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Posts posted by TheCockSportif

  1. 5 minutes ago, CodeMonkey said:

    Extremely lucky to suck out the W.  Without the turnover the Bills almost certainly would have lost.  But any W is better than a L.  Against the cheaters, even as ugly a game as that was, makes it that much sweeter. It's pretty obvious the Bills aren't going to do great things this season, but they are 6-2 and beat the Pats.  I'll gladly take it at the midway point.

    Here's success for me this season: win a playoff game.  While I think that this team can go deeper, there are three glaring things that aren't leading me in that direction currently (D issues, inconsistencies on O, ST issues in punting/kicking), but it doesn't mean that teams like the Ravens or the Titans won't slot themselves out and the Bills won't slot themselves in.

  2. 1 minute ago, All I Need is Hope said:

    I'll join the "pile on" party this evening...


    Overall, Beane's drafting and FA handling are starting to show cracks... probable misses on high picks like Ford, Edmunds, Phillips, Joseph, maybe Knox.  Many good FA adds like Feliciano, Morse, Beasley, Brown; but several misses or marginal upgrades like Klein, potentially Norman, Spain, Murphy (jury's out on this year's crop - Butler, Addison).


    Part of the results of the middle-of-the-pack GM performance is a linebacking group and dline that are bad, with terrible depth and few play makers/game changers on defense (other than Milano and Tre); and plays soft.  


    Beane, by all accounts is a very bright and hard working GM, however, if I look closely at the roster and results, it's not as positive as I've been thinking for the last year plus.


    Well... they can't all be gems, but given 18 years of suck in terms of talent/competitiveness, I'll conclude that Beane has done a lot more good than bad.


    I can easily name a dozen players that were drafted as first rounders and did not work here.  At all.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Don Otreply said:

    Actually the bills only need to win two more games at the most to make the post season/ clinch the AFCE,  those two wins come from the pats and the fins. We can manage that, every thing else is frosting on the cake. 

    Go Bills!!!

    It's totally doable, but the Fins should not be taken lightly, well, unless Tua is absolutely horrible and Fitz does his best pick machine thing if/when he replaces Tua.


    Of course, as learned today, the Pats can't be taken lightly either, but are more beatable than where I perceive the Fins to be at the moment.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Utah John said:

    The difference is that today's decision was by a guy who's won dozens of Super Bowls (or so it seems, anyway), and not a guy who's 0-2 in the playoffs.


    Past success buys a lot of forgiveness.

    If you're gonna polish off that knob, I don't want to hear about it.

    You went there, eh?  I should've chosen a career in marketing instead.  Lewd ads are hilarious!

  5. 2 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    I'd rather they lose in a blowout, myself.  But "a win is a win" "you are what your record says you are" and while we're at it -


    Chris Simms, "Bite Me"

    Well, sure, and I said the same a handful of responses ago.  For me, having watched this team lose so many close games including (and after) the Music City Miracle, watching them close this one out was a satisfying way to spend the afternoon.  Having some Knob 9 is a lot smoother now.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Coffeesforclosers said:


    Hate reading opposition forums should be part of everybody's post-game ritual.  

    Pats' fans, and I say this is a WNY native who's lived in New England for a long time, are the biggest whiners on the planet.


    You should've seen that forum during Deflategate, when they were talking about the 1st, 4th, and 6th amendments.  I never knew there were that many constitutional lawyers here!

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. Just now, McBean said:

    We beat the New England practice squad.


    Some on here will say build statue for McClappy

    Yeah, so?  I admit that this game had shades of the 2004 season finale to me.  I felt that the Bills could/would win but this one went down to the wire.  If anything, it's a game that I saw this team lose from 2000-this year more often than not.

  8. Just now, Coach Tuesday said:

    Oh great, we get the win but are left with a sore Groin.

    Haha, no.  Not at all.  I'm glad that they won (I've written it twice in separate threads now), like really, really glad.  But in addressing the negatives I have to state what I've observed.

  9. 1 minute ago, Simon said:

    This team is just eviscerated in the interior on both sides of the ball.

    Guys either at home, on the sideline or hurt and half-stepping.

    There is no way they can continue to steal wins this way.


    They won't ever actually be at full strength the rest of this year and I hope they coach accordingly.

    Overaggressive calls to pressure opposing offenses and defenses the best you can and be conscientious about protecting your blue chip QB.



    As I promised a couple of weeks ago, I'm not going to harp on the McD aspect of things until after the season is over.  I think that given the parameters of the squad for the remainder of the season, a ton of their future success is going to come down to coaching.


    What continues to bug me is that when something is working -- then something else gets thrown into the gameplan.  Run left?  Working.  Run left again?  Working.  QB sneak?  Flea flicker?  OMG, so weird, and does not make sense.


    When I used to play baseball, I was a fastball/curveball pitcher.  My FB would top at maybe 91 or 92, but usually averaged around 86 or 87.  When my curve worked it would bite hard and I'd strike guys out.  My best games were when I threw the same pitch most (if not all) of the game because it was working.


    I do not know or understand why this team gets cute and abandons what works.

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  10. Just now, DuckyBoys said:

    I can already paraphrase McDermott's post game speech  "Men you overcame adversity and trusted in the process blah blah blah"  Can hear Josh's too  "I got to be better this is on me I cant turn the ball over there yada yada yada"   I'm thrilled we somehow pulled this off but this is not a playoff contender  Not as they stand right now  On the plus side liked that Dabol stuck with the run

    Not a playoff contender?  Time will tell.  I will say this, though.  5 years ago this team would've lost this game with 100% certainty.

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