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L Ron Burgundy

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Posts posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. 11 hours ago, Brueggs said:

    For the most part, I agree, but if the Reps are a circus, then the DNC is an insane asylum.  That is the party who is bringing all of this cultural crap to the front lines.  They are also the party who has the MSM at their disposal, well at least 90% of it.  That in of itself is extremely corrupt.  They are the ones guiding and promoting these narratives.  While I think people are mostly centric, this same media is hell bent on sowing division.

    I don't see it as Trump caused the problem, I see it as the problem caused Trump.  Yes, he has a lot of shortcomings, and I am sure being a RE developer in NYC requires a PHD in corruption, but I think you might be underestimating how corrupt this government truly is....or should I say, the people that are controlling this government.  

    Both parties are linked at the hip, and transparency is a thing of the past.  As many conspiracy theories as people come up with, I would bet that the reality of it is probably far worse than most any of us can even imagine.

    Cool so the orange abortion gets a pass on corruption because he came from real estate?  Sorry I want more for that office.  The media is 90% for the dems?  How is the most popular network right leaning then?  I know there are many more left leaning networks but you think your base pays attention to them?  I don't think reality is worse than Jewish space lasers or a cabal of dem pedos who drink blood.  


    I think your posts prove you no longer understand how crazy your party is.  None of you can prove the left had gone off the deep end on anything other than stupid cultural BS that has little impact on daily lives.   

  2. 3 hours ago, Nelius said:

    The thing with Tulsi is, that no matter what side she's on, she's always gonna provide that boring C grade hype. Nobody likes her. Hawaiians didn't even like her. She's not some popular force, she's just kind of out there interjecting every once in awhile. Nobody cares.


    She'll drift further to extremes like Lara Logan, while not actually helping anybody along the way. It's not even that political, it's just the reality of a boring political figure trying to maintain relevance. I honestly think she gave up her leverage and is just gonna be another voice in the noise now. It would have been easier to be a Dem countering things behind the scenes. Clearly that wasn't profitable enough.

    If her aim is to get rich then her plan is perfect. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Brueggs said:

    So red states are poor uneducated crap stains....got it.  I guess the nation doesn't really need farmers and blue collar sorts to survive.  

    I will give you that the blue states are where the money is, but brains?  Virtually every blue city across the country, where all these smart people are, have budget deficits and have to be bailed out by state or federal government.  NYC is a great example of that.  


    In Biden's first few days alone...

    Re-entered Paris Climate Accord

    Cut Keystone pipeline

    Halted leasing in ANWAR

    60 day halt on all oil and gas leases

    New regulations on emmissions

    Eliminate support for fossil fuel

    I know, I know...the president doesn't control the price of fuel, but these changes triggered high fuel prices and quite literally the cost of all goods that are transported on diesel trucks, which is pretty much everything.


    Is the handling of the border even debatable?


    Loan forgiveness?  Wouldn't a better solution be to make education more affordable?  


    We are getting to the point of 80's inflation, men are playing in woman's sports, and we aren't even half way in.  

    Where is the criticism for your party?  

    I criticize my party.  I'm not a huge fan of either party's immigration plan.  And I do not like what we've done printing money causing inflation.  As I've said in other posts, the current state of the Democrat Party is far from ideal (especially when it comes to stupid divisive cultural issues).  This cultural trans war is absolutely asinine.   


    In recent past dems have been much better with the economy than reps.  I'm giving leeway with that in mind and the aftereffects of covid.  


    Loan forgiveness I don't care about.   I wish we'd do more to fix the root of the problem.   


    I want both parties stronger.  Yours is a circus.  A lot is Trump's fault.  He normalized crazy and a ton of ya'll fell for it.  The swamp?  He's 10x more corrupt than any swamp creature.   And it's 50-50 he gets the nom again.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Buffarukus said:


    this is interesting. i think your a reasonable poster but not sure whether you truly believe what you are saying or purposefully framing your "facts" in a way that make it seem as there are not some legitimate arguments. after watching (mostly the left) REPEATEDLY be suckered into complete bs that has resulted in destruction of our economy and society id ask you to at least take one foot off the soapbox. 


