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Everything posted by Gman10

  1. Any updates on the Dolphins injury report?
  2. Even tho Miami is 7-1? At home, I like that this is a rainy, night game
  3. In his house fire pic his foot was in a boot
  4. I just came here to ask about Ty. Is he playing??
  5. If we win 2 seed, we get home field until the AFC championship, correct? Then if the Ravens make it we go there...or if they don't we stay in Buffalo? No?
  6. I believe there can be fixed games, or players/refs in deep with some wrong people.
  7. Correct me if Im wrong, but someone told me the Ravens rested some guys either last year or the year before and in that short time became rusty.
  8. If they have no Mostert or Waddle we are in good shape. Is Hill back??
  9. Brady faced tougher competition tho. Also he took the position mid season, has to be difficult
  10. What would you like to see Brady do more of? How much of this is his coaching decision versus our guys not performing to their max ability?
  11. Im a newer football fan so Im curious here 1. Isn't Brady kinda young and doing a pretty good job? Aka has a lot of time to improve (on the job training lets say) 2. Wouldn't you say Allen/ the offensive just wasn't completing the passes. But the plays were kind of there? 3. what strategy would you like to see against the Fins?
  12. You would assume they rest the starters. The question is can the B team beat the Steelers?
  13. Dolphins are 6-1? At home...but they have only beaten one team with a winning record all year (Cowboys) It should be a tough game, but Im reading a lot of Dolphins are banged up from the Ravens game?
  14. So what happens if the bills lose next week, the Steelers go one and one and the Bengals lose out? Don't we still make the playoffs in that scenario? Why are all those guys off the Dolphins?
  15. We only really need one team to win, don't we?
  16. Lol watch that video. Im just messing around...ya'll need to lighten up a bit..this is the internet after all! BTW, great username!
  17. Lol, no. Im saying thats how I felt. Relax its a forum and we are just shooting the ***** no hard feelings
  18. Thats the point...no money involved...can you imagine if big money is in. You never know who owns crazy money to crazy people etc
  19. Because you don't wanna believe it, I feel you. I felt the same way when I was 8 and found out about the WWE. You don't think its "odd" he clearly spoke to refs, kinda "odd" they never tried to tie it etc. This isn't the first time some really odd, "interesting" calls come into play
  20. Going full circle, watch this video...I totally believe its atleast "influenced"
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