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Posts posted by CosmicBills

  1. Obviously you didn't read what I quoted. The housing crisis is at the very bottom of our financial crisis today. Don't tell me it "wasn't entirely W's fault". The vast majority of the fault for the housing crisis falls squarely on the dems shoulders. They fought tooth and nail against controlling Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    If it makes you feel better to reinvent history and blame one side rather than the system itself, that's fine. It's not true, but it's fine. :D

  2. I agree with some of your post but #4 is all wrong. The CRA, started under Carter and amended under Clinton started regulated poor lending practices creating the housing bubble and subsequent crash.

    (snip for space)

    No, you're correct that it wasn't entirely W's fault. Glass-Steagall was all Clinton. The deregulation began with Dems and was accelerated by Bush both knowingly (paying for two wars on credit) and unknowingly.


    Without his absolute abortion of a job handling the post 9/11 world, W didn't start the fire, he just threw gallons and gallons of gasoline on it.

  3. Bush also had that whole 9/11 thingie to deal with.


    Let's look at how Bush dealt with that "whole 9/11 thingy". Or shall I say fumbled it completely.


    1. He took a rare moment of national unity and !@#$ing destroyed it by launching a war under blatantly false pretenses that sent over 3,000 young men and women to die finishing the job his father never did.


    2. Worse, he didn't even try to pay for either of his wars, instead he put it off until after his term was up.


    3. Even worse, the neo-con king and his cronies raped their own fiscal philosophy by creating the DHS -- an absolute albatross and sink hole of federal spending that has virtually no ability to fight a "war" on terror.


    4. And continuing down the path of idiocy and dishonesty, Bush further deregulated the economy to the point where he pushed the entire economy into a the worst recession since WWII and dumped it on the next administration's lap.


    5. But the coup de gras, he created the Patriot Act which destroyed personal freedom and liberty on a scale like no other president in history has done before.


    Yeah. Bush handled 9/11 swell. There are some men born to lead and others born to screw up. He's clearly in the later category. You can pretend all you want that Obama is entirely responsible for the mess we face now, but that would be as foolish as betting on the Bills to win the super bowl.


    Get your game up.

  4. Abridged is being kind. It's really almost nothing to do at all with her book. Goodwin is mentioned for publicity sake only, imo. She does very little on the passage of the amendment and nothing at all about all the machinations the movie presents. Speilburg is historian himself, taking the facts we have and presenting them in an original theory that may or may not be totally true. He takes one part of the enormous period of the war and makes a masterpiece, IMO. The movie was awesome, beyond stunning, Lewis better win the Oscar or the process is broken. Is there any evidence Lincoln wanted the amendment passed before the war was over because he thought it couldn't be passed once the wartime emergency had passed? Goodwin never makes that argument, it's not in her book.


    Further, them movie, like many movies reflects the age they were made in. The passag of the thirteenth amendment was used because it reflects in many way the passage of Obamacare, the party of no and the racism of today that is so much more whispered but was right out in the open in 1865

    Pretty sure this has been a movie Spielberg has been trying to get made for close to two decades. I doubt very much he chose it because he wanted to pimp the ACA.

  5. What do you mean New World Order?


    Wasn't the world ending in 2 and a half weeks?

    Our world as we know it ends. Then the new one rises from the ashes like a phoenix. I'm really looking forward to it, the way I see it with a few billion less people on the planet I might actually make it on Survivor.

  6. I guess who I know who's house to walk in and rob should I ever need to do so...

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you don't have a right to protect your home and person. But there's a difference between justifiable homicide and straight up murder regardless of the geographical location.

  7. Some reports have said that the burglars had robbed him in the past. I don't think it's been confirmed though (only confirmation is that his specific house had been robbed 8 times in the past, although allegedly only one was reported to police).


    Burglar comes downstairs and Smith shoots him twice. Burglar moves and gets shot again. Smith drags his body out of sight and sits down and waits for girl burglar. She comes downstairs and he shoots and wounds her. He goes to shoot her a second time and his rifle jams. She's on the floor and he picks up a pistol and walks over to her and finishes her off. This is per Smith. I think Smith will be spending his retirement in a very secure facility.

    If both these accounts are in any way accurate -- the guy's cooked. He stepped over a line from self defense to murder and it won't be difficult to make that case.

  8. So, when the bottom falls out and we go careening over this cliff, exactly how many hammers do I need to survive in the new world order? 'Cause I got three now (one's my neighbor's and the hell if he's getting it back until he returns my juicer) and was thinking about going to stock up on more tomorrow.


    Any tips would be appreciated. Cheers.

  9. Definitely our stuff early on but once they ramped up their industrial power, they were producing aircraft of all types in great numbers and their T-34 tank production really helped turn the tide against German Panzers on the ground. The Battle of Kursk really underscores the huge superiority the Soviets had in terms of equipment and manpower.

    Absolutely. It's an oversimplification for sure but it always stuck with me because going by how WWII is portrayed in pop-culture in the 50s and beyond you'd think the Soviets didn't even fight in WWII when in reality they paid perhaps the highest price of all nations in terms of blood. I read a lot of primary source journals about Stalingrad that were just chilling in terms of the mentality. Talk about tough SOBs.

  10. Did he have a stroke? If so I feel bad. I didn't mean to infer that I had some particular insight on Tarentino. Far from it. I really liked his first few movies and even the ones that he didn't direct. "True Romance" is one of my favs of all time and I think he did the screenplay on that. And I remember seeing him much prior to the Letterman thing and being shocked at the personality change. When it comes to pop culture these days I'm in the dark. My wife is constantly aghast when I don't know who a particular singer, actor is. So it's not surprising I'm unaware of the public's perception of Quentin.

    No, no I was just messing with you. I was making the joke that he does a LOT of drugs. I don't know the guy at all, it's just one of those assumptions that probably has a lot of truth to it. My bad. I forget that I'm not funny.

  11. The easiest and most fun way for the Syrian government to do such a thing would be to pull in the heads of the service provider companies for a meeting, give them some phones, point some guns at them and tell them they will shut down all internet services immediately or someone's going to need to replace the carpets in that room.

    So you have to coordinate with multiple companies/utilities all at once? There's not like a plug they can pull, right?

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