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Posts posted by JoeFerguson

  1. So, I have my 20 year Dunkirk HS reunion the weekend of July 17th. And I just found out that a former classmate is now the owner of BJ's in downtown Fredonia. What a trip, I didn't even know it was still open! If any TBD'ers are in the area stop by on Friday night for a few cold ones, should be a good time!!!






    Is the topic too vague?


    Fun place. I spent an interesting evening there watching the band Sleater-Kinney perform.

  2. For those that joined, what would you say your primary motivation was?


    During my senior year of high school recruiters used to call me and I said I had no interest because I didn't like the idea of being in debt to any entity. In retrospect, I think this attitude was short sighted. Like another poster said, being in the military is like any other career: you're always at the whim of your employer. I don't have any regrets about not joining, but I can now see the benefits of being in the military.


    Thank you to all who serve.

  3. In terms of food, what do you eat?


    Do you eat the exact same thing everyday?


    First off you have to define your goals......then supplement and diet according to what you want to accomplish. If you are trying to get bigger you need to eat at least one gram of protein for every pound of body weight daily. I love Muscle Milk light because it taste great in addition to being low on calories. If you don't care as much for taste ABB makes ready to drink protein shakes that are 50grams of Protein and only 250 calories and are absolutely loaded with Vitamins. They don't taste horrible by any means but def. aren't as good at Muscle Milk light. I'll tell you what has worked best for me and what I take, I'm not huge either because in addition to lifting I'm also a big runner. Protein is just part of it, I also would reccomend taking an amino acid supplement....Protein is the building block for muscle but amino acids are the engine that drive the car. I'm 6ft 170lbs but I just recently reached my goal of doubling my body weight on bench and got 340lbs twice about a week ago.


    I take


    Before Workout (half an hour before)

    2-3 scoops BSN NO Explode


    After workout

    1 scoop BSN Cell-Mass for 12 week cycle

    during 6 week off cycle 10 grams of L-Glutamine


    Throughout the day

    I eat 6 meals (including protein shakes) and make sure I get 170-200 grams of protein a day

    GNC amino blast 2 times a day (morning and night)

    Multi Vitamin 2 times a day (morning and night)

    Fish and Flax Oil 2 times a day (morning and night)

    I eat a ton of fiber and veggies as well as a lot of fish and chicken, even a lot of lean beef and pork. (Beef gets a bad rap, its actually an awesome muscle builder).


    As far as your workouts go it all depends on what works for you. I know I'm an over-trainer, I just love to workout (don't care about how I look, too me its just a great stress reliever). You could pay for a trainer but they are overpriced IMO and with a little research and through a little trial and error (ask if you don't know, be safe) you'll be fine.


    Whatever you do don't buy Supplements at a store, buy them online and save a ton of money. I buy all mine here.....






    Good Luck! And in my experience Discipline and proper nutrition is much more important then the actual working out part, although its important as well.

  4. What's your academic/work background? The white shoe consulting houses are pretty selective in their recruiting/hiring practices, since resumes are their biggest marketing tool. New associates are essentially indentured servants for two years, so don't expect to have much of a life outside of work.


    Tough time to gain a foothold, as well.


    PhD in Chemistry. Interviewing for research jobs doing science, but no offers yet. Trying to keep my options open and look for "alternative" careers for PhDs.

  5. Hey guys, I'm in San Antonio for 11 days trying to find some work. While I'm here I'd like to take in the sights and find some really good places to eat and hangout. Anyone have any suggestions on places I should check out while i'm here?


    Figure out a way to unlock the HDMI inputs on your tv, then you can play PS3.


    Pee Wee Herman told me the Alamo was a cool place.

  6. Well, I'm going to be stuck in this hotel room for 11 days. Brought my PS3 to help pass some time at night, but the HDMI ports are locked out on my TV. Asked the manager if I could have them unblocked and he laughed and said no. Anyone know of a way to unlock them so I can use my PS3? Google has been of little help so far.


    What do you mean by "locked out"? Like in the same way that Verizon locks out features on their phones?

  7. like i said, i am trying to like him...and i do like his stuff, but i really wish he would stick to one thing....i am all about side projects. just my humble opinion


    If you like the music, what difference does it make if one guy changes bands?

  8. I understand your point, however I don't believe the NFL is about regionalism. In the early 90's we did not need market in Toronto. I don't want to lose another home game to marketing. Like "Field of Dreams, if you build it they will come".


    Many Canadians are season ticket holders. They came to games in the early 90's. We didn't need to market in Toronto then because the Bills were one of the best teams in the league and had an explosive offense.


    Many teams in the NFL do not have to be regional. The Bills, unfortunately, do.