    you act as if the left wasn't in full blown tyranny mode during covid. pushing flat out lie after lie to keep society under strict control. the vax prevents hospitalization "fact" is true....FOR WHO!!!!? for children that the cdc just said should be on a vax schedule yet have virtually zero risk? for people who already had covid and have gained better longer lasting immunity? no, only for high risk which no one really disputed. but strange how the facts leftists push seemed to coincide with pharma and rich making billions off it. but goose gives a blanket fact so pay up for life.... or your crazy! 🤪


    not a long time ago it was FACT vaccines stop the spread as well. a FACT lockdowns are great for curves and the economy can easily withstand indefinite lockdowns. a FACT that the states that let you choose are doomed and walmart is much safer then teds convience store. that rotting in your aprt is far better then taking a walk in the park. PADLOCK IT! stay inside, wait patiently for the gov to give you free money and shutup you evil sob or we will take your job and remove you from society!! damn conspiracy nuts are not listening to all these FACTS! 


    election legitimacy? trump and biden won is a fact you say? no argument here. i find it funny how only one of the 2 had states who decided, AGAINST their own cdc guidance that voting must be conducted much differently then the way it was always done. yet both had leaders declaring them. only one faced all these interesting changes. but you think people watching these "emergency" changes and then becoming skeptical is "them being stupid"? the party that advocates for no voter IDs and reducing security is completely incapable of fraud and questioning them is participating in conspiracy? even as proof was given in their own primaries they are capable and willing? even as Rs who instituted security measures in georgia are clearly implementing suppression. Jim crow 2.0. no engaging in conspiracy there. whats that? the voting total is highest its ever been? but, its was a fact to these people who are well versed in what should be questioned.  


    the rest your being extremely hyperbolic but unsurprisingly biased in your conspiracy subjects. i havent seen much from the moon landing crowd in here but i have seen plenty of burning down cities and defunding police is a good thing in the fight against racism.  some biden is much better then the alternative while they can not name a single thing his policies have done that have improved their personal lives. plenty about womens rights  even if they cant define it. ect ect. those are some pretty good conspiracy subjects that society is currently enduring the negative effects from. those are mainstream to the party. naming powerful dems being behind things ( in a party with majority rule) are pretty bad examples of way out there conspiracies to be tossed aside imo.


    so 2+2= the banana the left is continuosly slipping on. and yet they are still screaming whoever isn't on the floor next to them are "betraying our own ignorance".



    Just regarding covid.  The dems followed guidance by the cdc.  This control nonsense is just ignorant.   What would the point of this control be?  Answer is nothing.  They went by what they were told to which was very predictably overly cautious.   Not the least shocking (assuming of course you have half a brain).


    Ohhhh they want to control you because of.....uhhh socialism!  No, I mean communism!  


    Also, what cities got burned down I missed that?  Or is that you being ultra hyperbolic while accusing someone of hyperbole?   Irony.

  5. 38 minutes ago, Orlando Tim said:

    Politicians are generally easy to predict but sometimes voters are difficult, but despite that you still are batting .000.

    The majority of people got Trump winning wrong on both sides (the first time at least).  What in the world is your point?  Kindly take a peep at the Flyndicated topic or 2000 mules.  Or the people who believe antifa instigated 1/6.  Talk about wrong. 


  6. 2 hours ago, Brueggs said:

    I agree that most people are more toward the middle, but the powers that be are doing their best to keep up the division, and as a society, we are doing a terrible job by allowing it to happen.

    I don't see how you can say the left is infinitely better than the right.  Look at the contrast between blue and red cities and states.  Look at the contrast nationally over the past few years.  Both parties are riddled with corruption, but what is it specifically about the left that you think is better?   

    Some of the conspiracy theories may be far fetched, but you don't think there is plausibility to a lot of it?  The Russian collusion comes to mind.  Powerful people have conspired all throughout history.  Why isn't that applicable in real time?

    There's plausibility to maybe 10% of it.  The rest is Jewish space lasers.  And that is your party.  I realize many conservatives aren't MTG style.   But many also are, and it's more every day.


    Compare blue cities and states to red?  You mean how most red states are poor uneducated crap stains and rarely improve?  Yeah blue states have some major problems (a non crazy right would help there imo).   It's also where most of the money and brains in our country is/come from.


    Just because fox says all progressives are nuts doesn't make it true.  On the flip side most of you are batshiite.  Very few right leaning posters haven't seriously entertained crazy conspiracies here.  Very few.  The voting stuff is THE perfect example.


    What examples are there of crazy progressive policies has Biden implemented?   None.  Loan forgiveness?  Nah.  The progressive scare is fox inspired BS you sheeple fall for.  The ultra progressives are just loud.  Qanon freaks meanwhile are 10x more of a threat.  That along with the treasonous morons that tried an idiot coup.  


