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Posts posted by DeeRay

  1. Amen bro. My contention that past 2 plus seasons has been that we Bills fans are being sold one thing and something else is being delivered. When a GM goes 3-13 in his first year, especially under the circumstances, I don't believe any fan, even me, has any problem giving the guy a mulligan. Happy to do so, especially in year two when the team goes 8-8. That's a quantum leap. Then, you expect no less than 8-8, but probably 10-6 in year 3 of this rebuilding program. What do you get? 6-10? and one of the most contentious seasons I recall as a Bills fan. Week in and week out the offensive coaching was as bad as it gets... but then again, was it what they had to work with? OK, the coach gets fired and deservedly so. Now, as a GM you have a few days to sort of take a look and evaluate where you are as a team, and where you want be as a team. Everyone has a bad taste in their mouth, but everyone wants to move forward. So, as GM of a team you've spent countless hours on re-constructing a team over the past 3 years. The next move you make is probably the single most important move you will make... and that is hiring a head coach that you can hand your reconstrucion project to and have this coach help you put the finishing touches on your masterpiece. What does the GM do? He hires a rookie HC, who brings in a rookie OC. It's not Mularkey or Clements fault that they fell into this. I am not going to say these two are bad coaches just yet... especailly after pulling off what they were able to do last season. But let's be real... rookie coaches have a learning curve to go through themselves, let alone coach a team of young players and make critical decisions. In a sort of way it was like taking another step backward after a couple of steps forward.


    This season has been... well, certainly not what everyone thought it would be. We were sold that the o-line was squared away. The # 2 NFL defense returns 19 of the top 20 players and is better, We were sold on how JP is the real deal, how hard he worked. Life is good. Surely this team is destined for a 10-6 finish at a minimum. Not!!! After a 1-3 start, we know the offensive line is not squared away, the defense has taken a quantum leap in the wrong direction as they've allowed a runner to amass > 100 yds. in 3 of the last 4 games and 2 weeks ago Ronnie Brown only missed that mark by a measley 3 yards. We also know that JP is not ready for prime time yet. So... how far does Holcomb take the team? That's tough to say when you have a defense that's a sieve and an offensive line, already a problem, an injury or two away from really bad. I do know that if this team misses the playoffs again, the GM will have a diffcult, if not impossible, task of hitting 40K season tix... especially considering the economic peril of this region. And if the team were to finish below .500, Donahoe will definitely fall out of favor with most Bills fans. There would have to be at least 2 or 3 big names through Free agency and the draft... all of which would need to be plugged in as starters or major contributuors to move this team forward and win the fans back. Then... factor in the core of the team and their ages... Fletcher, Vincent, Milloy, Moulds, Adams... all on the wrong side of 30. Two years from now, they're not going to be performing at the level they are now... and I don't see adequate replacements on the horizon. There are just too many holes right now within the team and organization to belive that this team is ready to turn the corner and join the top 25 percentile of upper echelon NFL teams... and that's what we fans deserve.

  2. jeesh... the team is 3-3 and everyone's gotta take back any truthful comment we said about Donahoe and the coaching staff? You're coming off as we've turned the corner or reached the mountain top. How ridiculous. We're freaking 3-3, going to oakland while Belichick has two full weeks to prepare for us. Jimminy crix... it's a good win, but this team is a ways away from playing with the big boys like the pats, steelers, colts, eagles. I mean, really... this defense got toasted pretty good a few times on 3rd and long by a 42 year old never was, and a receiving corps that not too many teams fear. Add to that a 32 year old running back on one wheel gashing this vaunted, hyped Bills defense for 148 yards and this team has a lot of work to do. If the coaching staff is as satisfied as you are with the Bills performance thus far, then this is as good as it gets... savour it.

  3. Great information.


    Now, I've got a question for you or anyone who has a answer. And I hope there is someone out there that could answer this. It would be interesting


    What has Mike Williams cost the Bills organization in terms of $$$ per play?


    I can't imagine any Bills player (except possibly Rob Johnson) costing the Bills so much money for so little in return. He must be the highest paid Bill. If he is the highest paid Bill, I would think the Bills mgt. would expect to 1) sell a lot of tickets off his name/performance, and 2) Expect a lot of personal services (appearences, etc.). Are they getting either 1 or 2... or neither 1 nor 2?

  4. Parrish is a match-up problem for a defense.


    how do we know that? The kid hasn't shown anything in a game. he still has to be able to get off the line of scrimmage, still has to run the right route, have the ball thrown on time and accurate, and catch the ball. Every NFL team has at least 3 cbs that are able to cover. I ain't drinkin the Roscoe koolaid just yet. He's got a lot to prove as far as I'm concerned.

