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Posts posted by buckeyebrian

  1. yeah...I posted a similar sentiment yesterday, it's refreashing to see there are some people who can objectively look at the situation.


    My favorite quote in this article...."And what we should remember, having been down this road before, is that it's premature to begin making summary judgments two games into the season. Because weeks later they're often filed away, under the heading of Overreaction".


    Noted, nothing has been written in stone - EXCEPT, were the Bills 2-0 now, they would need to go 8-6 to make the playoffs. Now, they will probably need to go 10-4. BIG difference.

  2. “PLAYOFFS? Don't talk about PLAYOFFS... you kiddin me? PLAYOFFS??!?!?! I just hope we can win a game...”

    Sorry, but the Jags suck and we scored ten points.  The Bills will need a step ladder just to get a view of the teams that will makes the playoffs.




    I must reluctantly agree. We held Jags to about 140 yds total offense until 2 minutes left, then they drive 80 yards? This is one we let slip away. Now we go face an Oakland team in their home opener who basically lost on the last play of the game to the Stillers.

  3. ESPN currently has a feature "Rank 'Em: Greatest NFL Players Ever" and their contributors ranked the best 10 players in NFL history.  Reggie White made it but not Bruce.  Bruce and OJ Simpson were the Bills in the top 30 players to choose from of all time.


    Choose your top 10:



    NFL's top 10:




    Bruce was no doubt dissed for hanging on to beat the sack record.

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