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Everything posted by TheCockSportif

  1. Strangely, my sobriety (or mostly) since April 2021 is still intact. I'm sitting here stone cold sober, and I'm asking my wife if this is all an illusion.
  2. Yeah, I know. My boss is at the game right now and reports that it's frigid. But the Bills would be destroying NE over hot coals, glaciers, and really any condition right about now. Good football is good football, and the Bills have been playing it. LFG!
  3. I haven't seen this much magic since they used to play 20-minute workout on UHF in the 1980s. I'm not Dennis Miller, but still, I approve this message.
  4. Don't jinx it, bro. Johnnycakes lost the All Valley Tourney, remember?!
  5. Not if his New Year's resolution was to ***** a brick then retire in a haste...
  6. True, but I am fine with NE scoring some points so long as the Bills keep rolling. Am I afraid of Mac Jones or any of the NE team, who apparently all showed up at this game in the same car? NO.
  7. You can rent a POD for your junk, and leave it by the curb, you know, if it's interfering with your ability to concentrate on this masterpiece. HAHA.
  8. It certainly looks like it now, doesn't it, unlike a month or so ago? WOW. Yessir.
  9. Well, I loosened my sphincter earlier, and I think that it lead to trouble, Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" keeps repeating in my head, and this game is NOICE, or at least it is at the moment.
  10. Feeling good thus far. There's something warm in my pants. Will check later.
  11. Correct, because I'm not convinced that he can do it. Last game, I wondered why he wasn't picked about a half dozen times. And once they get to him, he's done, and the Pats will follow. But it's early, although I am hopeful.
  12. I don't care if they're open so long as their QB keeps throwing junk like that.
  13. What happened? I missed all of the start of the game. Was eating a TV dinner from Swanson and watching reruns of the Golden Girls. Just kidding, and... LFG.
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