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Posts posted by Fleezoid

  1. It really depends culture in ownership and GM, not so much the fans. Look at the Steelers. They've had 3 coaches and stood pat on Bill Cowher when fans were screaming for him to get fired a couple of years during the Slash era. All fans get crazy when things go bad. It just depends how much of a trigger finger the owner has. I think the longer a team stinks, the happier that trigger finger gets. And the Bills have had long stretches of suck!

  2. 13 minutes ago, warrior9 said:

    Explain? Have you been to Dallas, Houston, Austin, etc? 


    I am here and it's not bad at all? I don't understand? 

    I, for one, really enjoy no income tax.



    Just for clarification: I would not trade spots at all. I think CJ Stroud's play right now is not going to last. I'm just trying to understand the Texas hate as a location to live. 


    You don't have to live in Texas for no state income tax. Welcome to Florida. 

  3. 38 minutes ago, Paup 1995MVP said:

    What is so bad about Texas that you had to add that to your response?


    I don't live in Texas.  Have been there a few times (Dallas and Austin are nice places) And I don't live in the Buffalo area (did when I was younger) so I am curious what that is about?


    I can answer that from an opinion standpoint. I lived in San Antonio for over 7 years and travelled to Dallas about 100 times. For me it's about arrogance. There are a lot of residents that think everything in Texas is better than anywhere else, specifically Dallas. I had a couple of conversations that went just that way. I recall finishing a conversation by say something like, 'really? I need to check out the snow skiing here'

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  4. 15 minutes ago, MikePJ76 said:

    My thoughts are this, Josh Allen is the villain and the reason for the losing narrative is making me mental.  An interception in the first quarter is no more harmful to the outcome of the game than a Pass Interference penalty on the most crucial play of the game or an inexcusable 12 man penalty on a field goal,  Its just easy for the narrative to be fed to the simpletons who watch football that the qb is the problem.


    Pass goes right through the hands of Gabe Davis and is intercepted in the redzone costing the team a minimum of 3 points and more realistically 7 points......Davis is the culprit yet the tv cameras show close up shots of Josh Allen, then they show his interception numbers and Joe Buck and Troy Aikman say he is the reason for the teams troubles and say he throws the ball too hard.  The simpletons at home gobble it up and take the easy road and blame him.  



    Joe Buck and Troy Aikman? Ick! I had the Manning Cast on. I did switch to ESPN when Kermit came on. Can't listen to him either. But trust me, the sound was off during that time. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, CodeMonkey said:

    I think a great deal of the time fans are just mad and want someone fired even if it doesn't make great sense.

    Dorsey for example, they fire him in a already short week, where the next opponent is a divisional game where said opponent beat you earlier in the year.  Did it make sense to fire Dorsey now rather than a few weeks ago, or in a few weeks?

    But blood lust needed to be satisfied.


    It makes more sense to fire him now than in a few weeks, but makes less sense to not have fired him a couple of weeks ago. We all saw what was happening to this offense, yet they had to wait until the proverbial straw broke the back. There was no way we were beating the Jets with Dorsey running the offense. At least now the offense may have a pulse. We'll see on Sunday. 

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  6. 1 minute ago, WotAGuy said:

    I listened this morning and thought he had an interesting insight about Josh’s mental/emotional state.  Sal compared Daboll’s personality to Dorsey’s and suggested the whole offense has taken on Dorsey’s flat-line emotional state, as opposed to Daboll’s firey personality. It make a lot of sense and is the first logical thing I’ve heard that explains Josh’s change in demeanor.  


    Yeah, no, I think this is right. 

  7. Josh Allen needs to run more. He absolutely gets into a game when he busts a 20-30 yard run, especially when stiff-arming someone as he goes out of bounds. McDermott was asked early in Allen's career if he thought they needed to reign in the running and McD said something to the effect, '....it's hard to take away something that makes a player so good'. Maybe McDermott had a say, but Dorsey absolutely took it away. Daboll didn't. I'd rather have a high-risk Allen than the anemic Allen we have now. Hopefully Brady opens the offense up and brings back the Allen we knew. 

  8. 9 hours ago, Figster said:


    I'm hoping he gets Sherfield, Harty and Shakir more involved. Bring back what made the offense successful. Yes, we need a decent running game, but the Bills offenses succeeded as a pass-happy offense. Just fix what Dorsey broke.

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  9. He's probably letting his emotions get the better of him. Like many here, tired of the BS every year. Something's always blowing up the Bills chances. Every freaking year. Half a century of this crap is getting old, frustrating, maddening, infuriating. ........

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