    It's not even close.  The right at this moment is a joke.  Both sided are worse because of it. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

    I didn’t listen to the song , but I read the lyrics. Doesn’t seem like much here that liberals would agree with. Jmo. You’re probably right about it being barely music though. I’m not a country fan either. 

    I've said this many times here.  Ya'll think all progressives are the loud twitterverse that can't answer what a woman is.  Most of us are not that.


    The left is not great right now.  It's  infinitely better than the right.   Driven by religion and constant insane conspiracies.   I dont know which facet is worse.  

  8. 13 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    New items added to original post:


    Doctors in abortion-ban states fear prosecution for treating patients with life-threatening pregnancies

    35. Patient at 19 weeks of pregnancy was going septic but treatment was delayed while the doctor obtained second opinions and final approval from a hospital lawyer.


    When Can Dying Patients Get a Lifesaving Abortion? These Hospital Panels Will Now Decide.

    36. Hospitals are now using panels to determine whether a patient who is suffering a medical emergency may lawfully obtain an abortion.


    ‘They’re Just Going to Let Me Die?’ One Woman’s Abortion Odyssey

    37. Patient whose fetus did not develop a skull and was leaking brain matter into the umbilic sac had abortion cancelled even though continuing with the pregnancy would risk her life. She had to travel out of state in order to obtain care


    Woman unable to get abortion may be forced to give birth to headless baby

    38. Woman whose fetus is missing the top of its head and has no skull is denied abortion.


    Florida court rules teenager ‘not mature enough’ to have abortion

    39. Court determines that pregnant teenager is not mature enough to obtain an abortion


    SC legislative hearing

    40. 19 year-old's fetus is non-viable but because it has a heartbeat, she is refused treatment and sent home.


    ‘I’m Carrying This Baby Just to Bury It’: The Struggle to Decode Abortion Laws

    41. Louisiana's abortion law is causing doctors to refuse to perform abortions even when they are medically necessary out of fear of losing their medical licenses or facing criminal charges

    42. Louisiana doctors fear that the threat of prosecution will hinder their judgment or delay emergency care for pregnant women. One questioned whether they might be prosecuted for treating patients with meds used to treat other conditions that could harm a pregnancy


    Affidavit in Lawsuit Against Louisiana Law

    43. The language in Louisiana's abortion law is confusing, contradictory and unclear from a medical perspective, leading to concerns from doctors that they will may face fines or even jail time if they make the "wrong" decision or interpret the law incorrectly. In order to comply, doctors may have to delay or forgo standard treatment, increasing their patients' risks of severe morbidity or even death

    44. Pharmacies refused to disperse misoprostol because they did not know whether they were allowed to under the new abortion law. Even large corporations are unsure what is and is not permitted.

    45. Exceptions under the abortion law are unclear, leading doctors to fear they may be prosecuted for providing the standard of care for lethal fetal anomalies

    46. Patient who became pregnant on birth control told doctor she hoped the pregnancy was ectopic so she would not have to travel out of state

    47. The decision for how to move forward with premature rupture of the membranes needs to be made quickly between the patient and her doctor. The abortion law will cause confusion and delay treatment during the critical time

    48. The abortion law's lack of clarity could impact treatment for non-pregnancy conditions that use drugs like methotrexate, which can cause abortions. This can cause a chilling effect on the proper treatment for these illnesses

    49. "Abortion" is regularly used in a medical context to refer both to the spontaneous loss of pregnancy (miscarriage) and an elective abortion. Under the abortion law, doctors will likely have to delay care to seek legal advice on what treatment they are allowed to provide

    50. Post-Dobbs, doctors have begun to delay treatment out of fear of potential prosecution. This delay can cause irreparable harm

    51. Louisiana's abortion law requires doctors to wait until a pregnant woman is extremely sick, even on the verge of death, before terminating a life-threatening pregnancy


    Doctors speak out: Idaho’s ‘cruel’ abortion laws will cause harm to their patients

    52. Under Idaho's abortion law, doctors may be prosecuted for providing abortions to cancer patients so they can receive chemo treatment

    53. Idaho's abortion law's vague language will result in confusion for what treatments doctors can provide and when, which can negatively impact patient health


    States with the toughest abortion laws have the weakest maternal supports, data shows

    54. Since states with stricter abortion laws also have less access to health care and worse health outcomes, "...there's going to be not only more hardship, but greater health problems and maternal deaths..."

