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Posts posted by buckeyebrian

  1. Good for Travis.


    He deserves to be a starter some where.


    I have heard from some here that we have to keep Travis because of his value as a back-up and his cap friendly status. My opinion is that you don't want anyone on the team who doesn't want to be on the team. We need a back-up rb who is satisfied with that role as a spot player, special teams demon and adequate replacement if the starter goes down, ala Kenny Davis in the Thurmanator years. If Travis is here as a back-up he will be a distraction. Get what you can for him and trade him out of the division, conference if possible.

  2. I wish the cry babies on this board would get a grip.  It seems like so many of you enjoy it more when we lose so that you can post your personal diatribes on this board and tell us how the sky is falling. 


    I swear that some of you hated our winning streak and could not wait for another Bills loss so that you could blame everything including tsunamis on Drew Bledsoe.


    The fact of the matter is that the Bills had a good year.  None of us expected this team to go to the Superbowl and guess what, they didn't.  After going 0-4 (and losing some very close games), the team battled back to finish with a winning record and almost made the playoffs.


    It is something to build on.  Try to see the big picture.  I fully expect this team to continue to improve and be in the playoffs next year.  I like where Mularkey is taking this team.  And, like it or not, if Mularkey believes that Drew gives us the best chance to win next year, I am all for it. 


    We should be proud of how the guys battled back.  I enjoyed it.  Notwithstanding the loss yesterday, I also was happy to watch the first meaningful January Bills game in a long time.


    Just my two cents.


    I say the Bills had an improved year, or a better year than they had last year. I would not equate a "good" year with not making the playoffs. I agree with you about the resiliency and the other positives. And I agree that 9-3 for the last 12 is good, but 0-4 surely is not.

  3. "Like I said at the beginning of the year, I'm not a backup."


    Funny, I coulda SWORE i watched a rookie with a rehabbed knee take his starting role about mid-season... hmmmm...

    Later loser.


    For all your fans that will call you the "workhorse" on this team, I say you were a medicore back, and it took us until we got Willis on the field tearing sh-- up to realize that.  Then, you decided you would pout on the sidelines when you were BENCHED.


    Later days, Travis.


    May you go to a city where 15 year girls run rampant, and their water is fortified with calcium, to stop your damn bones from snapping every other game.

    too funny :P  ;)



  4. What cost us the playoffs?  Any one loss.  You pick it...it cost us.




    4th and forever, and the last play of the game against the Jags; no challenge when Henry crossed the goal line and no touchdown was awarded in the Faiders game; sack/fumble/touchdown Pats I; last minute drive Jests I

  5. ...is that the Bills know (if they had any illusions to the eontrary) that they still have work to do and changes to make if they want to compete at the highest level. 


    They made strides and I would have liked to see them in a playoff game, but this slap-in-the-face loss will make everyone, players and management, work  that much harder for next season. I don' think they are that far away, the biggest question being QB.


    It was a reality check for all of us. There is a big gap between the contenders and the pretenders. We have some things going for us, we are not at the bottom of the scrap heap like some teams. But we are in the AFC which for the next few years will apparently be the tougher conference. We have some deficiencies that need to be corrected through free agency and the draft. We need to win the close games we lost (by 3, 3, 2 and 5 points) We assuredly need to improve QB play. I still believe that the Bills are a team on the rise. But, if we stumble and take a step or two back next year, then it could be a long time before we see a playoff game again.

  6. Put Drew Bledsoe against a quality defense and he folds like a christmas card.  Lindell is a choker as well.




    I have not taken sides on the Drew thing this year. But, if our QB had played a little better against Jax, Jets I, Oakland, Pats I and/or Pitts, we are in the playoffs. Can't think of a game Drew won, only 9 he did not lose.

  7. Ya think 11 penalties to the tune of 111 yards and 60 yards in additional field position on retutn penalties might have had an effect?


    Ya think a 9 minute drive by the scrubs on the other team in the fourth quarter might have had an effect?


    Ya think a 58 yard run from scrimmage by the other teams 4th string back that resulted in a  TD had an effect?


    Think think 3 drops by Moulds...


    No...it was all Bledsoe!


    You, my man, are right on the money. DB didn't win this game, but our D deserves much of the blame.

  8. I believe it was Jason Taylor who once joked on Dan Patrick's radio show that he ended up going to Akron instead of Ohio St because he "actually wanted to go to class".


    All kidding (maybe) aside, Clarett's a whiny, spoiled brat. He's probably right about the stuff that's going on there, but that still doesn't vindicate him at all.


