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Posts posted by DeeRay

  1. If the Bills offense represents a car with JP being the driver, what kind of car is he driving?


    I think maybe it's an 84 Chevy with a good transmission but a bad engine running on 4 out 8 of cylinders and a rusted out frame and doors... and some cracked windows.


    If you're Tom Donahoe, JP is like his teenage son. Do you think Tom's gonna give him the keys to his new Lexus? Nope. Let him learn on his sisters 84 Chevy. When he learns to drive, then maybe Tom will let him drive the Lexus.


    I knew Tom had a vision... once JP learns to be a good QB he will reward him with an offensive line.

  2. It was pretty low for the USA Today, in front sports page article on struggling AFC East, to write "...J.P. Losman (pronounced "Loss-man")...". Give the guy a break! It's bad enough all the second guessing for a new QB, now they stoop to making cracks on his name mad.gif


    JP is really a nice guy, unlike me. So, what has JP done for us lately?

  3. Many are talking about running MM & Co out of town. I guess we have not learned. Let's look at the list of loser coaches that were run out of Buffalo because they supposedly sucked. How are they doing now?


    Well, what would you suggest? Should we demote MM to OC and bring in a new HC?


    Should we forget this "smashmouth", "physical", talk and then we pass as much or more than we run? For once, wouldn't you like to just see what might happen if we play smash mouth for 10 or 12 consecutive plays?


    It ain't all Mularkey's fault. He's just Teflon Tom's kevlar vest. Mularkey inherited a team he had virtually no hand in designing. But, Mularkey's likely to be the first one to go... that's just the the way bidness in the NFL is.

  4. *Under..It will be 30-3 Dolphins up by half time and the stadium will be empty.You will be in the parking lot breaking off the Phins license plates that you come across..Good Job..Classy.


    Oh no... not me, that would be illegal. I don't want to go to jail and be some bad man's boyfriend.

  5. Where the hell did you ever get the idea that Wade's team quit? I never bared witness to that.


    Wade's problem is he didn't place a high priority on special teams and never personally got involved with them. That, plus he was unwilling to step in and take control of internal player strife. Other than that, he did very well with the players that he was given.

  6. Either one... it makes no difference. It is not a complicated game. He who controls the line of scrimmage controls the game (provided you don't turn the ball over... which, of course goes without saying).


    Obviously to play on the line you must have the size and some degree of athleticism. You must also have a mentality, and from there develop a synergy/chemistry. Pick 5 guys that have the attiitude and the will to get the job done. 5 guys that take pride in their craft enough to live in the film room, the weight room, and love to practice as well as play on Sunday. Add a position coach that knows something and one who his linemen hate to disappoint and this combination wins championships.

  7. Good point. Every time JP drops back to throw he draws even more criticism and, in a way is digging a deeper hole. The last time I looked, JP completed every handoff to McGahee that he attempted. Perhaps if you say you're going to be a physical smash mouth offense, you ought to walk that talk. If they're going to continue going with JP, it's got to be 3 yards and a cloud of rubber powder. TD's made his bed, now we've got to lay in it.

  8. Not wise....and why TD has been a failure to date. Too much money on the periphery, not enough on the core.


    Unbelievable! Someone that actually knows a little something.


    I wonder if Teflon Tom would build his home without a foundation. Well, Year 5 of the Teflon Tom regime and his team is built without a foundation. You build your team beginning with the the front 5 on offense and the front four on defense. There is not one player on the offensive line that is close to pro bowl calibre. In fact, I'd put them all in the journeymen category. Mike Williams is easily the most disappointing 1st round pick since Walt Patulski. If the Bills can't get rid of him for salary reasons, maybe thay ought to move him inside where he's covered up. The kid hasn't played a full season yet. On the defensive front, kelsay, Schobel, Denney are average. Sam Adams is a lazy, fat role player who doesn't even play half of the defensive plays and a player that is rendered totally ineffective if there's not a better than average tackle next to him, ie John Randall, Tony Siragusa, Pat Williams.

  9. not that he's good -- he's not, really


    Must be Tom didn't get the memo when he let Pat walk. I'll bet that he thought he could plug Ron right in there. Imagine that, Ron couldn't pick up the slack. I mean, how would have Tom known that... Ron's been around for 3 plus years and has lit it up. What an easy mistake to make.


    Whoda thunk it... return 20 of your top 21 defenders from one year ago and the number two defense in the NFL goes down the tubes. Must be Tom didn't watch the tape either.

  10. Dont blame TD for not hiring Marvin Lewis: Ralph Wilson refused to pay the going rate for a head coach. Remember Greg williams salary was 800,000.000 - he now makes 1.8 million as an assistant. In the salary cap era where talent is equalized and coaching means everything, multi multi millionaire and wanna be hall of famer ralph wilson was squeezing nickels by refusing to pay the going rate for a head coach. This after the NFL sanctioned him for refusing to pay the last year of Wade Phillips contract - a whopping 750,000.00 - This from a guy who paid 100,000 for a franchise now worth 400 million.


    Money certainly is one component. But an even bigger component is having control over one's destiny. As long as Teflon Tom is in charge, the HC won't be in control and will have little control of who he can bring in and who he can get rid of. I thought Ralph was smarter than that... or maybe he doesn't care about Ws and Ls anymore... just the bottom $$$ line.

  11. This team stinks!!


    However, the coach may stink too, but I can’t blame him because he has very little control of the players on the roster. I can just imagine MM trying to pull something like Nolan did list week, telling Winborn to pack up in leave. In fact, this reminded me of the Ruben Brown incident of a couple of years ago. GW probably wanted to send Ruben packing, but couldn’t … but it ultimately happened and the Bills still had to swallow whatever cap implications there were. Can you imagine a Bill Parcells, Bill Cowher, Dick Vermeil, Bill Belechik, or other experienced HC not having almost total control over their roster? Until the coach is given this type of control over the roster, you can expect this team to continue on the same path it’s headed… NOWHERE!


    This is not a team that GW built, this is not even a team that MM built. These two guys exist only to take the bullets for one of the biggest phonies this organization has ever seen the likes of. What’s worse is, he’s pulled the wool over Ralph’s eyes. And, you know whom I speak of.

  12. If Teflon Tom is the best the bills can do, then it's sad. Perhaps Ralph likes puppets. Afterall, Ralph did fire the best GM the Bills ever had... and the only one with any balls whatsoever... Mr. Polian.


    There were guys out ther like Vin Ceratto, Phil Savage, Randy Mueller that would have done as good or better than Teflon. But then again... would Ralph butt out or even keep a good GM?

  13. Not to take this analogy too far, but calls for TD's head remind me of many who have called for Jim Boeheim's head over the years. My response always was, OK, and replace him with who? Who is better?


    Please... comparing Teflon Tom to one of the 10 best alltime college BB coach and hall of famer is not only blatently stupid, it's an insult. There ain't no one in the galaxy that could have accomplished what he has in the past 29 years in a venue such as Syracuse.

  14. DiCesare, Sullivan, and the rest of the gang at Buffalo News thrive on misery, much like posters here on the Stadium Wall. They love nothing more than to turn the knife. I seem to recall some similar columns written after the Bills started 0-4, and how Bledsoe was washed up!


    The great thing about being a writer is no one remembers what you wrote last week.




    or perhaps they perfer reality to fantasy. It's much easier to ignore the facts and believe that Teflon's record is 50-17 as opposed to what it really is and that the Bills are 3-0 rather than 1-2.

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