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Posts posted by stevestojan

  1. "case of the mondays" bills brethren to remember there is STILL room for you on the bandwagon.....




    !@#$ that. Im driving this wagon.


    I thought we played VERY well yesterday. The ONLY negatives were a case of the fumbles. That will NOT be a season long thing. If it isnt for that, we looked great (minus lindell, of course). Our defense is NASTY and our offense looks way less CONFUSED that last year.


    Go Bills.

  2. Maybe it's just me but I was absolutely repulsed by the incessant advertising at RWS.  I don't ever remember it being this bad.  The only thing missing was the proping my eyelids open and forcing me to stare at the jumbotron.  Is is any wonder that the fans aren't paying attention, their brains are numb from the incessant advertising blitz.  Fuggin bus races for Christ sakes, do we really need to be conducting a bus racing contest?  Top's launching t-shirt s and people clamoring like they just discovered clothing And if you want to give a free seat away, yea for you but I still ain't flying your fricken airline.


    If someone has a spare RPG in their closet, please fire it at the freaking jumbotron.



    Hey Mike,


    was your seat uncomfortable? Beer not cold enough? Too long of a line in the john? Drunk person behind/next to/in front of you? Was it too hot? Cheerleaders too ugly (thats a given)?


    Damn, man... i mean, Im a pessimistic Bills fan, but i think you take the cake this week. First, your ranting on another thread about our 8-8 season after one game, then how the fans didnt seem into the game, and then this? Come on. We make that last play, and we are all crapping out roses today. Singing show tunes. Smiling ear to ear. One play. In week one. It will be OK.

  3. There is a lower class school disctrict around here (well, there are many, as west palm beach has some areas that arnt the greatest). Anyway, I saw a bumper sticker that said "Proud Parent of a honor student at Lake Worth High".


    Now, its been a while since I've been in school, but when a word starts with a vowel, or any letter with a soft sound, such as HONOR, shouldn't the word prior to it be AN, not A? I might be off here, but I dont think I am.


    That was the exact time when a camera phone would have been handy.

  4. Stuart Scott, Michael Irvin, and Steven A. Smith relate to the players and urban america.


    There is a channel changer, use it.



    so, you're content in saying that "urban america" cannot or will not speak proper english? Stuart Scott is TRYING, but I think urban America has gotten smarter than this.

  5. Thus he trys too hard to not be bias.



    way, way too hard. really, watch the game. It was painful.


    I mean, I wouldnt want him to be rooting for the Bills, but he was trying so hard not to that he sounded like a complete jackass.

  6. well, this was my response to Mike's doomsday thread.... it works here:


    Man, I am as negative as anyone else (or more), but the funny thing is, is if that last catch had been tipped, not caught, caught out of bounds, intercepted, etc, etc, there would be no mention of a lack of enthusiasm.


    I was watching at a bar in south florida, and one drive, the jags were in the red zone (or close to it) and Leftwich obviously couldnt hear a damn thing. He stood up and called a timout. I immediatly thought of the fans i know that were at the game (you all, EZC, and others). Sure, its not 1990-94. But then again, last season we were 6-10, so that is to be expected.


    If anything other than the miracle play for Jax had happened, I think all the posts around here would be "wow, the defense looked great!", "bledsoe, only sacked once, and no picks - great", "moorman (and more suprisingly our kick coverage) looked stellar", etc.


    Don't get me wrong. After that catch, I had to leave the bar i was at, because i couldnt force myself to be happy or have fun anymore. For being a regular season game, I was thinking it was just as bad as "homerun throwback" or at least close. But come on, its monday, Oakland game is Sunday, and without that one magical catch (and not magical in a good way), this talk would be non existant.


    With the level of defensive battle going on (the #6 and #2 defenses in the league) you can't expect 75000 people to stay that loud that long.


    So, dooomsday thinking will have to wait for me. I thought it was a good game for the Bills.

  7. but really, i mean honestly - how much more specialized a job can you have? For a living you either kick, or practice kicking fieldgoals. there should be guys in the NFL that can kick a 75 yarder, simply because they dont do anything else. But i dont even care about that. I just want consistency from 35-45. Is that so hard to ask? Every time this schlep lines up, i get scared.


    How about someone from a world cup team? Obvious leg strength. Just get him a coach, and make him practice for 12 months. At least next year we could have a kicker.


