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Posts posted by CosmicBills

  1. The problems against the run has been due largely to two factors: scheme and lack of talent at the LB position. The Bills have had one of the worst LB corps in the NFL for close to a decade. Cripes, remember when Ellison was the leading tackler on the unit? (Shudders).





    Kiko is a player and Bradham is a baaaaaaaaaad baaaaaaaaaad man. I have hopes for Lawson and Hughes but feel that the key will be Pettine's scheme and how he uses the talent that IS on the roster. This D-Line is still one of the most talented lines in the entire league ... on paper ... if Pettine can get more out of that unit than the 'Stache, teams will find some tough sledding between the tackles.

  2. I don't disagree with you, Tennessee. I'm hardened to the state of the franchise these days. I spent years on here railing against the downward spiral this team has been mired in yet every off season I'd get excited at the prospects of a "what if" kind of season. Last season was the first one in my lifetime that I went into completely apathetic too. I hoped for a good season but knew it was wishful thinking so long as the QB situation went unresolved. I was uninspired by the Marone hire at first (having little to no experience with his stint at SU), felt the Brandon move was just more shuffling of the deck chairs on the Titanic, cheered the Whaley promotion but eyed it with suspicion like the battered spouse that I am, and knew little about EJ when he was anointed as the new Chosen One.


    But I have to say, in the months sense I've gotten really excited about what the team is building here. Of course it's meaningless without Ws on Sunday to back it up, but from the new look D and O to the young talent being infused at positions that have been criminally neglected by this organization for over a decade, I think that this team has the ability to do more than just take a step out of the basement. The AFC East is in disarray right now with the *Pats window nearly closed, the Jests are more dysfunctional than Larry David's dating life, and the Dolphins overspent themselves into a corner by betting the farm on a very unimpressive young QB.


    The defense has the talent on paper to turn things around in a hurry but once again it'll come down to the QB play. For the first time in a long time I feel like there's hope. If a couple things bounce their way and this team could find itself on the right side of 8 wins this year and chasing a WC spot.

  3. I didn't say week one, I've been saying by week 4 at minimum. He needs reps/games this season if the team expects to do anything w him next season, that's plain and simply all there is to it. Anything else and the risks are way to high.

    This is your hypothesis and it's one that's not really built on any sort of sound logical foundation. You've put an arbitrary number on the equation and settled on that number without any real evidence to the merits. But that's okay.


    QB controversy, taking next season for him to learn the ropes is what this season should be. It's not as if we have to decide to make the playoffs or start a rookie QB. This is a no-brainer.

    The game isn't played in a bubble...



    I'm really not sure what that has to do with anything. The goal is to move forward. One of my favorite lines from a movie is from Death Race 2000, the original when the Italian driver rips off his rear view mirror and says "what's behind you makes no difference."

    The Bills are young. Their window to win titles hasn't opened yet, let along begun to close. Claiming that EJ sitting on the bench in week 5 would be a disaster is just an extreme reaction/prediction without considering all the other factors that could be in play.


    "It's hard to know where you're going if you don't know where you've been."



    That's ridiculous. With rare exceptions, Luck really, no other rookie QB is likely to outperform a veteran that's started in this league in that same season. I'm not sure you've thought that statement all the way thru. Few rookie QBs would ever start in their rookie seasons if that were the case.

    What's ridiculous is this statement. If you believe it's impossible for Manuel to beat out Kolb in a fair competition then why would you want to rush Manuel onto the field? Do you honestly believe that practice and camp are meaningless in terms of player evaluation? Because that seems to be what you're saying in which case I'd ask you why are you bothering to pay attention to camp news if it's all meaningless?



    Even last year, Wilson in Seattle started over Flynn who'd never even played a season. The Skins started RGIII over no one really. The Colts had no one either.


    Anyway, you don't expend a 16th overall on a QB to have him sit due to "losing a competition" with a journeyman backup, you just don't. I can't believe that anyone even thinks like that most importantly the team/Marrone.

    All any coach or player on the roster cares about is winning now. Their jobs are on the line and no coach can sit back and wait to win. That's the point. Your argument seems to be talent is dictated by where a player is drafted, thus regardless of how they play in camp they should start based on their draft position.


    That's why fans make horrible GMs.

  4. I'm on your side in hoping that EJ wins the competition but I don't agree that him not starting in Week One would be a dramatic set back for the franchise or his own development. First off, the franchise has been circling the drain for over a decade; it can't get much worse. Second, it would be more harmful (in my opinion of course) to hand EJ the job over Kolb rather than letting him compete to win it. Marone's whole philosophy since he arrived has been about preaching competition. How could he look his team in the eye if he makes everyone BUT his rookie QB earn their jobs? Let alone how that would impact the way EJ's teammates look upon him.


    EJ is the future. The future could be now but he has to earn it first. And I think he will.

  5. You're back!!! Where have you been, man??? "Thought I lost ya, boy!" (movie quote game...where's it from?)

    "Why are you sitting around when we're so close to the end?!"

    (Pretty sure that's the next line in the most underrated Indy of them all!)


    I've been on (partial) hiatus from the board while my first project was in prep, doing way more lurking than posting. But now that camp's back, I'll be around more. How's things?!

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