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Posts posted by DeeRay

  1. Well... after getting gashed for 500 yards on the ground in the past two weeks, the thought of the Bills defense going up against Duece McCallister (or even Duece Bigelow for that matter) does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling. As far as scoring 20 points? Can Lindell nail 7 field goals? Cuz JP aint gonna do it with his arm, and I'm pretty sure the Saints know that and they also know that #21 is their only threat.

  2. You failed to state that MM said...


    "we are trying to strike a balance here. Third downs are important on both sides of the ball, thus we have our third down packages on defense as well. Since our third down efficiency on defense is above 50%, we are trying to achieve that kind of success with the offense. We're not there yet, but with fresh 3rd down players will will get there."

  3. And please feel free to expand on his list of positive moves and also list the negative moves he made (which I neglected)... also, I'm talking about moves which **most** people here would agree were good or bad, not ones based on personal feelings


    How bout 28-39 over the last 67 contests?


    And some posters feel we're mediocre. Sorry folks, we're just not quite there yet. He's still challenging the team to achieve adequacy.

  4. TD's biggeest screw-up in my opinion was chooising GW as HC


    What really exposed Teflon Tom for what he truly is, was after 3 years of rebuilding, and in the end firing GW, instead of using a logical and conventional approach by hiring an experienced HC and moving forward, he goes ahead and hires an in experienced coach, who was about to be fired by Cowher anyway. Not only does a rookie HC have to join the team in the middle of a rebuilding program and cut his own teeth, but, in truth begin rebuilding again. In the meantime he has to live with the schmucks that Teflon Tom has brought in... ie. Bledsoe, Teague, Williams, Wire, Pucillo, Sape, Sobieski, Shaw, etc. Jury is still out on Malarkey... but one thing that seems to becoming a pattern with him is slow starts. The jury is in on Teflon though, and he has more than lived down to his reputation.

  5. Yeah... Didn't we get rid of Rusty for another "Pittsburgh Buddy". Also, did you notice that Mularky's new "t shirt look" is mirroring the Pittsburgh coaches? It's amazing how the Steelers continue to produce a good product minus "Ol' Whitey" while we appear to be in shambles.


    Now you're stoking my fire when you mention Teflon Tom. Are you trying to get me in trouble? or, are you trying to get in trouble. The mere incinuation that Teflon Tom is less than God almighty is going to cause a lot of poo to be flung our way. Get your poo headgear on... it's a comin.

  6. Maybe the worst off season loss for the Bills was Rusty Jones. It seems like the whole team is out of shape. Ithought last week was an aberation, but after this week's debacle, I'm concerned. First Villarial winded, then McGahee... Hell, it aint like the offense was on the field for long periods of time. I long for the good old days when men were men, Thermal, Cribbs, and OJ played pratically every down. This organization talks about having a physical presence and toughness... Well, I've got one message for them...


    "JUST STFU AND LET YOUR ACTIONS SPEAK SO LOUD THAT WE CAN"T HEAR YOU. " "Stop babying these pussies and maybe they'll become men"


    Sorry folks... just getting tired of the spin doctors that pervade OBD.

  7. The Bills get a pass this year, but if they miss the playoffs next year, in YEAR 6 of the TD master plan, I'd have to question TD's effectiveness as GM of the Bills.


    In year 6 there is not likely to be a Moulds, Clements, Teague, the Takeo we knew, and Adams. So now that we need reinforcement in those areas, not to mention the rest of the holes to plug, how do you see year 6 being appreciably different than years 1-5? At what point do we admit that Teflon was the biggest mistake, in terms of building a winner?

  8. JP is the best chance for our future. We may go 6-10 with JP and 7-9 with Holcomb this year. We could have gone 8-8 with Drew. So what. None of those equal playoffs. But which is most valuable? What does that mean for next year, or the year after that? You have to have faith.


    I agree that JP is the future... The problem is, you're not going to see a quantum leap in JPs performance from now through the end of the year. It's gonna be baby steps if he stays in. That is going to take it's toll on the players around him. If they're not already, they're going to become frustrated. The defense has their problems too, and the offensive impotence is going to frustrate the defense too after a while. Then, you've got to wonder how long before MM loses the players if that happens. You certainly don't want the team to turn on JP at this point either. If you play Holcomb, you can at least temper that frustration some, plus you can work JP in the mix situationally instead of totally overwhelming the poor guy. Holcomb is the type of guy that would buy in to that philosophy too.

  9. It was painful to sit at the game yesterday and watch, what we all thought was, a top notch defense melt down for the 2nd consecutive week. There was plenty of blame to go around though... JP was just awful... and it wasn't all of the Oline's fault. JP was about 2/3 of the problem. He looked like he was in over his head.