    55. The 14 states with the most restrictive abortion laws had the worst maternal and child health outcomes in the country

    56. Women living in states with the least restrictive abortion laws have a 7% lower chance of having a child with low birth weight. Black women in those states have an 8% lower risk

    57. States with abortion restrictions also tend to have the highest infant mortality rates

    58. States that enacted laws to restrict abortion based on gestation age increased their maternal mortality rate by 38%


    This never should have happened,': Doctor alleges pharmacy denied woman medication for miscarriage

    59. Pharmacy denied medication to help patient during miscarriage


    A Mother, a Daughter and an Unusual Abortion Prosecution in Nebraska

    60. Facebook provided chat records to police who used them to prosecute a mother and daughter for facilitating an abortion


    Affidavits: 2 more pregnant minors who were raped were denied Ohio abortions

    61. Two Ohio children who became pregnant due to rape were forced to leave the state for care

    62. Two Ohio women with cancer are not allowed to terminate their pregnancies nor can they get cancer treatment while pregnant

    63. Three Ohio women whose fetuses have severe abnormalities or conditions that make a successful pregnancy impossible cannot get abortions


    OP-ED: Abortion bans actually deter women from having babies

    64. Patient with wanted pregnancy was diagnosed with cancer but was told the doctor would not provide an abortion until she was on the cusp of death due to the law

    65. Patient suffering miscarriage with vomiting and pain was denied treatment and went to another hospital which made her wait three days for an ethics committee to decide her case


    Teen girl denied medication refill under AZ’s new abortion law

    66. Minor with debilitating rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis was denied a life-saving prescription because of Arizona's new abortion law


    Can rape victims access abortion in Mississippi? Doctors, advocates say no.

    67. Due to concerns about prosecution, no doctors in Mississippi say that they would perform an abortion on a rape victim

    68. Woman experiencing miscarriage was asked to prove she was having a miscarriage in order to obtain the medicine her doctor prescribed


    Some women say they’re having trouble getting prescriptions filled because of Georgia abortion law

    69. Pharmacy requires additional information from doctor to provide woman with drug she had been receiving from them for years

    70. Many members (but only women) of a healthy living foundation are reporting they are being asked to provide additional information for existing prescriptions.


    Woman With Severe Chronic Pain Was Denied Medication for Being ‘Childbearing Age’

    71. Woman was denied medication for a painful chronic condition that had previously caused her to consider suicide because she was of childbearing age


    Some Abortion Bans Put Patients, Doctors at Risk in Emergencies

    72. Doctors report seeing treatment for ectopic pregnancies being stalled until they rupture and become life-threatening; people with broken water and fetal parts stuck in their ***** sent home until fetal demise or the patient ends up in the ICU


    Abortion bans complicate access to drugs for cancer, arthritis, even ulcers

    73. After 20 years of trying to conceive, Tennessee woman decided to get sterilized after her doctor told her it was the only way she could stay on her current treatment for rheumatoid arthritis


    Kentuckians demand control over their bodies as doctors navigate abortion law gray areas

    74. Physician's assistant refuses to fill medicine or patient experiencing miscarriage because they did not want their name on the order.

    75. Kentucky sees surge in people seeking sterilization after Dobbs decision


    Chattanooga doctor sends pregnant patient to North Carolina for abortion

    76. A pregnant patient in Tennessee was experiencing a dangerous pregnancy but her doctor had to send her out of state for treatment. The doctor herself is now moving out of the state


    Texas Woman Nearly Loses Her Life After Doctors Can't Legally Perform an Abortion: 'Their Hands Were Tied'

    77. Texas Woman whose water broke at 18 weeks but doctors refused to treat her until she developed sepsis three days later. Her condition was bad enough that friends and family rushed to her bedside, fearing she was dying.


    Stories of the consequences of Dobbs

    78. Multiple stories of the consequences of abortion bans (some may already have been included in the list, so I'm just including the video as one item)


    Missouri Woman Denied Emergency Abortion Called a State Senator for Help. He Sent Her to an Anti-Abortion Clinic.

    79. Missouri woman's water broke at 17 weeks and the fetus was non-viable but doctors refused to treat her. She had to travel out of state for care


    What Happens When Doctors Don’t Learn How to Do Abortions?

    80. Ohio woman's water broke too early and the pregnancy was non-viable. Doctors had to wait hours to treat her. Even then, the resident at the hospital had never performed the procedure due to the state's ban


    A Young Victim Of ***** Was Denied An Abortion In Florida And Forced To Travel For Care, Planned Parenthood Said

    81. A child victim of ***** was denied an abortion in Florida and was forced to travel out of state for treatment

    This is so f'd up.  We had a system that worked, it wasn't perfect but it worked.   This that we have now is just sad.  And why?  Christians.   

