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Posts posted by buckeyebrian

  1. About the same time another gang movie was out called "The Wanderers".  That had the guy who played "Meat" on Porky's.  That has some funny gangs in it and was not a bad movie at all....


    The Fongs  (Kung Fu gang)


    The Baldies


    The Duckey Boys (about 20000 spaz'os)


    The Wanderers

    Funny movie!


    Now that was a great flick - Ken Wahl, Karen Allen ("Indiana Jones" and Boone's girlfriend in "Animal House" and a tremendous sound track

  2. ESPN's poll on their NFL page asks:


    Which veteran QB would you most want starting for your team next season?


    Here's the breakdown:


    Drew Bledsoe  52.5%

    Jeff Garcia  23%

    Kurt Warner  25%


    Total votes: 122, 452


    Bledsoe wins in a landslide...is that because other fans around the league watched zero Bills games last season or are the other options just that bad??


    May have to do with the records of the respective teams

  3. I have not read all the posts so there may be some duplication here. Most of us are smart enough to know that there is no easy route to weightloss and fitness, or else there wouldn't be any fat people. Calories in must be > calories out. A calorie is a calorie, this high fat, low fat, low carb stuff is just to sell books. A balanced diet is the only way of eating that you can stick to ( a lifestyle change really, not a diet) You can only go Atkins for so long before you would want a crust of bread instead of a NY strip. After many years of being enticed by the fads, I have come to the conclusion that we just eat too damn much. Our portions are much bigger than we need. For that, we have the restaurant industry to thank. People have grown accustomed to big portions, when served a normal portion, they think they are being cheated. And then, we top it off with dessert. We eat when we are not really hungry, be cause it is "time" to eat, or we are depressed. We eat at night in front of the TV, we eat fast food because it is convenient or the kids want it (consequentially, we are raising the fattest generation of kids ever ). The solution - it depends on the individual. But generally, cut back on the portion size, eat more vegetables (they fill you up), don't cut out any food group, and get your ass moving - walk the dog, take a walk with the wife, just get some kind of exercise. Don't go out and buy a $2000 Bowflex to start a workout regime, you will end up handing laundry on it.

  4. To say that Drew "won 9 games" this year is the equivalent of a major league pitcher winning nine games in spite of giving up a half dozen earned runs every outing, but where the team produced ten each time.


    Sad, but very true - at least 8 of 9 games anyway.

  5. Napoleon Dynamite rules!  What a bonehead movie but after watching it twice, it grows on you.

    "Have you ever taken it off any sweet jumps?"


    "Theres a ton of gangs in this school.  One gang asked me to join because im good with a bow staff."


    "Pedro offers you his protection."


    "Are you gonna eat your tots?"


    "You know I'm training to be a cage fighter" (Kip)


    "You have like the worst reflexes in the world." (Napoleon)

  6. I like the part where they're interviewing one of the other players (can't remember his name) and he's demonstrating the different penalties and explaining how you feel shame when you get sent to the penalty box.  Hilarious.


    Goalie Denis Lemieux "no..no, you don't do dat, just some english pig..."

    "...dey put you in the box for two minutes, all alone, you feel shame, then you are free..."

  7. Marv is supposed to be on "Spielman on Sports," (his local radio show in Columbus) in the second half of the show today.  The show runs from 12:00-1:00.


    If anyone is interested, you can listen at www.1460thefan.com and click on "Spielman on Sports."


    Can anyone post a summary?

  8. Nugent lives in my area (Centerville, OH).  Don't even begin to compare him with Janikowski - this kid is a quality person with a solid head on his shoulders.  I would love to see him play for the Bills, and that's coming from a Michigan fan.  There would suddenly be a lot of Bills fans around here if he were to be drafted by them.


    Nuge was elected a captain by his team. Tells you something about the kind of guy and teammate he is.

  9. We had the #2 defense in the league, led the league in take-aways, had a 1000 rusher and a 1000 receiver. I am not about to research this, but this may be the first time in NFL history that a team which accomplished all of this did not make the playoffs. Add to the mix a QB whose stats ranked in the 25-30 range, and the problem is evident. Identifying the problem is a lot easier than fixing it, but it appears that average quarterbacking would have been enough to squeeze out another win or two.

  10. I really, REALLY think the Bills need to say goodbye to Drew before the upcoming 2005 season. I wouldnt totally object to the Bills turning the reigns over to JP for the beginning of the 2005 season, but if the Bills feel JP is still too 'raw' and need to find another veteran QB, are there any other QB's that will be available for a decent rate, BESIDES Kurt Warner? 


    Does anyone have a list of available QB's or other suggestions????


    Flutie, Todd Collins and RJ should be available!

  11. bledsoe needs to be replaced if we are going anywhere...but i am not looking forward to the 2-steps-backward we'll take when losman takes over.  hopefully not too many are deluded into thinking that rothlsdliirenszfidzcxer's success means that you can  ride your rookie qb to the superbowl as long as he's drafted in the first round.


    Yesterday was a great example of how a rookie QB looks good playing on a great team, and not how a great rookie QB makes a team good. How much did Pittsburgh suffer not playing Rothlesberger? Roth is to Pittsburgh as Dilfer was to Baltimore or Johnson was to Tampa Bay. The Bills are not Pittsburgh and need their quarterback to win the occasional game, not just caretake a game and not lose it. I am all for giving JP a shot next year, but HE will not lead THIS team to the promised land.

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