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Posts posted by CosmicBills

  1. To be honest, I'm not sure I'm for armed guards in school. I do know that I'm not for gun free zones that are really only gun free zones for the good guys. Making certain institutions "gun free" doesn't take in the unintended consequences of doing so. BTW, I'm not for allowing fully automatic weapons, the NRA doesn't have a hold of my balls, and since the Mayan thingy not working out as planned my early retirement isn't looking like the smartest move, so living longer isn't as attractive as it once was.


    And I am in no way talking about repealing in any way shape or form the 2nd Amendment. Nor am I an idealist who thinks it's possible to live in a world without guns. Not in our lifetimes, not in our children's.


    But what I am tired of is the NRA pretending to be a defender of the constitution instead of what they truly are: blood sucking vampires who would happily fund the continued self destruction of our country if we keep on pretending they're an independent entity. They're not policy makers, yet for the past five decades we've let them dictate terms to the voters.


    That ended the moment the (*^*&%^$^#stepped on stage and said "the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun". If that doesn't open everyone's eyes to the lengths the NRA will go to to protect their clients (gun manufacturers and sellers) by proposing a plan that has absolutely ZERO chance of working. Ever.


    The one thing their plan guarantees though, is a healthy bottom line to the share holders of their benefactors.


    The fact that the NRA spokesman could stand on that stage one week after the slaughter in CT and blame EVERYTHING but the easy access to weapons of mass carnage should shine a light for every single person on here. Conservative, liberal, libertarian, hell even fence sitters like Adam. The truth is there are literally DOZENS of factors that contributed to the tragedy. For the NRA to ignore one of the primary ones -- not just ignore it, REFUSE to even TALK about it, shows how little they care about finding real solutions.


    That's a slap in the face to everyone who has EVER contributed to the NRA. Myself included.


    Want to know of a country that has machine guns and armed personnel pretty much everywhere? Israel functions in that method. You want to take out shooters during a slaughter, you increase your odds of stopping the killer if someone is armed. That doesn't mean I agree with that. I'm nostalgic of the days where I grew up where this wasn't something to worry about.


    And yet, despite that, it doesn't stop the violence in Israel and it darn sure won't stop the violence here at home. I'm with you that this is a sad day and something that we shouldn't have to think about. But this isn't an isolated incident. This has become the new normal -- and I'm tired of it.


    Truth is we can do more to stop it. Burying our heads in the sand and pretending that the proliferation of assault weapons and high capacity ammunition clips have nothing to do with the problem is as crazy as saying the only reason it happened was because of mental health issues or cultural issues.


    It's never just one thing.

  2. Who is your fact checker? Hasan killed 13 and injured 29. Since I don't think they try dead people, he's still alive and will be standing trial, I think without a beard. I wonder how many more unarmed people he would have shot if a "good guy" didn't incapacitate him? You are right though, your writing isn't very creative, just wrong.

    Typing on the run. Good catch.


    Doesn't change the fact you're letting a lobby group form your argument for you. Think of their motives. More guns = more money for them. They pass the buck to everyone but themselves.


    !@#$ the NRA. !@#$ their stupid plan. It won't work. It's never worked in the past and won't work in the future. It's time for a grownup conversation about gun control (not banning guns, control). And that simply won't happen so long as the NRA has a death grip on DC's nuts. Or yours.


    Think for yourself. You'll live longer.

  3. The other ball washer was saying that armed guards wouldn't help the situation (FT. Hood) because it was an armed guard that did the shooting. Obviously that ball washer was wrong. Hasan was stopped by a good guy with a gun. The Columbine killers killed themselves before a good guy with a gun could get them. So, you are clearly wrong with your facts and should probably quit arguing your losing position, or come right out and state that you are once again practicing your creative writing skills.

    ... Hasan wasn't killed until there were over 20 casualties. And, the armed guard in the school (the whole plan by the NRA -- I mean GUN LOBBY) couldn't stop the slaughter.


    So, who's practicing creative writing here? Certainly not I.

  4. So just curious with all of these "murders" in the US, a country with so many guns and over 300,000,000 we sure have plenty of murders daily. But Syria with all of maybe 5,000,000 people have had something like 60,000 people killed this year. Plenty of children were in that group. Where is the outrage?


    Maybe I am missing something the order of magnitude just seems so much worse there, contrary to what the idiot media says here.

    Idiotic post of the year goes to....

  5. You need to get your facts straight. Major Hasan was an Army psychiatrist who killed 13 people and injured 29. He was shot and arrested by Army Police officers, preventing more tragedy. He was not a "guard". The notion that he could come on base and kill or injure that many people was ridiculous because it is a military base is wrong. Other than the police, service members are not usually armed while on a domestic base. You and Greg can quit washing each others balls now.

    Has nothing to do with what his profession was. Has everything to do with the ridiculously shortsighted (and false) statement that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.


    Clearly did not work that way in Fort Hood or Columbine. But carry on.

