's.


    Like I said, if you have Michael Vick and Matt Schaub.......now that would make a difference. Not Losman and Holcomb.

  10. not shaking, but both are COMPLETELY different QB's, it does affect one's game plan heading into the game.  In theory if you have to game polan for both QB's, you can't dedicate as much time to any one approach.


    Agreed, but both are completely different who pretty much can't win the game by themselves for you.


    I mean seriously.....I honestly think the Jets would be THRILLED if JP plays. Thrilled. I also don't think they fear Holcomb very much. So, what's the difference?


    How much game planning does it take for Holcomb? You can completely rush him. Pin your ears back and go. JP? He's a bad QB right now. Hell, make him throw the ball while knowing that you can't over-rush him upfield.


    Come on. Football isn't that hard at all. If JP was a better QB, OK. You'd have to seriously worry about him more. Right now, he's not.

  11. This isn't college football.  If a team doesn't show up ready to play on Sunday they'll get beaten no matter who the opponent is.  The “easy” schedule thing just doesn’t fly in the NFL.  Bad teams don’t win consistently, even against other bad teams.


    We weren't a bad team. We were a solid team that did nothing more than it was supposed to do. Beat all the lousy teams it played, and lose to every team it was supposed to lose to. And ummm, throw in losing to Oakland and Jax as terrible losses. The kind of losses that make teams miss playoffs.


    Thus, the playoffs and the Bills didn't see eye to eye.

  12. As long as they do this:


    "Gimmie a good, solid gameplan.  Involve Willis, keep Peters at TE, and get Lee Evans off.  Maybe debut Roscoe on a key 3rd down slot play. 


    ...what the difference what they say about who starts at QB?  Do you think MM is taking time away from the game plan to sculpt his QB answers?


    AGAIN, it makes no difference. However, why? My problem with it is simple. Is he fugging with the media? If so, OK. Maybe a little bit of spite. I kinda like that. BUT, if he really thinks this gives the Bills an edge.....well, he's an idiot. I'm hoping he's not an idiot. But more and more, it's harder to trust all of these Pittsburgh re-treads.

  13. All-time


    Moon - does not include his 20K+ yards etc in the cfl over 6 years.

    4th in attempts

    5th in TDs

    4th in completions

    4th in yards


    Vinny -

    5th attempts

    8th TDs (could get to 7th soon)

    6th completions (could get to 5th soon)

    6th yards


    7th  attempts

    19th TDs

    7th  completions

    10th yards (with 8th well in reach)

    I don't have win-loss. 


    I say Moon needs to go in but not sure if there is any strong doubt (on the 2006 ballot with Thurman, Reed and Aikman).  Vinny is on the bubble but has never made a huge impact in the league; while you can debate Drew's ability to win he's always been a top QB.


    Wow, I didn't know Moon was that good. I knew he put up nice numbers, but alot of his time was spent in Canada too. I would say Moon's numbers, considering, are nice. Real nice.

  14. Who gives a fug what he does or say? Mularkey could come out and Riverdance for 5 minutes, turn around and moon the press gallery, and then go tongue kiss Ralph Wilson but as long as we win on Sunday, who cares. The starting QB will be the one I see line up behind center and gnashing my teeth over not being told in advance who it will be is a waste of time.


    Because it's flat out stupid. No sh--, who gives a fug if they say it or not. However, I'm seriously starting to think we have a bunch of idiots all over One Bills Drive. Do they really think they are being smart by hiding who is playing? Another example of mental "trick plays" that are flat out stupid. We can't just line up and play football, but we have to "trick" everyone. Whether it's on the field or now our newest weapon......mind games. We are always relying on cute-sie horseshit. Everyone knows it will be Holcomb at QB. Yet, when there is one guy who could make a difference on the field (Parrish), the cat is out immediately.


    Seriously, what do the Jets prepare for? Losman, a QB who sucks right now (not saying he always will).......or Holcomb, a pocket guy who has potential to carry a team once every 10 games or so. Neither are scary.


    Gimmie a good, solid gameplan. Involve Willis, keep Peters at TE, and get Lee Evans off. Maybe debut Roscoe on a key 3rd down slot play. Don't tell me, part of our plan to beat the Jets is hiding which below average QB we are going to start. I don't think our disount version of Michael Vick and Matt Schaub are scaring anyone. Whether they prepare for them or not!

