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Fla Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Fla Bills Fan

  1. Several factors make the Bills future situation tricky, the largest one being Ralph's age and the impending estate tax when he passes away. The government applies a 50% estate tax upon death on any assets exceeding 1.5 million.  If the franchise is valued at 637 million then Ralph would owe 317 million dollars to uncle Sam on just the Bills franchise. That figure does not even include Ralph's other assets which I'm sure are pretty substantial.


    Now I'm sure Ralph took a lot of this hit into account with his attorney and planed accordingly. Loop holes can be found to protect assets from the government, I'm also pretty confident he has a substantial amount of insurance to help off set the estate tax.


    Regardless of the how well Ralph did his estate planing the sheer magnitude of the estate tax he will face leads me to believe his daughter will be forced to sell the team.  What we have going for us is a profitable franchise and a good fan base, and if his daughter can find a buyer who agrees to keep the team in Buffalo we will be fine. I'm sure his daughter will try and honor Ralph's legacy by searching for a buyer who would make this arrangement.


    The problem arises if she can't find a buyer that agrees to keep the team in Buffalo. Remember she will be forced to sell the team to pay the estate tax, if she can only find a buyer that wishes to relocate she will be forced to make that deal. It's really not a matter of her intentions, it's a matter of the buyers intentions. The future basically comes down to one simple factor, the person that buys the team when Ralph passes away must want to keep the team in Buffalo. 


    As a side note I am not an attorney and don't know the specifics of Ralph's estate planing, however I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.


    I'm not an attorney either but I think the tax law is about to change -hope Ralph stays alive long enough. LONG LIVE RALPH!
  2. OK, so let me ask you this.......


    The defense again gave up a big play late in the game for a TD.  And if the correct call was made on the  Lee Evans catch (something all of you guys whine about every week), the Jets have the ball with plenty of time to score the winning TD late in the game.  Seems like the refs MAYBE bailed us out of a situation that we all know we have screwed up more than one time this year.




    We'll see if there is progress or not this week.  We don't even have to win the game, but just look competitive.


    You are full of BS The refs did nothing for us. If You saw the game Evans made the catch. If you have TIVO you could replay it - It clearly shows both feet inbounds. A WIN IS A WIN PERIOD.
  3. but for every 10 yarder he breaks, he gets buried at the line, or in the backfield once or twice.  that's why his average sucks. 


    this, of course, is not an indictment of mcgahee, but of our pathetic o-line.


    will donohoe EVER wake up and improve the line???  i don't see that exchanging one mediocre guard for another (reuben for villarrial) really made much of an impact...the impact has been all mcgahee.


    I think that will happen this off season
  4. DONT SHOOT THE MESSENGER...got this froma nother site

    "Add the Bills to the short list of teams being mentioned as relocation candidates for Los Angeles. They join the Vikings and the Saints. Scratch the Colts, who are close to a deal with the city of Indianapolis for a retractable-roof stadium."

    -- Philadelphia Daily News




    I think an expansion team goes to LA. All the owners will get $ instead of just the one moving.
  5. You guys don't state the obvious.


    Teams haven't been throwing the jailbreak at him and the line is being more physical in the running game.  Yet, I am still leery of them when it comes to simple pass protection.  They have difficulty blocking just 5 rushers at times.


    When other teams start blitzing alot more you will see the usual breakdowns and mistakes plague this team once again.


    If the Bills continue to run the ball other teams won't be blitzing much.
  6. we will be lucky to get a low 3rd or 4th for Henry. we are tremendously over valuing him here on this board.


    he did nothing in the Jets game when he spelled Willis. he has no, lost his, vision. can't get outside, gets hurt etc.


    he does play hurt and can run through an inside hole. that's about it.


    maybe we find a dummy GM that doesn't understand that we need to trade him and will take what we can get. maybe then we get a 2nd but the stars have to align for that to happen.


    let's be realsitic 3rd or more likely 4th.


    If we can't get a 2nd I say we keep him.
  7. Maybe we should put a dress on him so people won't hit him as hard!?


    Look, there is an old saying: play with your head on a swivel.  Moorman did not do that and paid the price.  Jordan could have hit him even harder than he did.  Moorman was breaking down on the sideline to make a tackle.  No way Jordan should have to make some split-second decision about which position he plays and then gauge based on that how hard he should hit him.  If your going to play with the big boys, you've got to be aware and prepared to be hit.


    No way that was a cheap shot!


    If you have TIVO look at the replay. He was clearly hit from behind - a cheap shot! should have been a penalty.
  8. No it wasn't.  Moorman stuck his nose into the action and was a potential tackler.  The hit was from in-front, before the play was over, and clean.  It was a good hit and thankfully Moorman is none the worse for wear, although I could have sworn he had to have a concussion with that goofy grin he had on his face.