  6. So the answer is always more guns not less? And armed guards are wholly trustworthy too right? Just ask the families of the 13 dead soldiers gunned down by a guard at fort hood

    Come on now, there were no "good guys with guns" at Fort Hood who were trained and prepared to stop such a thing. If there were more guns at Fort Hood, it never would have happened.

  7. No it's not silly. And most gun owners, even those with "assault weapons", whatever the hell that actually means, are law abiding citizens who do not start bloody rampages.


    I honestly believe that regulation will not impact the miniscule percentage of rampages in a statistically significant way. Arguing regulation doesn't make sense to me, because this will not stop "crazy", which is the root cause of this problem. Not the guns. If a person is bound and determined to eliminate innocent people, they will find a way to do it.


    I guess no one is arguing that we should repeal the 2nd, which is good, because that has about as much chance of happening as me getting a date with Megan Fox. As far as your bolded statement above, yes, you could reduce the risk, but the amount of people killed in "fun feuled massacres" is so minutely small already that I do not believe it is worth infringing on peoples rights to eliminate them. There are much, MUCH bigger killers out there that would do more people more good to focus on...

    We'll keep it simple (mainly for my benefit) and use your argument:


    Did the regulation and legislation of seat belt laws have an impact on the number of auto fatalities in our nation?

  8. Re-read the article. It supports exactly what I'm saying.


    Also, read through the enlightenment philosophies that shaped the men who created the constitution. The enlightenment was a direct rebuttal to the religious tyranny that savaged Europe for generations and stunted scientific and social development.


    To argue that the Founding Fathers were anything other than fearful of a religious state (be it Christian or otherwise) wielding power over the people is a fundamental perversion of history if not an outright misunderstanding of the principles which our republic was built upon.

  9. You absolutely are. Start the thread.

    We're in it. Huckabee's statements, depending on how you wish to interpret absolute idiocy, points the fingers at we the people who have removed God from schools. The people did no such thing.


    Religion has ZERO place in government. The founding fathers, the overwhelming majority of whom were NOT practicing Christians but instead Diests (if not out right atheists) feared religion's reach into government. Read Jefferson or Madison's works, then come back and talk about it.

  10. Gene, you are kind of arguing my point. You don't worry about the things bolded above, and nor should you. I argue that you should also not worry so much about getting caught up in a gun fueled massacre, therefore, any talk about increased gun legislation is a knee jerk, emotional reaction...

    Madcap, that's kinda silly. The reason you don't worry about car or plane accidents is because they are both heavily regulated industries. Cars and planes are safer and safer -- thanks to increases in safety regulation, production standards, and technology.


    There is a difference between repealing the 2nd Amendment and regulating ammunition capacities and weapon types. With your own argument, this type of regulation would lead to even a smaller risk of a "gun fueled massacre" just as it's done for auto and aircraft safety records, no?

  11. I suppose it's good to know that it's no longer the fault of guns, but rather is the fault of God.



    Not God, but our legislation of keeping church and state separate. It's our fault because we follow the constitution and God hates the constitution.

  12. You summed it up right there. However, I don't think his intent was dumb, but the message will not resonate with everyone, only those that believe in a higher power.


    Replace God with "humility, compassion, or love". Some members of society seem to be de-sensitized to the value of human life. Be it violent movies, violent video games, texting, twitter, etc., the emotional connections are have become sterile.

    That's a cop out. I believe in a higher power but it's the ultimate in man's arrogance to assume that we could ever "remove God" from ANYTHING.

  13. Yeah I've seen that quote all over FB. Annoying as hell.




    Reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Ned is the principal :lol:

    For a minister, and a man I used to respect, he's managed to offend anyone who believes in God and atheists all in one quote.

  14. Damn that's convenient.

    It's kind of brilliant when you think about it. It preserves the original series and films for the hard core Trekkers (who are programmed in their DNA to be skeptical of any reboots/reimaginings of Roddenberry's source material if they don't outright hate it to begin with) while opening the door to a new generation of fans who used to think of Star Trek as the nerdy brother to Star Wars.

  15. But wasn't there a theme of destiny in the first one? No matter what happened, Kirk and Spock were destined to be friends. They could bring on more of the same here with any other character from the original show and movies.


    ...so clearly the villain is Sybok

    This is how I always took it.


    It's a parallel universe kinda deal, Spock with Uhura rather than Kirk, Kirk's dad being dead rather than alive -- it preserves the original universe and series while simultaneously rebooting the franchise and letting them retell stories in new ways.

  16. So this Dog-eating !@#$ went on to meet the President (the other dog eater) this week and not a word was said.


    How nice.


    Meanwhile, if PSY sung "kill all the fags" not only would his appearnace with Obama have been cancelled, Obama would have had PSY thrown in jail, YT would have banned Gangamstlye and removed its billion hits, and the media would have taken a collective ****.


    But its only dead American soldiers PSY was pining for....so...meh. Carry on. When is Obama's next appearance on Leno, anyway?

    :lol: :lol:

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