  5. My plan would not include Mike Williams unless it is at the Right or left guard positions. Williams has demonstrated a lot of difficulty playing in space and staying healthy. The problem is, the Bills have made there bed with him and can't trade him becasue of his contract... it would be different if he played up to the level of his contract, but he doesn't and he doesn't even seem to want to play football.


    As I see it, Preston would be a significant upgrade over Teague... Watch the kid... he has an attitude... he's very physical and competetive. Didn't he get into it with Tim Anderson on the first Mon. night practice?


    Geisinger hasn't played much, but he has an impressive resume at LT. I'd plug him in at one of the guard positions.


    That leaves holes to fill at LT and RT. I'd say fill the LT spot in free agency or via a favorable trade and draft a RT that can be plugged in from the get go.


    Villarial or Anderson, Peteres, and Gandy can be backups. Peters deosn't seem to be a guy that can master one thing well but does a number of things well enough to deserve playing time in certain situations.

  6. a green QB that got shaken quickly


    I think you summed it up for yourself.


    If the kid can't handle get shaken quickly and dealing with it, then he's not ready. If you dumb down the offense for him, not only do you water down the talent around him (if any), you also simplified defending against the offense.


    Can't have it both ways... if you're going to exclusively go with JP than you essentially have to tank the season because the offensive impotence will not only cause frustration on the other 10 guys on offense, it will now add pressure to an already struggling defense and cause them to be on the field longer. It will also result in losing the battle of field position... especially when the Bills offense gets pinned back... the net affect is that the opposing offense will play on a short field much of the time.


    The Bills coaching staff is much better off dictating to the opposition, when they will use JP and what plays they will run, and how often they will do that.

  7. when do we need to play JP?


    It all depends...


    Is this a playoff team or not?


    If not, sure, play JP and anyone else you feel is a big part of the future of this team. But, don't set unreasonable expectations for the team and don't bullschitt the fans. You'd probably have to get rid of the long time vets that want to win now too, because they're not stupid and hate to rebuild.


    If so, then you've got to put your best 22 on the field and let it roll.


    Personally, I think this team is a "borderline" playoff team, even with Holcomb starting. I also think JP is in over his head. Sure, it's easy to say play JP. But, what about the other 10 guys around him? If they don't have the utmost confidence and trust that JP can lead them, make the right decisions, and consistently move the team, don't you run the risk of those 10 other guys having a sense of hopelessness? They may play hard, and play only to save their own jobs, but if they don't believe and have confidence that what they do is going to make a difference.... well, that's a tough environment to go to work in every day. I mean, even when the kid is protected he makes the wrong throws or misses wide open receeivers. What happened to being rewarded for playing well?


    If I were the coach, the first thing I'd do is tell Mr. Donahoe to "butt out"... and if he doesn't like it, fire me and let him coach the team. The second thing I'd do is continue to start Holcomb until Holcomb proves he's not the best option. In addition, I'd continue to give JP a certain number of plays each game that are especially designed to take advantage of certain situations for each opponent. I recall the 49ers doing this when Sam Wyche was an offensive assistant, back in 1980. They'd start DeBerg, then yank him and put Montana in for a few plays. Then go back to DeBerg, then to Montana, etc. They weren't willing to mortgage the future for the present.

  8. Dudes... I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you sound like a bunch of whiney girly men. Are you so lacking in your own self confidence that you need Randy Cross to validate your existence and your being a Bills fan? Did Randy Cross say not once or twice, but thrice how impressed he was with the Bills secondary. Did he not say the Bills secondary was the best tackling secondary in the league? Is that complimentary? Did he not talk about how powerful Willis McGahee was? No, you didn't hear that because you were too busy crying in your lattes and feeling sorry for yourselves. WTF did you want him to do besides blow in your ears all afternoon? Time to lose the nail polish and eye liner guys. Let this one go and get on with life.

  9. What did Holcomb do on the field that was different from what we saw with JP?


    He completed 76% of the passes he attempted. Throw out the penalties... if JP's in there we're not throwing the ball 26 times, and if we did, the fins would have probably picked 2 or 3. No way we take a 17-0 lead with JP at the controls.