  9. Week 1 Mon, Sep 14 @ New England Patriots* - L

    Week 2 Sun, Sep 20 Tampa Bay Buccaneers - W

    Week 3 Sun, Sep 27 New Orleans Saints - W

    Week 4 Sun, Oct 04 @ Miami Dolphins - L

    Week 5 Sun, Oct 11 Cleveland Browns - W

    Week 6 Sun, Oct 18 @ New York Jets - W

    Week 7 Sun, Oct 25 @ Carolina Panthers - W

    Week 8 Sun, Nov 01 Houston Texans - W

    Week 9 Sun, Nov 08 BYE

    Week 10 Sun, Nov 15 @ Tennessee Titans - L

    Week 11 Sun, Nov 22 @ Jacksonville Jaguars - L

    Week 12 Sun, Nov 29 Miami Dolphins - W

    Week 13 Thu, Dec 03 New York Jets (Toronto) - W

    Week 14 Sun, Dec 13 @ Kansas City Chiefs - L

    Week 15 Sun, Dec 20 New England Patriots* - L

    Week 16 Sun, Dec 27 @ Atlanta Falcons - W

    Week 17 Sun, Jan 03 Indianapolis Colts - W

  10. I honestly don't understand what you people are all doing to your computers that you have components coming loose all the time. :thumbsup::unsure:


    I've had a cheap Dell laptop (paid about $350 for it as a refurb), and it's worked great for 5+ years. My wife has one she's been using for about 2 years.


    Lenovo is MUCH better -- I have one of those in the house too, and the build quality definitely feels better (plus they have channels inside so if you spill some liquid, it routes it away from the electronics, and out the bottom of the laptop - NICE!), but I just don't understand what people around here are doing to their hardware to have such major problems all the time. Either that, or I'm the world's luckiest guy :)


    Heck, I still have a Toshiba laptop with Win95 on it, and it boots up fine...


    Of course the real question would be why does a household with two people have 3 laptops, 2 PCs, and 2 servers (excluding the old crap like the Win95 laptop)....? :nana:;):devil:


    Yesterday I had my laptop on the kitchen counter with the webcam pointed at me so my brother could watch me make margaritas over Skype.

  11. The real answer is.... it doesn't matter


    Seriously, it mattered 5 years ago. But what do you really do on your computer anymore? I'm willing to bet that 95% of computer usage is online, which works from a mac, a pc, linux, even your blackberry. If anyone is still using Outlook, you are doing it wrong. I've used web-based mail clients for pretty much the last decade, and gmail is far more useful than outlook.


    I'm a software engineer so I probably use more local software than the average person. And I used to care passionately about my OS, but now I feel that any tool I need is available on every platform. I have a mac at home, and a windows machine and a linux machine at work. I use them all equally, and don't really care which one I'm on.


    I bought a mac laptop for home use because I think they make the nicest hardware. Lenovo has done an admirable job of keeping up IBM's quality, but really nobody else seems to give 2 craps about the quality of their laptops. If somebody does, I'll consider buying a different laptop, but right now Apple is the only company that seems to understand people don't just want a cheap plastic POS.


    I agree with this statement. I just got a new macbook, and in my research I was debating between the lenovos and mac. Ultimately I chose the the macbook because it looks and feels physically more durable. When it comes right down to it, I think that perceived durability is what I paid the premium for. I was sick of components inside my Dell becoming loose and disconnected from the motherboard.

  12. First, I would appreciate it if this wasn't moved to the consumer forum yet.


    I'm aware of all the basics of backing up: Always have a backup of the backup. Keep your backup sources separate geographically, etc.


    I've read the threads where Fez strongly advocates an online service such as Mozy. What I'm looking for is a simple and reliable piece of freeware (or cheap) software that will automatically backup certain directories on your computer to an external drive. I was using Iomega Automatic backup, only because it came with one of my drives. Any recommendation would be appreciated.



  13. My experience:


    two degrees in chemistry: Canisius for undergrad and UB for grad school. I just finished UB in December, so my opinion is fresh.


    I originally chose Canisius because I was intimidated by the large size of UB and quite frankly I wasn't ready to man up and face such a vast array of options. I enjoyed my experience there and learned a great deal academically and met some great people.....HOWEVER after being at UB for the last five years I realize that I probably would have benefited and grown more if I had attended ANY large university like UB.


    As others have said, there are lots more opportunities to do cutting edge research, be exposed to more diverse cultures, and meet an exponentially larger number of future networking connections. I firmly believe that the college you attend is quite irrelevant after a few years, and the education that you receive is 90% dependent upon your personal desire to learn and WORK HARD. I advocate you making the transfer not for academic reasons, but because with all the academic and social opportunities at a large school like UB, you will mature faster and become a much more well-rounded, self-reliant individual.


    You should also realize that just because you attend a school doesn't mean they will serve your career to you on a silver platter, you have to go out there and take it. The problem is, at a smaller school like Le Moyne, there aren't as many career opportunities on the menu in comparison to a place like UB.

  14. Did they even have the pools open in any hotel a month ago. Rest assured, when the weather starts heating up(like right now) they will have that pool open. Alot of people do not realize that the pools are shut down for about 3-4 months in Vegas because the weather is too cold. When I go there in Febuary every year all the hotels have their pools closed. The temps are usually only in the 50s/60s sometimes 70,s. Not warm enough to swim though. When Knockout is going, the temps are probably close to 100, the margarittas will be flowing by the poolside, & 20 years old hot girls will be wearing nothing but string bikinnis & looking for a good time. Man, I wish I was going with him.


    Good point, it was a little chilly, but the pool was open at the Bellagio. I just felt like Clark Griswald when he got to WAlly World when I saw all that excavated sand.

  15. I would like to re-iterate, the HARD ROCK POOL WAS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ONE MONTH AGO.


    Before I went to Vegas I re-read all the threads on TSW about Vegas. Everybody always suggests the Hard Rock Pool, so I went expecting to witness the most unbelievable orgy of all time. When I got there, all I saw was a bunch of sweaty dudes digging up sand.

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