    • Eyeroll 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Eastport bills said:

    This would be a tremendous add for us. The kid escaped our grasp in the draft and now we have a chance to grab him. Beane should put together a great  package with a draft choice or two and get this talented receiver. Moore would be prolific with Josh. The  Jets would probably be reluctant to trade him within the division. Oh well.

    They absolutely would not swing him our way unless we overpaid a ton.

  10. 18 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Bingo - he learned from Trump - grift grift grift because their pathetic simps will buy anything they sell em… and they don’t care what damage they do to our nation.

    It's always a tough call with conservatives,  crazy or grift?


    Should be a game show eh?   


    Too bad the party has fallen so far.  I think the right being so batshiite right now has caused the left to do dumb things and champion poor causes.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. On 10/19/2022 at 4:29 PM, The Frankish Reich said:

    I watched the Frontline Flynn show. It was good. He’s gone completely batty. The producers show how the batty tendencies were always there, but I fail to understand how this nice Irish Catholic boy suddenly turned into an evangelical, apocalyptic prophet of the fringe “religious” conspiratorialists. He now resides in that fertile (and apparently lucrative) ground that monetizes a special blend of true paranoia and utter bs. 

    Might be as simple as money.  Making money off the loons.

  12. Conservatives are so cool and funny.  


    Sheeple....oh the irony...he says a bunch of crap which the majority of liberals pretty much agree with and you immediately pop a chub and love the song.  And it's beyond atrocious.   I don't care if a billion people like it, that's barely music.   

     Stick to cuntry music.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. I'm not all in on cmc so to speak but I am all in on making an improvement of some type.  Grab whatever Beaney thinks is gonna put us over the top.


    I do think cmc gives us something more than a slight improvement at rb.  Defenses will have to account  for him every game.  They don't have to do that so much for Singletary.   Just that is something though I would bet barring injuries he would have a statistical impact as well.

  14. 3 minutes ago, BuffaloBaumer said:

    nothing more than a 3rd. I want our team to keep building the right way. As long as KC does not add any firepower of their own, nobody is beating a healthy Bills team in the playoffs as it stands now.

    I dont get this mentality at all.  If a player is out there you think puts you over the top you do it.  If a contender adds a big piece that could mean them beating us.  Without adding Vonn LA does not get a ring last year.  Kc is about to make a move, bank on it.


    Would you do a 1st if it gives you say an 80% chance at a ring?  I say yes all day.  I know it's all speculation but people are overvaluing picks.  I'll do multiple high picks if I get that one ring.  There's risk in everything. 

    2 minutes ago, Warriorspikes51 said:

    He just had over 150 yards of offense last week on an awful team.  He's in the top 7 in scrimmage yards per game this year 

    People keep saying the same crap without checking stats or context.

    • Agree 1
  15. I am torn on him.  He sometimes dominates.  He sometimes plays like dirty did against the Chiefs.   Maybe it's being in a crap offense.  He would be a great red zone target for us.  


    I feel like I'd want to improve elsewhere first but I would not dislike snagging him by any means.

    1 minute ago, JayBaller10 said:

    From what I’ve seen of Claypool, he has all the physical gifts in the world, but bad things happen when he’s targeted, sort of like a much bigger McKenzie. I’d pass. If I was the Packers I’d pass too.

    Agree except on the Packers.  He could do damage there.

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. I've seen Singletary thrown out there as a trade option but I would not do that no matter what.


    I was mentally throwing crap at the dart board.....what about Cook?  Would something featuring Cook and Cmc work?  Just curious not saying we should (or shouldn't).

  17. 35 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    When you see Pickett put up 300 yards but only 3 points, and Mahomes put up 340 yards and only 20 points... I'd say we're pretty close to bend but dont break. It's will always be the case in the cover-2 shell we run. Teams can move down the field to an extent, if they are happy to take what we give them. But once we get inside the 40-30 yard line, it naturally tightens up.

    Once Tre is back and at 100% I hope we get more aggressive.   We've got the personnel I think to be even better than we currently are imo.  


    I say this knowing we're near the top on D statistically.

  18. 15 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:

    All the Highs make sense, but some of the lows have me scratching my head.


    WTF are the grading Milano on? I caught the re-air of the game last night and Cookie was all over the field making big plays. Also thought JP and Shaq had good games.


    Classic PFF I guess.


    Who else stood out, good or bad, to you guys?



    Tough to disagree with anything here on the Offensive side.

    Wasn't there a play early on where he lost his jock on a deke?  Pretty sure it was him.

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