    Went to Akron because OSU never offered him a scholarship. They missed on that one.

  9. I heard something on ESPN the Radio this AM, but didn't catch the whole thing about Tressel actually COORDINATING these exchanges between boosters and players.


    if true, they're in deep doo doo.


    I don't believe Tressel has any complicity - if he does he will be fired by the Board of Trustees. As for AD Andy Geiger, he is 66 and his contract is up in June '05. He has been talking about retirement for a couple of years, so it is unlikely he would be here after June '05 under any circumstances. For every a**hole booster stupid enough to do this there are 10,000 ready to wring his neck for the damage done to the perception of the program. OSU will do what it has always done, self-report, self-sanction, cooperate with the NCAA and deal with the results of the investigation, good or bad. As far as the pilers-on like like that dink Trev Alberts, they can kiss my scarlet and gray butt.

  10. Something's fishy in Chuckeye land. Say waht you will about JoePa, but I'll guarantee this kinda shite isn't going on on his watch.


    Classy org they got ther in o-HI-o.... :doh:


    Whattya got? A rogue booster gave money to Troy Smith. Both knew it was a violation, they did it anyway. As soon as OSU finds out and verifies, they suspend Smith, their starting quarterback, for the bowl game at least. This "big story" which ESPN broke yesterday, was in the local news in Columbus on Monday.

  11. When I'm at the pearly gates and the Big Guy is reviewing my life he's gonna stop there and say "nice job hangin in there on that one."  ;)


    I was 300 miles away at the time, but I never turned the game off, not even after that INT returned for a TD at the beginning of the second half. Any what irony, Frank Reich quarterbacked the greatest comebacks in college and the NFL.

  12. Have the same feeling?  Somebody mentioned it earlier.  Also, I think the fans that left early are the same ones who don't have a Cowbell avatar.  How can they make the same mistake twice??? ;)


    12 years after the fact, there were more than 200,000 people at that game, and no one left except one guy who broke down the fence to get back in.

  13. well id say thats a good thing, we did only murder the 9ers, the worst team in football.


    Line was 11 - if that means anything. And it was total domination. I could see the drop if we won by 3-10 points, but 34? And MM called off the dogs early.

  14. I played against Greg Mamula when he went to Lackawanna High School. I was the Quarterback for my team and he was a monster even in High School. He drilled me a couple of times that day. Too bad he didn't have as good of a pro career with Philly. Kinda cool having played against someone that went to the pros.


    I played football for Lancaster High School when Ron Jaworski quarterbacked Lackawanna. Funny thing - he was not even the star of that team. They had a stud running back, Marty Januskievicz, who went on to a stellar career at Syracuse, then tore his knee up his first year in the NFL. I think that Lackawanna won the ECIC division I championship in 1968 and all Jaws did was hand off.

  15. Apologies for those who hate off-topic posts. So I graduated from college last year and after hesitating last spring, I am thinking I may go through with law school this fall. I know there are a few people here who have gone to law school have been to law school and some who are now lawyers. If there are any folks who took a non-traditional career after law school I would be interested in hearing about them too.


    Basically, I am curious about advice about knowing whether law school is the right thing to do and advice about the field in general. Also any advice about the law school experience itself.


    Anyway, looking forward to hearing from some of you folks.





    Well, I have been a trial lawyer for almost 24 years. I defend civil cases, my clients are insurance companies. The cases run the gamut from auto accidents to complex construction litigation. It is a great life if you can handle the stress, don't need to sleep, and are willing to risk everything on your next trial. I do have some advice for you. It is an advantage to be able to steer your legal career toward a niche. By that, I mean if you have a scientific background, can speak a foreign language, or have some other special skill that will elevate you above the crowd of annual graduates. Also, if you are going to law school because you don't like to sell, keep in mind that as a lawyer you have to sell yourself every day, if not to juries, then certainly to clients and other lawyers.


    It is very important to maintain balance in your life. Lawfirms chew up and spit out young associates, and the pressure to compete for partnerships can take a toll on your personal life. I have not read the other posts in this thread, so some of this advice may be repeated elsewhere, but working 60-70 hours a week is no way to live life. Lawyers have a higher incidence of substance abuse and divorce than the general population. Lawyers are by nature competetive, and you have to "ease up" every now and then.


    Contrary to popular myth, most lawyers are honorable and professional, the profession habitually contributes positively to society in ways that never make the front page. Me and most of the lawyers I know frequently provide free (pro bono) legal services, and are involved in many charitable organizations. As I look back I can state with certainty that the positives have outweighed the negatives. Good luck with your decision.

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