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Posts posted by BillStime

  1. 9 minutes ago, I-town Bills said:

    It's been studied and found lacking. There is no normal sane reason for a politician to be recommending medications, but the cult latches on for dear life and this is quite clear. Why else would any of us care to promote a medication. Just find us ones that work and are safe per FDA standards. 

    It’s a Qult

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 32 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    You answered within your quote:

    Professor Borody also stated that the reason this news is not being shouted out loud is because these drugs are cheap and readily available

    Money, money, money.

    People think HCQ was hopped on to disparage it due to Trump touting it. Sorta. That is the easy, obvious answer. The better answer is people being paid by big-pharma (politicians, ads in newspapers, tv, online revenue, adverts, etc.) poo-pooed it because it is cheap, the side effects are fully known, and it works. No money in that. And a declared pandemic that has the whole world terrified? Yeah, there is oodles of money in discovering a new drug to "cure" or "vaccinate" this virus. ? ? ?



    • Haha (+1) 2
  3. 1 hour ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:

    ...this society gets sicker by the nanosecond............good Lord..................

    Hashtag #wrongtrump trends on Twitter after death of president's brother

    The hashtag was shared by those who claim the president should have died

    Following the death of President Trump's brother Robert Trump, critics of the president have been tweeting the hashtag #wrongtrump, as if to say that it should have been the president to die instead.
    As of Sunday morning, the hashtag was the second highest trending on Twitter, with more than 77,600 tweets, including a journalist and an NAACP leader.
    "Dear Grim Reaper, You took the #wrongtrump," tweeted Bishop Talbert Swan, who is a pastor, radio host, and president of the Springfield, Mass., branch of the NAACP.
    "What did he promise the devil for the Grim Reaper to take the #wrongtrump ???" tweeted journalist David Leavitt.

    It is what it is 

  4. 7 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    So let me get this straight....it’s now PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE for a country to close its border with another country? Who knew? 

    See? You are so deranged you don’t even see it.


    Trump closed our border because he is racist and you pigs get off on that.


    Canada closed our border because of science.



  5. Just now, fansince88 said:

    How does this play into your rhetoric moron?


    "While the border closure has had significant economic and personal repercussions for the millions of people that live along it or have loved ones on the other side, the vast majority of Canadians want it to stay shut. A July poll by Ipsos Reid found that eight in ten Canadians wanted the border to stay closed until at least the end of 2020."


    Confirms Trump has turned the US into a schitt hole country.


    Nice try pup 

  6. US-Canadian border to remain closed until late-September


    Can you imagine Fox News and all the obnoxious hypocrites here if Canada kept the border closed (for this long) during the Obama era?


    But for Trump - it’s just another day.

    This guy has masterfully played you IDIOTS w non stop distraction and desensitized you from what is really going on in our country. 

    170,000 dead Americans? Fake News - hoax, right?

    Our mail has has stopped flowing - TOO BAD. Trump is literally removing USPS mailboxes from street corners - nothing to see here.


    Remember the day you freaks started a thread on a cashless society? The thread started out like this:

    “A fringe totalitarian movement to eliminate cash is being pushed into the mainstream.


    It's justified under the guise of public health and economic efficiency, but it is one of the most terrifying propositions ever to enter the conversation and must be stamped out immediately.“

    We are so far down the rabbit hole its not even funny.


    Trump has turned our country into one of those “schitt hole” countries he biches about.


    THANK YOU Trump voters - not one of you can defend giving this SOB a four year extension. 

    Not one.  

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