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Posts posted by BillStime

  1. 10 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

    Never underestimate the media's ability to harden Trump's base even more.  Well done Washington Post.


    His base is melting... "owning dem libs" is destroying families and friendships - and people are tired of the non stop hate.

    26 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Good Lord man. YOU said Trump wants civil unrest. Not me! If as YOU said, civil unrest is good for the President, Democrat mayors would then be scrambling to clamp down on this pro-Trump issue so as to remove the bad optics.....no? 


    Donald Q Trump has nothing else to run on other than civil unrest and hate.


    Look at the h8 here every day.



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  2. On 8/19/2020 at 3:46 PM, TH3 said:

    Love how the regular 5th Avenue crew here simply keeps on keepin on even after the whole Goodyear thing was shown to be FAKE NEWS - LOL/SMH


    I mean Trump is the king of cancel culture - He canceled balancing the budget, canceled paying off the debt, canceled a better health care system, canceled the big FOXX CON plant he golden shoveled with Paul Ryan (LMAO), canceled having Mexico pay for the wall, canceled building most of the wall, canceled getting control of Covid, canceled getting a trade agreement with China, cancelled listening to intelligence about Russian bounties on American soldiers, he wants to cancel voting access, wants to cancel free press...


    When he makes a promise....he cancels like no other

    Did QTrump not Tweet this?


    Are on you drugs?



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  3. 9 minutes ago, B-Man said:

    CHARLES LIPSON: Joe Biden offers platitudes, not policies.

    What was missing? Three important things. Biden made no mention of


    What policies he would implement or how they differed from Trump’s; he simply offered vague picture of a happier, more prosperous future;

    Riots and looting in major cities; he ignored them entirely; the closest he came was saying that, during his administration, America would finally rid itself of ‘systemic racism’; he included a sweet vignette of talking to George Floyd’s young daughter, who said her father had changed the world; but there was no mention of the chaos in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York, and other cities, which may have begun with Floyd’s killing but is now divorced from it;


    Any international threats and challenges, or how he would deal with them differently from Trump, aside from saying he would not ‘cozy up to dictators’. He never mentioned Russia, Iran, North Korea, or terrorism. His one glancing mention of China was that his administration would not depend on them for medical supplies, a policy Trump is already pursuing.


    The absence of any policy ideas was striking, especially because so many commentators expected them. The whole convention, they noted, had been devoted to attacking Trump, which left Biden was free to explain what he would do in office and how his policies would make the country better. He didn’t do that. He hardly tried. He simply promised everyone the Christmas presents they were wishing for — and then only in the vaguest terms.



    To be completely fair, it was also badly delivered.


    What does Trump offer?



  4. 7 minutes ago, Doc said:

    Tara Reade again says hi.  Oh and Joe is an adulterer himself.  Just as Jill Biden's first husband.

    Oh does she? Put them both on the stand and let’s see what happens. If Biden raped or assaulted her - throw him in jail. No one is above the law.


    Can you say the same thing about the guy who won’t give up his DNA in his rape case or grab em by the hush money?


    Only a matter of time for QTrump to find out that he is NOT above the law.


    Bring it DOC

  5. And not a peep from the QOP resident terrorists here at PPP

    The Republican Party has become a smash-and-grab operation

    "The reason Republicans turned their party over to Trump and feel no compunction about reversing one position after another should be obvious: Many of them do not believe in much of anything other than getting rich and maintaining their grip on power. The party has become a smash-and-grab operation — smash democratic norms and institutions, and grab the limelight and cash for however long they can.


    And consider this: If we know about all the misdeeds, the crimes and the lies while Trump is in office, what are we going to find once he is gone?"

    ~Jennifer Rubin



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  6. 1 minute ago, B-Man said:



    Today is Friday..................not Tuesday..................try and keep up.




    Goodyear hands a political triumph to Trump

    by Thomas Lifson


    Original Article


    In terms of the reality TV show of the presidential campaign, Goodyear has caved-in to Donald Trump’s pressure and affirmed its support for law enforcement, handing a potent symbolic victory to his reelection effort. The now-notorious Topeka “zero tolerance” slide framed a simple tale of PC bullies taking over a corporation and terrorizing the employees into verbal conformity, silently hewing to the party line with all the enthusiasm of a 1986 East German. Donald Trump, the champion of the liberty of the ordinary American, fought back










    You are in a QULT bro - so sad - and Putin LOVES you.

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