    I know, crazy talk. But really, when your leading point scorer (as most, if not all kickers are on a team) cant do s#it, it's time to start shopping.

  8. Ok, Lindell can eat a bag of dicks for all i care. This guy has one purpose in life. To kick a football between two uprights. And he is astonishingly bad at that. His kickoffs seem to have gotten a touch longer, but has he ever kicked one into, much less out of, the endzone? (ok, i just looked it up, 3 of his 60 kickoffs last year made it to the endzone). As for his field goals, he has shown decline over the one good season he had, for the Seahawks, in 2000:


    Last year, 2003, he was near perfect under 40 yards (14 of 15)


    But, over 40 yards, he was 3 of 9. THREE OF NINE. (33.34%). Sadly, that includes 3 of 7 from between 40 and 49.


    an off year? Well, lets see:


    2003 - over 40yards: 3 of 9 (33.34%)

    2002 - over 40yards: 5 of 9 (55.56%)

    2001 - over 40yards: 9 of 19 (47.37%)

    2000 - over 40yards: 10 of 11 (including 3 over 50 yards!) 90%



    Let's compare to an elite kicker (again, all numbers for kicks 40+)



    2003: 13 of 13 (100%)

    2002: 9 of 14 (64%)

    2001: 15 of 20 (75%)

    2000: 5 of 7 (71%)

    1999: 11 of 13 (85%)



    2003: 5 of 9 (56%)

    2002: 9 of 12 (75%)

    2001: 8 of 13 (62%)

    2000: 8 of 11 (73%)


    Morten Anderson

    Career: 172 of 279 from 40+ 62%

    And when you factor OUT the ones over 50 yards (so just FG from 40-49), he has a 68%.



    To those of you at camp, was anyone even looked at?

  9. nice job....wish I had Q Griffith. The guy looks like the second coming of Barry Sanders.


    I know it was against the Chiefs but good lord is he quick.





    i do have Q Griffith. Too bad he sat on the bench... moronic move by me, but i thought maybe preseason was just a fluke... i was wrong.


    He will be starting for me from now on.

  10. Ive had season tickes for the past 6 years and yesterday was one of the most boring games Ive ever been at. No excitement other than the interception and Moulds td.



    can't appreciate a good defensive battle?

  11. Sure, that loss hurt. We know. We all feel it. It hurts really bad.


    Buuut, I really feel that this defense is one piece (coy wire) away from being elite.


    That being said, I think they will pull us out a game or two.


    And the only negative i saw from Bledsoe yesterday was when he missed a wide open player (and forgive me, but i couldnt figure out who #31 was) in the endzone. But maybe he saw a saftey coming in that i didnt.


    Remember, Jacksonville was the #6 defense last year. And Bledsoe looked good. He looked young. Quick release. I was happy (and this from a guy who wanted Losman in!)


    So, after you pick up the piece of sky that you think fell, put it back up, and lets get ready for Oakland.


    I DID NOT WAIT 8 MONTHS to give up after one pass. F-ck that! ...


    So, how do you think we match up against oakland. Gannon had 300+ yards yesterday, so lets hope the secondary can hold it together. That said, our run defense is scary, and even though OAK scored 21 points yesterday, they gave up 24 ... to the Tommy Maddox led Steelers.



  12. Yesterday, I bet as follows:


    $100 on Buffalo -3. So that catch killed me emotionally, and hurt me financially.


    $100 on Baltimore -2. Ouch.


    $100 on Detroit +3 (yeah, even though you guys disagreed, I had to go with that one.)


    So, I was down $100 after the 1:00 games.


    I was gonna leave it at that, but I kept going back to LABillz talking about a home team in week one favored by more than 7 and the total being more than 42 covers the over 75% of the time (or something along those lines!). So, I made the call in.


    $200 on the over 42.5


    After the first half, I felt pretty damn good. 34 total points. The, after the third Qtr, 41 points. Ok, I only need 2 points in the 4th to win... gotta happen, right? Then, Eli manning comes in. Oh crap... But no... he hands in to Tiki. 70-some yards! Touchdown.


    And now i have $100 to play with for next week. (well, $80 after the juice gets paid).


    Thanks LABillz, I would have never touched the 4:00 games if it wasnt for that off the wall stat.

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