  10. I agree Nick. For whatever reason, this team has not picked up where it left off last year. Aside from QB, LT, and LG (OK, RT if you want to count MW's injury), this offense is intact from one year ago. The defense returned 20 of 21 players from last year plus K. Thomas (injured). Pat Williams is the only one missing... besides the injured TKO, but they were a disappoinment before TKO went down. WTF is up with the D? That was the signature of this team over the past couple of years. It all begins in the middle. Sam makes two great plays then takes a couple off. They need to invest in at least two top flight DTs.


    You woulda thought after being gifted 5 turnovers and 18 penalties, that you'd have outscored your opposition by more than 6 points. This team is teetering on a thin line. Holcomb, although not spectacular, did provide a much needed spark. And, I've got to believe that Holcomb can get a little better with a couple of more starts under his belt. The question is... can the D respond way better than it has?

  11. It all starts at the top!


    I won't dispute that because you've got a very good point and facts to back it up.


    But, if I remember correctly, Teflon Tom was one of the most revered GMs on the football planet about 6-9 years ago. Even today, guys like Mortensen and Pasquarelli... highly respected reporters on the football planet, think this guy is a top fiver as a GM.


    OK, why would someone so highly regarded as Mr. Donahoe take on a job in which he doesn't have total control or one that would compromise his ethics and track record... forget what he's being paid... probably less than a coach and certainly less than Mike Williams. Maybe Ralph just makes bad choices??? He did hit it right with both Polian and Butler though... and McGroder too. Even Stew Barber did some good things. If you look from 85 on, wouldn't you agree that Ralph did a pretty good job?


    Even I thought the hiring of Donahoe was a good move at the time. I started having 2nd thoughts after the start of Williams 3rd season. When he fired Williams I sided with Donahoe, but, if you believe in what you've done with player moves and your rebuilding process is on track, then why do you go out and bring in a rookie HC to beging this process all over? In doing so, he just undid three years of reconstruction. Now we're in year 2 of the 2nd rebuild. You think Ralph did this? If so, and Donahoe is half the GM he's thought to be, why doesn't he stand up to Ralph and say it is in both of our best interests to part company, "we have phylosophycal differences"? Did he do that? No. Donahoe, for the most part, has made excellent fianancial decisions. However, he's made horrible football decisions. And this team will need another re-tooling after the season. TKO may not be the TKO we know, Moulds may have had it, Clements may not be here, Milloy, Sam, and Troy are all on the wrong side of 30, and their top backup at DE (Denney) is a FA. Unless the Bills brass accounts for this and significant upgrades to offset these factors, they're going to continue to be in deep trouble. If this team misses the playoffs this season, they will need to have one hell of a draft and free agency signing period to surpass 35K season tix for next year. Ralph won't like that.

  12. 1. I strongly believe that it is a mistake to bench Losman,....however I also believe that had Losman been the starter of this game the Bills would have lost.


    You really mean we'd have lost the game and Mularkey lost the team



    2. Either Chirs Villarial or Trey Teague will definately be gone next year. The "Duke of Preston" has played well, and I don't think he was penalized once yesterday.


    How about dispatching both and moving fat Mike to RG


    3. I like the game the Bills defensive backfield played yesterday, but folks do need to remember they were playing against Gus Freotte. The same guy that headbutted the endzone wall while with the Redskins.


    I liked the 5 TOs, but not the 7.8 yds/play


    4. Thurman needs to lay off the cheeseburgers.

    If he did that, he could not be george Foreman's double


    5. This was a very important win for the Bills. Had the Dolphins scored on that final drive, it would have been a demoralizing loss that I don't think they would have recovered from.


    So, it wasn't a mistake to bench Losman? You said it was a mistake to do that and they would have lost the game if they hadn't. Had they lost then, they would have not recovered from it. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

  13. Kip sipping the good ole Teflon koolaid boys. Keep rewarding the Teflon man for , than mediocrity and keep showing him the love. Teflon is on the clock, and the clock is counting down. Only thing to watch for now is, does Ralph go to the palace in the sky before the clock expires on Teflon.


    Just bringing reality folks. I realize you enjoy your fantasies. It's a dirty job, but someone has to bring the tough love.

  14. But... How good are the fins? Still hard to gauge the Bills progress and prognosis for a shot at the playoffs.


    Impressed, in that we got the win.


    Depressed, in that our offense averaged only 4.9 yards per play and the Fins offense averaged 7.8 yards per play. Yeah... that means our 5 turnover great defense got shredded again by an average offense... in our own house.


    I'm still waitng for that "SMASHMOUTH" offense to somehow manifest itself. 36 running plays for 99 yards... 2.75 yards/carry. Men... we gots lots of work to do. I'm afraid we're in for a long season.

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