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Everything posted by PBF81

  1. Nothin' like a recently signed $13M/season player sitting on the bench.
  2. And one of his worst in the PAC-12 CG. Yes. In the latter he was the 5th leading receiver on his own team, and 9th in the game contributing next to nothing in that game. USC had a horrible pass D in a conference that is hardly known for it's defense, which is why I'm not a fan of offensive players from the PAC-12. None of Kincaid's top 4 games were against anything but teams ranked near the bottom in pass D. One was against Southern Utah, a nothing FCS team. Neither were most of his other games. He did nothing impressive in those. Do with that info what you will, but look at his gamelogs. We'll see whether he translates well to the speed of the NFL. I have doubts. Hope he does, but I have doubts.
  3. Fair points. So you're saying that Kincaid is as good as those two then?
  4. But making it more relevant is that he isn't known for his speed which can't be coached up. He played against second tier talent in college. We'll have to wait and see how that impacts his play at this level. I have strong doubts.
  5. I will add that of those, Pitts was on pace for a mere 600 yards and 3 TDs last season had he played all 17. Hockinson has averaged about 450 & 4.5 TDs per season. It's questionable whether he was worth a 1st round pick, as he wasn't worth an 8th overall. Whether Pitts was worth a 4th overall remains to be seen. Otherwise not a one in that batch was worth a 1st round pick and all have underachieved. Kincaid faces am uphill battle. Also, one ball, and Diggs, Davis, Shakira, Sherfield, Hasty, Knox, & Kincaid.
  6. Diggs disappeared in four of our last five playoff games. He gets paid way too much to do that. The blocking appears to be on track for improvement. The question is by how much and whether it will be enough.
  7. Don't overrated Harris, but that aside, what would it be that prevents that potential from becoming reality? Do t overrated Harris, some of his best games were against us, but he's been a pretty average RB at best.
  8. This is Beane's mess due to his incompetence and McD is going to pay the price. They created it, they're responsible for making it work. I fail to see how it's avoidable that our D is significantly worse this year, perhaps even very average. The good news is that offense carries teams in this league. ... and when Klein is the voted leading solution ... LOL
  9. How do you know that our LBs still don't suck apart from Milano? Most have already been on the team and haven't been good. I'm expecting a serious regression in our defense this season. All I did was quote the comment.
  10. What? And BTW, do you have any idea how many times ALL of the so-called experts are completely wrong regarding draft picks? Most of the "experts" merely recycle others' analyses. No one has the kind of time to spend hours reviewing hundreds of draftees in the kind of detail that's required. That's why I only do them after the draft typically. I only care about our picks.
  11. Not really, Beane & Co. is notorious for talking out of his ass. He's said a lot of things that didn't happen. Himes, Cook, etc. Not looking to pick a fight, but I'm confident in my assessments. I was one of the few that thought that Oliver was overrated for example. I made it clear that Zay Jones would be a bust. So bust on me all you like, I'm the one that has to be happy with my own thoughts. You can ignore them as you wish. If you merely want to troll me and pick a fight, I'm really not interested. Good back-n-forth discussion I'm good with. How many times have I said we'll have to wait and see? I thin that's more than fair, sorry you do not share that view and have to be right instead w/o any proof.
  12. I feel better now that we've drafted Torrence. I would argue that Kincaid won't get many starts, ... unless he's our slot WR, but that'd be a different role than TE. They're not going to bench Knox in his favor, and I simply don't see us running a lot of 2-TE sets. I can see it at times, but not regularly. We'll see. But he's a small school TE that played a whole lot of low-end defenses, we'll see how well that translates to the speed and size of the NFL. Gee thanks! Those guys talk out of their asses all the time, it's what they get paid to do, talk and get views. If you do your own detailed analysis like I do, then I'd trust your opinion over theirs any day. As to knowledge and experience, I have quite a bit and trust and confidence my analyses and assessments. I won't render opinions if I haven't done those analyses. We are in full agreement on Dorsey, it's definitely concerning until further notice.
  13. BTW, one could easily spin that otherwise. Playing devil's advocate, and for the purposes of discussion, ... To all the people who voted yes, ... do you hate having a reliable defense and one that doesn't shut down in the playoffs, or an OL that can't keep the heat off in the playoffs? See how easy it is. As well, as if "voting yes" even matters. The entire board was gaga when we drafted Oliver and couldn't stop talking about he was going to singlehandedly revolutionize the defense. How'd that work out for us in the storm of popular opinion? Same for Rousseau to a lesser extent, and everyone went absolutely nuts over Zay Jones too. It's easy to say things now, but back then the opinions and "votes" were the same. Again, how'd that work out for us. So how about simply waiting and seeing. Either way, Kincaid is hardly the end-all-to-be-all selection. That's fair, but how about Harrison? He'd have been an equally solid pick. Or simply trading down, we don't know whether anyone was willing to trade-up. I doubt that we ever will. Either way, we presently have only one starting caliber LB. What if Milano goes down with an injury, for several games much less the rest of the season? Then what? Do you really have confidence in our LBs? I don't, none whatsoever after Milano. And the OL, OK, so we got McGovern, and there's mixed reviews there, but that's about it as Morse ages out and our Ts approach contracts. I don't think that Beane is a great planner and he should be counting his lucky stars every single night that he has Allen. I doubt he'd still be here if we had drafted Rosen.
  14. Or maybe they just thought that we needed OL or a starting LB since we only have one good one instead. Why does everyone have to be right about everything? Can't things just be a discussion?