    The hit came from the rear -side should have been a penalty for block from the back.
  9. You say that you should go with the proven veteran, instead of with a 2nd year player who has only played a few games (albeit good ones). By that logic, Belichick made a mistake when he chose to give Bledsoe's starting role to Brady. Travis Henry is our Drew Bledsoe. And Drew Bledsoe? He's our Drew Bledsoe too.


    Great reply! I'm still laughing- "And Drew Bledsoe? He's our Drew Bledsoe too" I will say Bledsoe played his best game of the year today - lets hope with the O-line improvement he keeps it up. As for Willis fumbling - did you see the play Donny Abraham tried to strip the ball from him?
  10. A fine game. I do hope Williams is okay.....he has been playing well the last few weeks.


    Funny how a little time helps. People were ragging on McNally & the O line, questioning his coaching - looks like all they needed was a little more time to jell. Mike said in the preseason this team will improve as the season goes on.
  11. Good.  Let those wagoneers slink under their manhole covers.


    Two of the funniest guys on the sidelines are right there in your home state:  Chucky and Wanny.  Their expressions are MasterCard PRICELESS!


    There is a world of difference between Chucky & Wanny. I moved to Fl before Sat T.V. I had a choice to watch Tampa or Miami. This was when Miami had a good team & Tampa sucked. I could never be a fin fan, so I watched a lot of ugly Buc football. I was finally rewarded when Gruden & the Bucs won the Superbowl. Chucky did not become stupid overnight. The Bucs have had a lot of injuries & the McCardell hold out, which really hurt them. They are starting to put it together, & I think they will finish the season strong, as will Buffalo.
  12. KDog, I'm sorry but we have to expect MORE than that!  We should EXPECT playoffs each year. We should expect to beat NE at home and ALL teams with winning records.


    Man there was a time we throught we could be ANYONE.  that is where I want to get back to.  Now fans are happy with beating two teams with 3 wins between them????


    I'm sorry, it makes me sick. Fans need to send a message to RW to get this ship righted.  65K in the stands is a start. Next week 55K. The next home game 45K. THAT will get RW's attention. It's the only thing that ever has!


    I would love to expect playoffs every year. So would every fan for every team in the league. It is not that easy. Look at the Bucs 2-5 & Panthers 1-6 The key to making the playoffs is a little luck, no injuries, & beating teams you should beat. By the way, AZ thought they should beat us before the game started.I feel sorry for you, if you can't take any pleasure from this win.
  13. directv highlights are under the showcases section.  If you don't have them, try channel 586 or somewhere around there.  I believe that's where they're downloaded from.  If you can't view that, i don't know what to tell you...  do a phone update and wait till tomorrow.


    I did not get any highlights, so I called DTV. You need ch581 & 582 on your channels you receive. The Games are downloaded from Midnight untill 6am.If you don't have it by 6am, you don't get it. Another DTV note- My DVR was ruined by a faulty software download.(3.01D) I called DTV & they sent me a new DVR for free, but it was defective. I called again & they sent another, but this one had cosmetic damage. They sent a 3rd which also had cosmetic damage. At this point they told me they would not send any more. I spoke to a supervisor & she told me I could go buy my own & they would issue me a credit for the amount it cost & gave me $10 off my bill for 6months. I bought an RCA from Circuit City for $100.

    It has 70 hours record time- my old Samsung & the replacements they sent were only 35 hours. SWEET.

  14. I don't know I'm kinda tore on this issue.  I feel strongly that it's still a little premature to call TD a genius or this a good trade.  When Travis is long gone and Willis plays great (for 16 nfl games) or even as good as Henry has in the past couple years, then I'll agree with the trade.  But for now it still remains to be seen.  Don't get me wrong I'm a Willis fan 100% I just feel it's early.  However if JP is half of what everyone is hyping him up to be then TD is a genius in my book.  With in the next 2 to 3 years the Bills are going to be something to watch for years to come.  We just have to say bye bye to Drew and fix the oline asap (hopefully this off season).


    I think The pick of WM was the right one at the time, even if he is never as good as he could have been prior to the injury. If TD did not take him, I think another team would have before the 2nd round. His upside potential is tremendous, and we still got the player we wanted in round 2.
  15. God, some of you guys want to blow a wad of FA money on defense, when what we need to do is get O-linemen next year. If the offense could score at least 1 more TD a game. we'd be 4-0.


    We will have to see who is available in free agency. Unlikley any outstanding o-linemen will be. My opinion is go after the best available O or D.
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