  15. Im not saying they dont, but you dont see it spashed everywhere.  Seems the Vikes are the target this season.  I didnt think Moulds would be that type of person.  Ive been in the navy for almost 14 years and been in just about every port a ship can pull into.  Ive have NEVER touched a hook in my life.  That to me is just the lowest when you have to pay for it.  I dont think these guy would have problems picking up fine women with the cash and fame they carry..


    Now this is a little better. And I hear ya, the Vikes, lead by Dunce Tice, are targeted this year.


    Believe this though.....Moulds is a pretty shady character. I could care less what he does, but he screws (literally, lol) over a lot of chicks up there. It does take two though!


    I go to Seductions and Sundowner once a year. The Jets game. It's a guy trip for my group. My best friend is a Jets fan. About 10 of us go. Moulds was in there once.......I was talking to a girl from Quebec. I'm sitting there for about an hour with her, when some guy comes over and pulls me to the side. No sh--, it was Moulds agent.


    He says to me....hey my buddy over there wants to talk to your girl. LOL. It was Eric Moulds. I tell the guy I'm a season ticket holder, and I don't want to bother him and ask for an autograph or anything, but just tell him I hope he has a big game next week. I said, this chick is just a stripper, if she wants to go, so be it.


    So, she goes over and sits with Moulds. His agent comes back and gives me a signed rookie Moulds card, in which to this day I still have in my car visor. When she gets back, she's all pissed off and tells me this guy (EM) offered her $1500 to come back his house and do all kinds of stuff to him. lol. She was pissed, as she was on her "almighty" French attitude, and that she's not a hooker.


    Then, you ask around in the club about Moulds, and he's mentioned by many girls. They can describe his house in detail. His room. His jerseys. All kinds of stuff. They even can tell you what sick stuff he likes to do. Many girls in there have told some of the same stories.


    And then, just like this past Saturday, from a restaurant owner , he told all of us (3 guys, 3 girls) about him without us even asking. All we said is that we are going to the Bills game, and that eventually came up. lol.


    So, we aren't the perfect football team, but many a Bills player has quite the rep in Canada. I like Moulds just fine, and could care less what he does privately, but it's unreal how easy info flies around Canada about him.

  16. Your RIGHT!  Oh my im wrong....  Those limos are EVIL!  Anyone who rents a limo is just plain up to no good....


    I can hear it now...


        "Eric Mould rides in limo, seen banging hooker believed to be Mike Williams...."


                                                                  WGR.... :doh:


    Ummmm, I have no idea what this means, however, my point was.....Many Bills players, lead mostly by Eric Moulds, frequent and partake in many activities like the Vikings did only in Canada.


    Go to the above mentioned places, anytime after a win on Sunday, and you'll find 1/3 of the Bills roster in Sundowner and Seductions. If you don't about Seductions, it's like the Vikings boat, only in a back room available to the public. Not only do the strippers talk openly about what the Bills do, and which Bills like what, but so do many of the town people of Niagara Falls.


    It's not hard at all to know which Bills would give the Vikings players a run for their money.

  17. Vikes SEX party...


    sorry if posted, I didnt see it but....

    Tice should be gone after this one..... :doh:


    You've gotta be kidding me. You've obviously never been to Sundowners or Seductions or the massage parlors next to them on a Sunday night after a win. Hell, I was in an Italian restaurant in Niagara Falls on Saturday and the Italian dude who owns it was telling us about how many times he's seen Eric Moulds renting limo's, full of Bills players in both places.


    Not to mention, just ask all of the girls in there about the Bills, particularly Moulds. Mention Moulds' name and you'll most likely get slapped for just bringing him up.



  18. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets booed Sunday. :doh:


    Mine will too. Because I will have on my Thurman Thomas jersey. Can't wait to see the Thurmanator go up on the wall. And I'll be cheering for the Bills no matter who plays. Who the hell cares who's at QB, I just want to win some games or at least be somewhat productive at QB.


    If Holcomb doesn't work out after two or three games, JP will go back in there and the learning curve will start again. He's still the future.


    Christ, if JP sits out a game or two, it's not the end of the world. If Holcomb plays well, cool. We'll maybe make a run (most likely not). If not, JP will be back, and hopefully progress more than the first four game he was in there.

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