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Everything posted by Amorgus

  1. Local Rochester place, Two Ton Tony's. Had regular AND cup and char pepporoni!
  2. I really needed a pick-me-up and him asking who won the game satisfies the hell out of that need
  3. I'm SO relieved to see this news. Hopefully he'll be well enough soon to have some delicious Kanar again.
  4. My co-worker's teenaged son just went through something very similar but it was all head trauma. The kid made a tackle, walked to the sideline, then just dropped and started convulsing. He had to be put into a coma as well while they took the pressure off his swollen brain. Obviously when she heard about Hamlin it triggered the hell out of her, but her son did survive. I thought of the two of them immediately night as well so it hit me extra hard.
  5. You get to keep one thumb after this game, Hines. Do that a few more times and you get the other one.
  6. How anyone can blame this on anything but execution today is beyond me.
  7. It's not like they're not going to go for it and get the half yard if the challenge succeeds
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