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Posts posted by Bruffalo

  1. 7 minutes ago, Green Lightning said:

    There is. Dorsey was Josh's pick for OC. They had a buddy to buddy relationship and not a mentor relationship he had with Daboll. Josh has played like crap. Is it him or the scheme. Now that the year is shot, time to find out.

    This is conjecture and completely unrelated to the original comment from McDermott.


    Maybe it’s true(I doubt it) but how you arrived there doesn’t make sense. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, SoonerBillsFan said:

    Sounds like dorsey was afraid to upset Josh.  If so tough ****  Josh needs a foot in his butt with how crappy he has been playing.  Davol was on him hard.


    Hell maybe thats part of the problem. Maybe Josh needs to toughen up.  Hell  who knows anymore

    What a leap in logic. There was nothing said to indicate that at all. 

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  3. 14 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    I dont think any reasonable Bills fan is expecting a midstream turnaround by an interim OC. I expect the offense to look similar to what we've seen.


    But I do expect/want to see our execution and engagement to improve.


    Do the guys look focused? Do they look like they're having fun? Or at least look like they want to be there?


    The rest is all fluff to get us through the rest of this season so we can re-tool in the offseason.

    The logical head to call for next is McDermott anyways. 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, MasterStrategist said:

    My "source", media guy in Pittsburgh but connections to Buffalo/NFL....now he isn't always correct, but told me in the summer:


    1. Cincy playoff: Diggs outburst was directed at Josh, bc he was upset Josh advocated/had more say on hiring Dorsey as Off coordinator and was upset with that decision


    2. Offseason/missed day of minicamp: Diggs was told both coordinators would be "evaluated" and changes likely to occur to both.  Dorsey wasn't expected to be retained, at least by Diggs interpretation.  He wasn't happy to say the least, when Coach discussed why they were keeping Dorsey


    Take it or leave it.  My media source reached out to me today and has been predicting this for the past few weeks.  But all fans have seen the writing on the wall re: Dorsey, just not sure the Diggs situation is true...but sounds plausible.


    EDIT: if true, could explain some of the extra "weight" on Josh shoulders this year, feeling responsible.   Something is definitely weighing on his mind/demeanor, but could be a variety of things

    Yes, that all tracks too.  


    I can't confirm/deny what I was told, but I am 100% sure that they are the sibling of a Bills player, it's definitely a game of telephone since the player isn't even on the offense, so take what you will from it.

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  5. So I had an interesting conversation with the sibling of a Bills player (on defense) during the preseason.  They mentioned that Diggs was pissed because he didn't think the Bills were giving him an opportunity to hit his incentives in his contract with the plan on offense. That's why he and McD had it out. 


    I don't know how true it is, but that's believable to me. 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Wayne Arnold said:


    He's a Top 3 quarterback who isn't quite playing at that level despite leading the NFL in touchdowns.


    But that's a short-term problem.


    Coaching is a much bigger problem and much more to blame for the 5-5 record than our elite quarterback making a few mistakes.

    I don't understand how anyone is blaming the execution of the players for these losses as if there's no direct correlation between player success, playcalling, and game preparation during the week. 

    The coaches are responsible for getting their players ready to play and execute the gameplan.  The coaches are responsible for the gameplan. 


    When one guy is making a blunder then it's on the player.  When everyone is doing it then it is on the coaching. 

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  7. 1 minute ago, MJS said:

    So wrong. Allen is a a big problem right now. Turnovers are the biggest deciders of games. Allen turns it over more than anyone in the league.

    So wrong. Scores are the biggest decider of games and Allen scores more than just about anyone in the league.  

    Silly to focus on the bad when he's the entire offense. 

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  8. 1 minute ago, HoofHearted said:

    Which ones? I'm genuinely asking.

    Cover1 can do a much better job of showing it than I could describe, and I'd encourage you to check them out.

    1 minute ago, HoofHearted said:

    Which ones? I'm genuinely asking.

    Cover1 can do a much better job of showing it than I could describe, and I'd encourage you to check them out.

  9. I can give the defense a pass because of the injuries.  Frazier was bad. McDermott has been mostly good at calling the defense but he's just stinky garbage in the high pressure situations.  It's why he harps on execution so much, because when you hang the game on his decision making it crumbles. 


    Daboll was obviously way more important to this organization than most want to admit.  


