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Everything posted by GregPersons

  1. I remember when the Q guys were also jacking off about the Inspector General, especially in the early stages of the Russia stuff, IIRC? Anyway how did that turn out
  2. Oh, I'm sure he'll tell us Q is muuuuuch too complicated to be summed up by the language of mere mortals. We could never understand, that's why he won't be able to explain it. Q is just too Godly to hold in one's mind.
  3. Right right right, but Q has access to the Illuminati -- he isn't one, but he's among them. He's like a secret agent. Right?
  4. What is "race baiting"? I'm not sure what that means. Can you elaborate? Do you know Kareem Abdul Jabbar? https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2020/06/12/kareem-abdul-jabbar-floyd-protests
  5. Do the police not represent the government? Why not include their faces too? You'd see the real commonality is they're almost all white. Of course that doesn't work as well with the "it's Congress's fault that they didn't say police shouldn't put their knees on a man's throat for 8 minutes and 46 seconds while he begs for mercy." You can only think in "republicans good, democrats bad." Small minds, man. Small minds. By the way. So weird how LA had another huge day of protests in Hollywood with no incident.... Coincidentally the National Guard and police presence has been eliminated or significantly reduced And the news is hardly covering it. Must be a coincidence!!!!!!
  6. Charf Jom has not entered the arena, despite many calls and monetary incentive, just for him to step up and be the hero to defend the white race from this slander.
  7. They're the ones in charge now. Isn't that Q basically? The secret illiuminati member who's leaking stuff out? Not up to date on the Q lore, is he still JFK Jr? Maybe he's the guy that actually played Q from the old 007 movies brought back to life. Ever notice that the "Illuminati" is always Jewish people like George Soros? It's never the Waltons or the Kochs... nooooo....
  8. Native Americans? There are, in fact, protests and marches for Natives. How would you know? But because your perception is so limited, it really is like "if you don't see it, it doesn't exist." But here's the tricky one, Cooking James. Why are there so few Native Americans in the US compared to other races? Hmm. Tricky one if you don't know any history at all.
  9. The Civil War lasted five (5) years. And yet today, there are still people — maybe including yourself, I don't remember — who want that "heritage" respected. See: the NASCAR thread. The fact that "every person dies" isn't a great point for anything other than absolute nihilism which might be your beliefs, I don't know. Was every person in 1921 murdered in a riot that was covered up for many years? The fact that it happened in 1921, but that it wasn't publicly known until far more recently — maybe that might help you understand the relevance. This insane idea that the past doesn't impact the present status quo is some deeeeeeep magical thinking. How do you think you came into this world? Do you understand cause & effect? Do the events of 1776 — even further back in time — have any bearing on your life today? Are you aware American law is based on precedent? Do you think lawfully murdering Black Americans for generations as precedent has an impact on today's laws and government behaviors? Anyone? Bueller? Mueller? Have there been other massacres in Tulsa that this might be confused with? It's nice to get to know your fellow Bills fans. I like that it's a smaller group. Not sure if you're joking or not, but you're in Australia so... OK is the state abbreviation for Oklahoma, where Tulsa is. Tulsa, OK. Buffalo, NY. I don't want to be anywhere near your family, the feeling is mutual. Put your official guesses in the Guess Greg's Identity thread and you could win the prize of me leaving
  10. Yeah it's definitely in Ohio and I think it's in Yellow Springs too... I thought it might even be his home but I don't think so? I have some friends that live near Dayton-ish who say their friends/family see Dave out and about all the time.
  11. You knew me before I was posting here? Again an example of you having to make up my identity/thoughts in order to disagree with it
  12. You're really gelling into a version of my identity in your mind. Make the full guess! Let's see! I promised I will reveal myself with all 7 correct answers and there's even a few hints in that thread since I told one poster they guessed 1 right.
  13. You should also read my Racism 101 thread to see why "racist against white people" (like your "black on black crime") is a KKK talking point. If you are not personally in the KKK, are you sure your dad wasn't? You seem to only know their views on this, and truly, you seem like it's the only source of information on race you've had so far. It's all KKK ***** from you. No exaggeration.
  14. I've become much clearer on the complacency White Americans have toward the violence of their neighbors and they need their cages rattled. I've realized that racists are around me more than I wanted to believe before. I had assumed most people were generally moral, good, "Golden Rule" and Jesus' values type of people, more or less. I realized that's all pretty bunk. A lot of "good people" are just cowards who can't admit their real feelings.
  15. Thank you for sharing an example of what KKK propaganda can look like.
  16. I'd say I've changed quite a lot over the past few weeks. I'd love to see you change, Jaraxxus; would love to see your mind grow. But I'm afraid you never will, because you don't want to. You are afraid of the truth. Be brave!
  17. You should take a guess in the thread. There's even a question about what my employment status is and what you think I do. How does violence happen? How did the violence in the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 happen? How was that violence not about race? Just asking you to explain your position, so I can better understand my hypocrisy. I've answered each and every one of your questions, have I not?
  18. Interesting. Another example of y'all making up the other side's position so you can tell it to ***** off. None of that is what Black America is requesting, but it's interesting what's what you're choosing to hear.
  19. You should put in a guess in the identity thread. Seems like you've got an idea forming in there. I can see your wheels turning, slowly but surely. I gave you a template to help organize your thinking, and an incentive to do it (guess right and I go away!). Highest score so far is 1 out of 7, B word.
  20. What did I make up? Right after I told you the left position on guns, you then insisted to me it was something different. Is that not what happened? It's on this page. You just have to scroll up.
  21. Oh it's not? And what other contexts is violence divorced from in your reality? Does violence fall out of the sky? Just curious how the world works in your weird little brain.
  22. This is what I mean. You guys have to make up the opposition's positions in order to disagree with them. Go off! Use those imaginations, babies!
  23. Open border means people should be free to migrate wherever they choose. Barrier is both physical and conceptual. There should be a regulated process of admission. For example, a murderer fleeing to another country, should be returned home to face justice. Otherwise, the migration should be free. Does this make sense? The left is pro-gun control. Not anti-guns. This is a common distortion by the right. The left's positions are consistently distorted (see Fox News, Daily Wire, etc) so the right has red meat. The left has not always been pro-gun control, either, and America has not always been so flooded with guns to the degree it is today. Again it's interesting to note that the first gun control legislation came from NRA's white members because of the Black Panthers owning guns. Unclear where I said anything about MS-13 out-arming the police. However you are right to compare a gang to the police; they are both gangs. One has the law and the other doesn't. The group behavior is identical. All "borders" are made up. They are all fictional, made real through enforcement. The documentation required of minorities -- as it has been since Jim Crow -- is used as a tool for oppression. This is what the left opposes. Documentation as a general concept to prove ID is not opposed. The idea is that there are many forms of ID that can prove a person's identity; work stubs, for an example. If you can work in America, you should be able to vote. Do you disagree with that? Probably, based on your other positions, you do. That's where the disagreement on "borders" come in. I find it shocking that you would post the quote from MLK and not see yourself, or at least, many of the PPP posters here who claim to be "not racist" in their hearts but find the idea of being "anti racist" in their words/actions to be either unnecessary or unthinkable. That's who he is talking about... the bystanders.
  24. Black America -- "It's important to understand that our lives matter." White America:
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