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Milanos Milano

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Everything posted by Milanos Milano

  1. I will try and post all of Rousseau’s sacks in here going forward.
  2. I didn’t realize a tropical fruit could make me laugh so much. 😂
  3. Lol everyone in the stadium is going to be like Rooooooooooouuu. And I’m going to be like, who are we cheering for? Table sauce? 😂
  4. “What wisdom can you find that is greater than sacks” - Rousseau
  5. Somebody needs to add Rousseau to this a pic of him painting him sacking a QB on the canvas. There was also a Rousseau painter.
  6. Going to give AJ a shout out as well, his sack today was bad things! Just straight up activated Pamplona mode.
  7. I think he will over time, but it’s impressive he’s able to beat people on power and length alone. He’s instinctive enough to peel off at the right moments. His arms will just take you in. I know he isn’t Bruce, but his arm take downs remind me so much of it.
  8. Rousseau is going to paint a happy little cloud on every single QB he meets!
  9. He’s a disruptor. It’s obvious more than last game. Even if he can’t get to you, he’s deep enough to cause major issues and he can contain which is huge.
  10. I changed it to sack artist 😂 This is going to be so much fun. Been waiting for a great DE for a long time. Rouuuuuuuuuuuuse! I’m greedy and want to see more art work.
  11. Don’t even care! In a great mood and Rousseau needs more attention lol . Today was so impressive simply for the fact that he was disruptive almost every play. It was very noticeable. Honestly don’t know how much he will have his rookie year, but the signs are there. Sewell is no slouch, and today he dominated an average at best line. Just excellent instincts.
  12. He’s been playing so well, he deserves his own thread. I know it’s just preseason, but he disrupts plays every single snap. He has great instincts and leverage. Rouuuuuuuuuuuuse! A sack a game with limited snaps. Very impressive.
  13. It’s just Bobby Hart and the others are just Bobby Hart in 4 other languages...
  14. Well you are Putin, so I hope you can at least read 2 of those lol
  15. Hamlet Hamilton Hampton Hamburger Hammock... Hamlin! I was way off.
  16. Rousseau Singletary Bass Rousseau looked more than impressive tonight. Can’t wait to see more.
  17. He’s going to be just fine in this league. It wasn’t just the one big play he had, he was all over the field in disruptive plays. He was immediately identifiable during the game.
  18. Hart Adams Ankou The last 2 OL that I didn’t even play probably.
  19. I’m really excited about Rousseau. I was really excited when we drafted him when others were reserved. His go go gadget arms are going to cause a lot of problems. Reminds me of Bruce’s mitts.
  20. I was pretty impressed with Singletary tonight, he noticeably had a pop to him he didn’t have last year. Rousseau winning against top lineman talent in the league is an incredibly good sign going forward. Sweeney was fairly noticeable. Obada was impressive. Spencer is good. Matakevich and Hamlin popped. Stevenson looks fast. Breida and Basham were meh but not terrible. Griffin and Hart need cut asap. Haack is going to win us games this year.
  21. I really really really hope Rousseau can be our Rouuuuuuuuse
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