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Posts posted by Assquatch

  1. Just a stab in the dark/educated guess:


    Maybe it is the station's call numbers (or part of them) for their radio.


    At work... Our station on the marine-band (VHF) fm radio is: WUD742.


    A lot of times I will just use: 742 and then our name... Probably not FCC proper protocol, but things can get really stuffy all the time following the regs to a tee. Like if I said: Whiskey Uniform (Uncle) November 742...



    Looks like Whiskey Uniform Delta to me. Maybe if you practiced those stuffy regs more...

  2. I dunno... going 1/4 on long kicks seems reasonable to me. Especially for a Pro Bowl kicker.




    I definitely have to give credit to the Bills D for forcing those long kicks. :D

    In his defense, it's probably extremely hard to kick field goals with a big floppy dolphin tail and no external genitalia.

  3. I see a national championship in Maryland's near future, and a decade of dominance in the ACC...


    Mike Leach Is New Maryland Football Coach, According To Report


    While disappointed that the Bills once again missed out on this offensive genius, I look forward to the Terps kicking ass (esp Shalala 'U') and setting new records in the ACC as Leach returns the Maryland program to the glory days of Bobby Ross, Boomer Esiason, and - of course - Frank Reich!


    Mike Leach "Likely" To Be Maryland's Next Football Coach


    Mike Leach to Maryland? Could this be bad for Arizona?


    Leach already calling recruits



    Guess you just can't keep a good man down! B-)



    I wish you'd get off the fence about this Leech guy. Do you like him or not?

  4. Please reconcile your "we need to lose to draft high to get talent" idiocy with the fact that a 7th round draft pick was clutch on the field today...



    There is a particular player I want on this team, who will be gone by the second pick (assuming he declares). I am not saying "the higher the better", especially with who the Bills have doing the scouting. Even Modrak can't blow it if they have the #1. I don't trust him one bit once that player is off the board.


    So you are saying thayt we should expect the Lions to have about a 10-12 year run where they are in every super bowl? Given the amount of high picks they've had, that must be the future outcome for them (given your lahjik)

    This is about the #1 pick this coming year. Not about the Lions and the multitude of WRs they took every year.



    Luck on this team next year would (IMO) do more toward winning than "learning how to win" a (standings-wise) meaningless game the previous November.


    None of my previously stated opinions mean I didn't enjoy the game yesterday.

  5. Luck may not even come out this year. Losing to perhaps be in a position to take a guy that might come out, is a piss-poor strategy and reflects the mindset of someone who has given up. Has no hope. Lacks vision.

    No one's talking about a strategy.


    So what? You really want to perpetuate, and potentially deepen, the culture of losing in order to draft ONE GUY who could get his knee wrecked in training camp? Then where are you?


    So they get the first pick, but the rest of the team is still a bunch of miserable losers who don't know how to win and don't want to be there. How do you turn that ship on a dime? You finish strong and some decent free agents might consider coming.


    I don't know, but in any other business, purposefully trying to not win is a serious integrity issue. But a lot of people these days don't know what that word means anymore, I guess.

    No one's talking about the team purposely trying to lose. We're fans, not players trying to blow games.


    So, tomorrow wins are more important than today wins; I don't think so!


    Luck, truck, schmuck...who knows what tomorrow brings? Win 'em all, establish a winning attitude, find out who has heart and who needs to be sent on down the road; then, next year, draft the best of the players we need and go from there.

    No, but tomorrow wins are better than a today win. Especially in a season in which they were out of the playoffs by week 8.

  6. A trick someone showed me about fruit flies. Take a little Apple Cider Vinegar, put it in a cup, put plastic wrap over the top (with rubber band), poke a few small holes in it, let it sit. The flies will be attracted to the vinegar, fly in, but not be able to get out. Might be worth a shot... cheap and easy at least.


    I made a fruit fly trap recently with an inverted paper cone in the top of a jar with a couple rotting grapes inside. It worked great but then I had to keep opening the jar every couple days outside to release them.


    I had another problem with giant black wolf spiders. One of them was so big when I shined my flashlight down the stairs, its eyes glowed back at me and I thought it was a mouse. So I started capturing them and putting them in a jar as well to watch them fight.


    Then I had an epiphany and now I have one jar with rotting grapes and a wolf spider. The fruit flies get in and get eaten by the spider. I no longer h ave to let the fruit flies out outside. Plus its fun to watch.


  7. I have been on this site for quite some time, and enjoy reading all of the banter. I rarely post I just enjoy reading the different views.


    The reason that I am asking for help is that my life has just been turned upside-down. I just found out that my wife (who I love more than anything) is leaving me. For 3 days she led me to believe that I was the one to blame because I was grumpy alot and pushed her away. After 3 days of begging, pleading, explaining, and having a complete feeling of self-hatred because I had hurt the woman that I truly love, I found out that she had been looking for love outside of the home. I immediately went from anguish to anger. I just cannot understand how someone that says they love you that much they could not only stepout of the marriage, but leave you feeling like you are the one to blame.


    This last week has been an emotional rollercoaster. I had never truly given myself to god until this situation. I did this past week to be able to find help to get through this. And I have to tell you that it was one of the best decisions I have made, I just wish it hadent taken this for me to give myself. It has truly helped.


    I guess that I dont really know what kind of help I am looking for. I just know that this is going to be a very difficult journey for me as I try to adjust to loosing the woman I truly love (who is also my best friend), living alone, and dealing with the range of emotions that I am going to have to deal with. I just thought that there would be some other Bills fans that have been down this road before and would be able to give any kind of help/wisdom.


    I know this is going to be difficult and appreciate all of the support.








  8. Big game,1968- New York Jets at Buffalo. The players don't wear cleats till game time. You can break your neck.


    I hear the introduction for the Bills players and I quickly run for my locker and my cleats are gone!!!!

    Players had one pair in those days and we bought our own.


    Oh God, now what? I slip on my black dress shoes and run on the field right as they call my name. McDole is standing on the sideline laughing " I like your new shoes,I left your cleats in the toilet and I flushed that sucker twice!!


    I borrowed a pair from Abe Abramowski!



    debbie downer alert:


    ok its funny and all, but wasnt it really a pretty dick thing for ron to do?


    i mean you said


    - you all only had one pair

    - you bought your own

    - youll break your neck if you dont wear them


    and ron ruins them for you just before kickoff??


    again, funny, but really pretty dick. couldnt he have done it before practice or figured out some other prank that wouldnt have left you in trouble minutes before kickoff? what did he expect you to do, did he know youd be able to borrow some (if everybody only had one pair)?


    i love practical jokes like that but if it were me i woulda been like thats out of bounds dude

    I think he means you'll break your neck if you DO wear them (off the field when they can't dig in) and that's why they weren't on earlier.

  9. This board amazes me.

    We sign Fitz from another teams practice squad and he's suddenly an amzing QB who should start. We let of of Bell, who by the hype, will be a league MVP soon. Yet, we have a guy who has performed well for us the last few years and suddenly he's just a backup calibre QB? How is that everyone can determine Fitz is just a backup while Brohm is the next savior? Brohm has a long way to go before he can start.

    Why do we think we're better at evaluating talent from the sidelines/tv than the coaches who are on the sidelines every practice? None of us get paid by an NFL team to evaluate talent for a reason. We are great fans - FANS.

    Yeah! Shut up and stop having opinions!


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