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Posts posted by Assquatch

  1. I already admitted that it is a very subjective and irrational preference in this hypothetical and ridiculous discussion.


    Where you are very wrong is, lumping me and others in with people that get into fights with opposing fans. Two completely separate things.

    I didn't lump you in with them, I said they're not far away. Probably not worded the best but I'm saying that both groups categorize players and fans of the other team as "the enemy" and can't see past it.


    welcome back. also dont you see the irony??? the "worse" thread, but you keep posting on it?? I would probably ignore the "worse" thread.


    ps. i never expected this would turn into an "I love brady thread"



    This doesnt make sense. the last time i was in a fight i was in the 7th grade.

    Im 32 yrds old now


    now if you are talking about your own dark emotions.... that's something else.

    Yes, please do tell me everything you know about my emotions.

  2. Exactly, as if ANYONE is going to argue that Fitz is "better". Obviously Brady is better. But I've been a Bills fan for too long, and through all this Pats BS, to even consider bringing Brady onto the team. He's a douche and a baby and a whiny little girl. Cant stand him, cant stand his stupid sour face when someone dares to sack him. Just like Marino.


    Call me stupid, call me a homer, whatever, that's fine. But I would not trade Fitz for Brady. Furthermore, it would burn me up inside if the only way we could finally win a Super Bowl would be to bring in Brady.


    I'd rather continue with the team we have now, than bring in that ahole.


    And since you "realists" like to pass judgements, Ill say to anyone who would bring Brady to this team... I seriously question your fanhood and loyalty.




    Wrong. Next stupid blanket statement...

    You don't want him partly because of a face he makes, I am wrong, and my statements are stupid. Got it.

  3. It should be the law than when you are cruising at a speed that is significantly faster than the limit and appropriate for the fast lane and a car comes up on you quickly and rides your ass while you are both going 70...you can pull out a gun and kill the other driver.

    So you get to decide that the speed limit is not fast enough, but the speed you have chosen is, and nobody should be allowed to drive faster than that?


    How will we know how fast we are allowed to go on roads where you're not doing your community service as the pace car?



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