  15. That's a tangent. Point being people here were all gaga about him too and his gawdy collegiate numbers. Sometimes you have to look at how they were amassed. That's the job of the scouts, if they fail to do so it's at their own risk. Look at how rookie TEs typically perform, even the most highly rated ones. I simply don't see him making a significant rookie impact, and that's if they even use him and if they do whether the use him to utilize his skillset as best that they can. Look what they did with Himes, signed him, blathered on about a receiving RB that would "open things up," and then hardly any opportunities to do that, and it had nothing at all to do with his abilities, because he's quite capable. I simply think that everyone's expectations are far too high for him. Beane needed to knock one out of the park. I"ve never said that Kincaid isn't or won't be good, but that I doubt he'll be a significant difference maker, and for a team weak on the OL and currently two LBs short of a full set, it was a luxury pick. They should have gone Harrison. We'll see what happens, but if Allen doesn't have the protection again and our running game isn't any better, then Beane's going to have nowhere to hide now. I mean how many seasons of leaning on Allen to cover-up all of his miscues in the drafts can he have? What, he's a cat with 9 lives like that or something. Either way, all I was saying originally was that fan opinion here doesn't matter a hill of beans as to how things play out. All we do is discuss, bicker, argue, etc. each other. LOL But looking back over the past, my expectations for a rookie TE coming out of the PAC-12 aren't high.
  16. So was Zay Jones as I recall. The hype was off the charts on him. Again, we'll see. Nothing is guaranteed except that he doesn't play OL or LB.
  17. Actually, re: Rousseau that's not true. Look at his game logs. His best game was vs. Miami and he petered out after an early start. Someone a while back said that as soon as Miller went out he began trending downward, but it happened before that. He came out of the gates swinging for the first 4 games than played like JAG. We'll see on Cook, he's never even approached carrying the ball full-time, and while he got more carries, about twice as many, in the 2nd half of the season, he was still a role player. Whether or not the team lets him shake that is up to Dorsey I suppose. I'd like to see what he can do. Then again, they brought in Himes and never used him as they said they would when they traded for him. Our problems are more coaching than anything else.
  18. Does he have a paddleball? I would love to see Brown come back and entirely disrupt some team's chemistry in the AFC that has playoff ambitions and potential, and watch him make 20 times the scene than he's worth as he puts up 350 receiving yards and a pair of TDs in meaningless games at the age of 35. It would be even better if fans from visiting teams would laugh at him every time his name is announced.
  19. Entusiasm runs high this time of year. I remember the euphoria over Oliver and how he was the next Aaron Donald, and Cook last year, that he wouldn't just be another role player, yet many were hoping for a RB and still are in rounds 2 or 3. And Rousseau. We'll see what happens, but rookie TEs typically don't make an immediate impact. I'm not sure how many more years Beane and McD have left before cries for their replacements begin to surface. For now talk is cheap and the sky's the limit. Time will tell as it always does. But going by popular opinion here is meaningless.
  20. No excuses for Beane or McD this year either. If this Draft ends up producing no more than Beane's last four and if McD can't get us past the Divisional Round while playing competitively against whomever's in the AFC CG then the tough questions there need to be addressed as well.
  21. Well, we'll see, nothing you or I say will change anything. But TEs rarely put up impact numbers as rookies and if we regress this season both Beane and McD are going to be on the hotseat. As to the rest, what happens in the regular season has not been our problem, it's been our playoff performances. The receivers (and TEs) that we have, have largely come up empty in the playoffs other than against bubble playoff teams, Diggs included if not especially, our moneyman seems to disappear come playoff time. So I'm not sure how throwing another TE into the mix is going to alter that. The other thing is that I realize that euphoria is high right now, but we need to look at history as our guide, not simply If's and But's. If Kincaid posts 500 yards and 4 or 5 TDs that'll be on the high end for rookie TEs in his style. That's not enough of an impact to keep Beane from suffering a rash of backlash following the season. Let's see what our late 2nd and 3rd round picks yield, but it's doubtful, particularly given Beane's track record, that we'll be adding impact players this season there, which is what is needed, Beane needed to hit an A+/homerun draft in terms of laying down some impact play from our rookies this season, and so far that's not the case. There was a lot more hope that players like Watkins, Spiller, Zay Jones, and even Cook would provide that kind of impact. Again, we will see, but now is the time for talk, and hope, whether rooted in reality or not, I get it.
  22. The roof thing was a joke. No argument with what you said, my issue is with our priorities. Our OL still needs help and Dorsey's still Dorsey. Everything everyone is saying assumes two things, that Dorsey will use him properly, or at all, and that he'll make the kind of impact that we need in the playoffs. I'm not seeing either. We haven't been choking in the playoffs for a lack of WRs, in fact, or money man Diggs has been horrible in the playoffs considering generally speaking. We've been choking because our D sucks in them and our OL gets manhandled. Right now we only know one starting LB for sure. Our D doesn't appear to have improved, it appears to have regressed. I don't mind the pick per se, I simply don't think that is going to provide the boost that we're looking for our to keep the heat off of Beane & McD. Our primary weaknesses still exist. After that, if that men v. boys status, the incredibly soft competition, and one-year wonder status are overcome, them we shall see. I'm still not seeing more than 500 or so yards & 4 or 5 TDs coming from him. I'm not sure that's what everyone's envisioning and it's not the kind of impact we need right now. These statements of he's just like Kelce also concern me, for several reasons. What do you think he'll put up this year? Again, time will tell. Nothing that you or I say will change a thing. 🙂
  23. He's pissed that we're not getting a roof too.
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