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  10. 2 minutes ago, 34-30 said:

    Has anyone considered that perhaps this is just who Allen IS and that coaching has hidden it up to this point?

    Allen literally has been the entire offense for multiple seasons, but yeah, totally, it's the coaching that's made him look good.


    This has to be one of the worst takes I've seen on here today. 

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  11. 1 minute ago, HoofHearted said:

    I dunno - we left a lot of meat on the bone.

    I'm not going to pretend that the players aren't without some blame here, but to me it's tiny in comparison to the coaching staff.  

    A not insignificant amount of Dorsey's playcalls never worked, and he kept hammering those same calls every game!  He was incapable of self-evaluating and saying "well this play hasn't worked for the guys on the field".  Maybe the plays are awesome for a different set of players or a different QB, I don't know, but I do know that Josh has had similar interceptions for the past few games in a row and Dorsey would stubbornly go right back to them. It's beyond frustrating. 


    Allen's "I'm executing the plays as called" is very telling. 

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  12. 1 minute ago, HoofHearted said:

    Those of you expecting a wildly different offense in terms of scheme are going to be disappointed. He's going to run the exact same scheme Dorsey was running - you can't just scrap everything and teach a new system mid-year. This move had to be made though before McDermott lost the entire locker room. Despite what the players say post-game/during the week there has been no confidence in what we are doing for a couple weeks now. Stef looked unamused and unengaged throughout the night last night. I'll wait for the A22 to drop before making any comments about the game plan/scheme, but there were multiple times again last night that Josh looked to the opposite side of the field than what I thought he should. Picking man match-ups is one thing, but vs zone play the concept side - thought this was an Allen mistake thing, but I do wonder if this move means it was being coached that way... All in all though - the players didn't play hard for their OC and the same issues that have been occurring over the past however many weeks showed up yet again. Hopefully a different voice in the room ignites these players going forward.

    The playcalling decisions were just as questionable as the scheme, maybe more so.  It felt like Dorsey was picking them at random instead of trying to establish a gameflow. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, appoo said:

    Also, wouldn’t go too far with Allen being a problem:



    People going after the franchise QB in a passing offense that didn't make any sense are nuts. Talents like Allen are insanely rare and it's up to the coaching staff to match his level of talent.  


    Dorsey had to go, I think McDermott ultimately has to go as well because I don't see a path to recovering from these blunders. This is a step in the right direction at least. 

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  14. 1 minute ago, EasternOHBillsFan said:

    1. Leslie Frazier is essentially fired.

    2. Ken Dorsey is fired.

    3. ?


    The Emperor McDermott has no clothes. Stop blaming Josh for a massive systemic failure of leadership that rests at the feet of the Emperor.

    Right.  McD has nothing to hide behind if the season continues like it has.  The team, especially Josh and the offense, look like they hate playing.  If McD can't get them energized and having fun, then he needs to get the boot too. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  15. Just now, DrDawkinstein said:

    It's the correct first step. Whether McD survives until 2024 is a separate issue. This HAD to happen NOW.


    Let's see what happens under the change to Brady (and I'm sure Shula helping out).


    I'm just glad to see them do SOMETHING, ANYTHING.


    100%, he should have been booted weeks ago. Baby steps in the right direction, but the season is probably a wash now, better to focus on the future of the rest of the coaching staff.

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  16. 2 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    Both flats are wide open as is Gabe over the middle. You’re right, at least 3 ints on that play just this year. I can remember Tennessee and kc getting one in the past also.



    Gabe isn't open until the ball is already out of Allen's hands. The flats are open, he should have gone to Cook I guess, but it's a bad play call. 

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  17. 8 minutes ago, BillsFanSD said:

    I'm not ready to jump on the "Fire McDermott" train quite yet, but I'm going to be very interested in seeing how the rest of the season goes.  


    At this point, I would insist on a new OC and new DC.  Those are both non-negotiable IMO.  I would not be opposed to a change at HC if that's what Pegula decides to do.  We know we're going to have some roster turnover this year, especially in the secondary, so it's not a totally inopportune time to make some coaching changes.

    He doesn't have to be fired now, but what recourse do they have? How many times does he need to crumble before we realize that he can't function in high pressure situations.  He's a good DC, maybe even great, but he can't juggle the responsibilities. 

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