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Posts posted by Assquatch

  1. -snip-

    However, the one condition that will be the most difficult is Buffalo winning 7 straight.



    They don't have to win 7 straight, only 4. You do know that if you've flipped fifty heads in a row, the odds of another heads is still 50/50, right?

    Yes, I realize that will make 7 straight but its not like they have to go out and do that. When you're considering the odds of what they have to do, you only need look at what's left to do. What's already been done is a certainty.

  2. I have finally figured out that Drew's difficulties are all my fault. Last year, we celebrated my birthday early, (on Sep 20) and my my sister-in-law gave me a Drew Bledsoe bobblehead doll that McDonalds was selling at the time. Not that I particularly liked Drew or anything but she bought him and Eric Moulds and her husband got first choice. Well Drew has been sitting on top of my dresser since then. Please note that this was after the wins against Jacksonville and New England, and just before Drew started playing poorly. I know it all sounds like voodoo, but what has everyone been calling him since then? "The Statue". Also, later in the day, my nephew had gotten ahold of the bobblehead and threw it from the top of the stairs before it bounced off the wall and onto the floor. See? Drew "hit the wall". It all fits! Fear not, loyal Bills fans. I figured this all out this morning and have since destroyed "The Statue". Drew will be back to his old self by tomorrow. You can all thank me then.

  3. I am in 25th place (though with 30 points, tied with 17th through 31st place), with a 9-4 finish yesterday. I would have been 11-2 yesterday were it not for the last second heroics of both Jax and the Saints.... And Green Bay losing to the Bears last weekend knocked me out of the survivor pool after just two weeks :devil:

  4. I meant to post this yesterday. Hopefully it doesn't just sound like sour grapes now but:


    A receiver is pushed out of bounds before he lands, but the pass is ruled complete if he "would have" come down inbounds had the defender not pushed him out. HELLO?!?!?! As long as you dont hit the guy before he touches the ball, thats called playing defense. If he comes down out of bounds, he should be ruled out of bounds.

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