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Posts posted by Assquatch

  1. One of my friends just died of a drug overdose. 30-40% of my youth and college friends have died, been to rehab or jail, and when I got to know them they were all sober. I wish I had never seen a drug. We tend to glorify drugs and talk about how fun they are I am guilty of that, too. I partied for a decade, and honestly it was the wrong decision. Drugs arent even close to being worth it when you think about how much trouble they cause in this world.


    We were track stars together, running backs, friends since second grade. Drugs didnt have anything to do with what was important to us. For it to end like this-- I'm out of words.


    I'm not even looking for sympathy. Im just saying dont let your friends do the same thing.

    Maybe it's you?


    Sorry for your loss.

  2. That makes it cooler! :thumbsup:


    BTW, as far as I know, there is little real proof the head stays conscious after decapitation. Here's a nice little summary discussing the possibility:



    Then I received a note from a U.S. Army veteran who had been stationed in Korea. In June 1989 the taxi he and a friend were riding in collided with a truck. My correspondent was pinned in the wreckage. The friend was decapitated. Here's what happened:


    My friend's head came to rest face up, and (from my angle) upside-down. As I watched, his mouth opened and closed no less than two times. The facial expressions he displayed were first of shock or confusion, followed by terror or grief. I cannot exaggerate and say that he was looking all around, but he did display ocular movement in that his eyes moved from me, to his body, and back to me. He had direct eye contact with me when his eyes took on a hazy, absent expression … and he was dead.


    Powerful stuff.

  3. Your head actually stays conscious for a few seconds after being cut off.

    Is your premise that your head is conscious longer after being physically separated from your entire body (including obviously your heart) than it is after your heart has bullets fired through it?

  4. Wow, a great season finale. Have to wonder about the "flashback" at the beginning. Is this a sign that Walers' family has been/will be killed? Did Jesse really kill Gale?


    I thought it was a bit of a letdown. While Walt giving the hit order on Gale to Jesse in front of Mike puts Walt and Gus at war, it made it feel it was all just a setup for next season. Gale just wasn't a big enough player for his death to be the ending.


    That said, this is a great show and maybe they've just set the bar too high!


  5. Looked like a theatre lobby or food court in the vid.

    Can't see this as a viable alternative to the stand alone bottled drink dispenser.

    Open top cups aren't as convenient as bottles (or sippy cups for that matter).

    It is a cool use of technology though.

    I see no reason it couldn't dispense into a bottle and either screw a cap on for you or dispense one separately.

  6. As the winner of the 23rd post wins thread, I humbly accept the title of champion. Thank you Mr. Warwrwowwrw or however you spell it.


    As I'm sure you have seen, I returned the $1.38 Million in cash and the Schlitz, Utica Club and Rheingold bottle caps earlier this morning. Although always appreciated, the money is a mere blip and I did not have the bandwidth to get to my accountant this morning so screw it. The bottle caps were a nice idea, but frankly they were in bad condidtion. Where have you been storing those things?


    Anyway, I have decided to give you a prize instead; just for running such a good and above board contest. Within the next few days, I will post a 2010 Bills Preview article in this thread. As your reward, I will encourage you to publish it under your by line with no threat of me accusing you of being an article stealing polygamist.


    I am very busy what with code name Ennifer turning things upside down looking for Sage's strictly private contact information and all sorts of other stuff going on here, but I will get to it and your career will be looking up.


    You're welcome in advance.

    It seems that only 21 posts made it into that thread before jw declared you winner. Is that because you're Canadian and it's a metric thing?

  7. There was a Law and Order about this recently where people were being duped by a "tax adviser" into having their elderly folks with cancer cared for by a homeopathic doctor to guarantee they died in 2010 so his commission would be higher. In one case at the end of 2009 the "tax adviser" insisted on excessive chemotherapy to ensure the patient made it into 2010.

  8. She is so hot.....finally caught up with Season 3, though I haven't watched last night's episode yet.

    To each his own I guess. To me she looks like someone taught Mr. Ed to walk on his hind legs and gave him a quick shave and some implants.

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