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Posts posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I flew from Buffalo to DC without photo ID....I forgot it at home....took a while to get through security, but they still let me fly


    This is true. In 2003 my grandma flew without a photo ID. They just make you go through the extra security screening.


    Do you think kids have photo IDs?

  2. I was at the airport today. A Delorean pulled up, in it was Wayne Gretsky from 1985. Then a limo pulled up and out walked Rudy Giuliani and Jon Gruden. Rudy told me he was in town to make a four-pronged announcement:


    1. He is the new mayor of Buffalo.

    2. Jon Gruden is the new coach of the Bills

    3. 1985 Wayne Gretsky is going to play for the 2009 Sabres.

    4. George Seifert really was at the Buffalo airport once.

  3. SNL was particularly terrible last night.


    Keenan Thompson is the worst. They always have him do impersonations of people. The problem is, his voice always sounds the same, so every impression is just Keenan with a different costume on. I don't understand what his purpose is on the show or how he keeps getting on the air.


    I was laughing during his old man sex video skit, but I think it was mainly because I was dropping the stinkiest farts and my girlfriend wasn't even smelling them.

  4. Born in the B-lo in 1980. Inherited my fandom from my male role models. My uncle has had season tickets since 1973.


    Since I've lived in a lot of different places, I associate being a Bills fan with my patriotism for the city of Buffalo.

  5. Here is my own personal philosophy:


    The only time anybody's parents should pay for a wedding is if the two newlyweds are 21 years old or younger and they haven't had sex yet. If you've already put the screws to your bride-to-be, then her parents don't owe you anything else...you've taken everything they have.


    Otherwise, pay for it yourself.

  6. IMO this is more about 20 year old punks than Canadians.


    I had season tickets for quite a few years. When Flutie came here, about 8 seats in a row 1 or 2 behind me got purchased by some Canadians. Never had any problems with them. However, generally speaking, most if not all of them were middle aged.


    OTOH, at a preseason game a few years ago, against Green Bay. I had a really ignorant obnoxious college-age guy from RoChaCha sitting next to me. He spent the whole game talking his cell phone and shouting back and forth to his friend who was sitting in the row behind few seats over. (yes, that's right, he was essentially yelling in my ear) If I hadn't been at the game with my 82 year old stepfather, who had never been to a game in Buffalo before, I probably would've have pounded the crap out of the guy. He definitely deserved it.


    Yes, we also used to sit next to a guy from Toronto who had seasons for like 20 years. I think the real problem is people who don't know how to hold their liquor.

  7. Really? Is that a good place to go after a game you think? I just checked their site and this is their closing weekend. Do you think it would be fun on their last night open?


    I don't think I've ever been. It's a bit of a hike to get to, especially if you have been pounding them.


    Try these bars: Cole's, JP BUllfeathers, Frizzy's


    Where are you coming from, by the way?

  8. Last year you all were so helpful while we were planning our trip up to Buffalo. I've got the Saturday night/Chippewa thing figured out - not too hard. I was curious what people do on Sunday after the game. Last year we stayed around Orchard Park and hit those bars on the corner and around the stadium. This year we have a 4:05 game vs. the Saints and I was wondering if you guys would recommend going to the Anchor Bar or something else. I think I remember reading about a bar that a lot of people go to watch the games and party afterwards down by the water. Is that the Anchor Bar or is there another bar. Basically we're looking for a fun place to go with a bunch of people (i.e. Buffalo's finest collection of chicks) partying after we beat the Saints. Any of your suggestions are greatly appreciated!


    Thanks again for all your help for us out-of-towners who like to come up and soak up all the Buffalo that we can handle!


    They may have been referring to this place:



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