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Milanos Milano

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Everything posted by Milanos Milano

  1. Right, but it depends on how aggressive you want to be. Allen can simply go, listen up team, I’m going down there and we are going to score 6 and I’m going to play hero ball and get us 2 more. Then there is nothing that can stop Allen’s destiny other than him messing up.
  2. And you get 4 downs the whole drive. Deferring offers a lot of benefits. Going first is only a benefit if you elect to go for 2 and go up 8 points.
  3. Not true if the team who scores first elects to go for 2 and succeeds. That guarantees them the 3rd possession advantage.
  4. Because of the 2 point possibilities. The 2 point completely messes things up.
  5. Upon further review, I think Deferring it 90% of the time is the best way to go. Then you get to work with 4 downs, you then get to know what you need to win. The only caveat would be if a team like KC was ballsy enough to go for 2 with the first possession and go up 8.
  6. I have a feeling this OT rule is going to bring about a whole bunch of aggressiveness and interesting decisions. Hopefully it works it’s way down into the regular season, because I feel like the fact that the board can’t agree 100% let alone 80% on what to do, some teams are going to play around with it and make it entertaining. And go for XP or for 2pt? If we are going to take the ball first, there would be no point unless we go for 2 and put up 8 points. Otherwise there is no guarantee Allen gets that 3rd possession advantage.
  7. Or do you trust your defense to defer enough to where if they do stop them, you give your offense a huge advantage? Even if your defense doesn’t stop them, maybe they can at least be scary enough to stop the opponent from attempting a 2 point. Which will give Allen the chance to work with 4 downs and opt for a 2 point to win if he wants to play hero ball. It’s actually a tough conundrum.
  8. Having Allen though, do you just go balls to the wall, score 8 points and put the destiny in your hands for the 3rd possession?
  9. But it’s not an advantage if the other team scores a TD and elects to go for 2 to beat you. If you have the ball first, I think most teams are going to go for 2 full knowing that the responding team can have 4 downs the whole drive and score a 2 point to beat you so you don’t get that 3rd possession advantage. Agree, which is why I think it’s a case by case scenario. If I’m playing KC, I’m deferring. I’m likely deferring anyways because you get the extra down, and you get to see if the opponent goes for the XP or 2point, so you know 100% what you need to win.
  10. I think the ultimate question is this. If you do win the coin toss and you do elect to have the 1st possession or you lose the coin toss and are forced to go first. If you score a TD, I think you must go for 2 points playing a team like KC. Otherwise you are giving KC a chance to score and go for 2 to beat you.
  11. Plus like others said, if you defer, you get to play with 4 down territory the whole drive. That is an advantage. Normally I would agree with that, but the 2 pt conversion throws the wrench into this. Having 4 downs the whole drive is also anther wrench. I’m almost inclined to change my vote. Deferring seems to be the best option. Especially if you get a defensive stop and it’s not a TD-TD scenario.
  12. I think it depends on the match up to some extent. If you are playing against Mahomes, I don’t see how you don’t go for 2 points in the event of a TD-TD. Full knowing that all Mahomes needs is a few yards to get into FG range. If you are playing against Burrows, I think we kick the xtra point and take the higher percentage play and send the defense back on the field, especially considering we have Miller and White coming back.
  13. ? Are you saying take the ball first and score? Or are you saying defer and let Allen score and go for 2?
  14. It’s a good thought process though. I guess it depends on who we are playing. A QB like Mahomes, or a QB like Burrows. If it’s Mahomes, I’m risking it and going for 2 points, if it is Burrows, I’m kicking the extra point and rolling on a defensive stop.
  15. But like some posters have said on here, the 2 pt conversion plays a key role. You have Josh Allen, you more than likely go for the win, rather than let the other team have the sudden death possession. So I’m now debating if I’d rather just defer it. Because I like to think our odds are higher than 49% with Allen going for 2.
  16. I’m still taking the ball first. Why? Because sudden death rules still apply after a TD-TD.
  17. Josh Allen now has officially upgraded to goat tier. He now is what is known as a rule bender. He’s in good company.
  18. You love to see it. It’s when you know your QB is elite. Rules bend.
  19. The Josh Allen rule. Nice to see this is our tuck rule lol
  20. Everyone here should watch Hall vs Walker highlights back to back a few times, and it will become apparent what I’m talking about. Hall has an extra gear when he hits the hole, and he’s a knifer, slices and dices up the inside quite often.
  21. In my opinion, he doesn’t look as explosive as Hall. Walker also has a tendency to run it outside, and with faster NFL players, not sure he will get away with that as much. He’s a decent RB, but I just don’t see the IT factor like I do with Hall.
  22. A lot of people do things for a living and aren’t very good. See Cody Ford.
  23. Bathroom basket enjoyed? Or under the mattress enjoyed?
  24. Marino is basically an idiot. He wouldn’t know talent if it bit him in the leg.
  25. We tendered, then we bated. Beane must be smoking a cig.
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