    So, if the stragtegy was for the Bills to rely on their defense to hold offenses from scoring and put absolutely no pressure on JP to win the game for them, then, based on the defenses' inability to do that, then doesn't this strategy have to go out the window. Now we know the defense is average, at best ,and the offense must score to have any chance at a "w". We know too, that if the offense needs to score points, it ain't gonna happen with JP at the helm. He's just not ready for prime time.


    So, what happened to this team that was on the cusp of making the playoffs last year?

    The two biggest things that I see are...


    1) Willingly allowing Pat Williams to walk and not brining in a suitable replacement for him. You cannot be soft in the middle and have a top notch defense... it just won't happen. And up the gut is where the Bills have a huge hole and offenses are going to exploit that. I'm sorry, but Edwards is, and always will be, a career underachiever, Bannon is a journeyman at best, Sape has been with the Bills for 3 years and struggles just to make the active list, and Anderson... must have been pancaked about 5 times yesterday and there's nothing evident to make anyone believe he's anything but backup fodder. Sam Adams is a 34 or 35 year old fat slob who occaisionally makes a play.... thus the importance of having an impact DT right next to him... otherwise, Sam is useless. I believe the rest of the defense is solid, regardless whether or not TKO is done. But, the soft middle is undoing the Bills and injuries to the LBs and safties will probably follow until this is shored up and these guys protected by the guys up front.


    2) Annointing JP as the starter from day one. I agree with the decision to dispatch Bledsoe. This team went as far as it could with him. But to throw, essentially, a rookie in as a starter, totally unchallenged was a huge gaffe. At the very least, there should have been an open competition and the best guy starts. I'm sorry, but if JP is the best QB on this team right now, what does that say for Holcomb and Matthews?



    So, what do you think is the problem? Either the talent is not as good as we were led to believe or the coaches are not very good? Which is it?

  10. The comments he made (with which I disagree) should have been made privately or within the team. It did not show good judgment to make them publicly. The only reason that I can think of why he did it publicly was (as one reported intimated yesterday) that he wanted to deflect criticism away form someone else.


    i don't think you can paint every situation with the same brush. coaches do this a lot ... parcells made a living off of it and got away with it. the players seem to like malarkey. he's a straight shooter. it's easy for us on the outside looking in to say it was a bad move. but the players around mcgahee may, and probably did, see it the same way as malarkey and probably respected him for calling mcgahee out in public. mcgahee has not been the same player as he was last year... and since he's almost 3 years removed from his knee injury, the expectaions are higher than before. maybe he's gotten too comfortable. last year at this time he was trying to get playing time and had to work to get it. this year is different. he's the man and he doesn't have to look over his shoulder like henry did. the bills face a lot of 8 man fronts, so mcgahee is going to have to deal with it if he expects to be regarded in the upper echelon of the league. jamaal lewis deals with the 8 man fronts all the time and is succesful. the ravens have no passing game to speak of. mcgahee and the rest of the team need to "kick it up a notch". right now, the weight of this offense seems to be on the shoulders of jp, and it shouldn't. 9 of the other 10 guys on offense, mcgahee included, have had at least two or more years of nfl experience... so it's time they stepped up to the plate... especially mcgahee... he's supposed to be the big star, so show us the yardage.

  11. You must really miss the old 45s because they were the only other thing in this world could skip and repeat itself as much as you do. dry.gif


    LA... I'd appreciate it if you'd just "bite me" You've told me that 200 times already. You gotta problem with me or that I gotta problem with Donahoe?


    Either way... when I post something, how bout you just hit the ignore button or or simply STFU!!!


    You don't like me.... and I really don't care for you and what you think.

  12. Jim Kelly was 4-12 in his first year.


    He, and the Bills, turned out pretty damn good.


    Reality check third line.




    I don't know what this has to do with JP. One can't just toss a statement like that out there. Kelly came in in 86. His head coach was fired after 4 or 5 games. So Levy then came in and essentially began an evaluation period and then began rebuilding the team the following season. I also believe it was only Polian's 2nd season as GM. Kelly didn't have Thermal or Davis behind him... or a very good defense at that time either.


    I believe JP will turn out OK too. It will take more than just JP though, and I have serious doubts (actually, zero confidence) that Donahoe has the ability to bring this team anywhere near to where the Bills were under Polian and Levy. And even Butler-Phillips, for that matter. Look where Polian was after 4 years and look where Donahoe is. Yeah... it's a different era with the salary cap now.... so, OK, where is Polian after 4 years with the Colts and where is Teflon Tom after 4 years with the Bills? Advantage Polian (big time). Which team has a better salary cap siituation? Advantage Bills (big time). Which team has a better shot at a SB title this season??????????????

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