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McGee Return TD

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Posts posted by McGee Return TD

  1. 4 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Not one or two or three of those people -- vast organizations and outlets. 



    13 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    It's not the organization. You have to take each story as it's own thing. You go by the story, the outlet, the journalist. Plenty of solid reporting is done in all outlets -- right and left -- if you dig long enough you'll find it. 




    Is it the vast organizations or is it not the organization? 



    I agree with your 2nd quote 100%

    13 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:



    We are in a (dis)information war, and every one of us is a combatant in said war whether we realize it or not. The only way through is to hone your own discernment, not to outsource it to outlets or journalists without properly vetting them and the information they're sharing.


    This has always been the case and should go without saying. We learn about propaganda in elementary school.

  2. 2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Yes to both.


    The Washington Post is a CIA mouthpiece (always has been). They're compromised and Devlin Barrett on their staff was directly involved in the coup attempt. 

    They NYTs had a reporter sleeping with a senate staffer (who was later indicted) and running purposeful disinformation campaign. She worked for the WaPo too. 


    There are pages of discussion on this topic throughout the three main Russia threads. 



    Thanks for two examples of why both those papers are seen as enemies of the people. Do you see a difference between Ali Watkins and Eric Asimov? I like wine - and Eric is one of the best writers on the topic - he also happens to work for the New York Times. 


    I've read (begrudgingly) through a few of the Russia threads (not all the way - the insults and troll-like behavior is difficult to read through) and noticed other news organizations - from Fox, to MSNBC, to The Gateway Pundit - pretty much every type of media source one can imagine - are commonly sourced throughout those threads. 


    Those 3 specific sources (Fox, MSNBC, & Gateway Pundit) all cater to a specific audience - I think we can agree on that, at least. Each source, though, has had reporters getting information wrong, spreading disinformation, and over-editorializing. Would you consider each of those vast media organizations also as enemies of the people? 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Those people just spent three years bald faced lying to the public in order to assist in an illegal overthrow of the government. Not one or two or three of those people -- vast organizations and outlets. 


    No one, not Trump or even Joe, has said everyone in the media is an enemy of this country. But some are. Very much so. To deny that after the last two years is either due to being in denial, too partisan, or suffering from cognitive dissonance to a reality altering level. 


    Is The New York Times one of these organizations? Washington Post? 


    I'd like to choose one of these enemies and have a competent discussion about it.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Joe in Winslow said:


    That's been my own opinion since before the election of Trump.


    The media is trash at best, a danger to the republic at worst.



    I think it's dangerous to paint any group with such a large brush. The media comes from every single side of the political spectrum. The media is people. The media is corporations. The media is commercials. The media is entertainment.


    Without the people, the media would cease to exist.

  5. 26 minutes ago, BeginnersMind said:

    because medical professionals suck at end of life care (many do). 



    Many in the medical community would rather act in their own best interest than do what's best for the individual in care, but I don't think it's as much of a blanket statement as you say here. If you're truly interested in this topic I suggest reading the book below. Atul Gawande is a surgeon and within the last few years this book has caused a tidal wave of change in regards to how end of life care is viewed and thought about in the medical community.



  6. Glad I'm not a Chiefs fan. This is an awful situation - especially for the young boy.  Hill had serious question marks coming into the NFL and obviously has not learned from his past. 


    Goodell is a coward so he won't ban Hill for life, but I bet Hill gets a year suspension for this. I pray he stays unemployed in the NFL post suspension.

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  7. 5 hours ago, LABillzFan said:


    You say that like Graham is Oprah and Buttigieg is a book.


    Buttigieg is a one-hit wonder. He's making a bunch of cash by flaunting his homosexuality while  whining about a Christian who has done nothing but say nice things in return. Once his coffer is full, he'll bow out...play grand marshall at a bunch of parades...and show up one day on Dancing with the Stars.




    Pence's voting record on gay rights and his support for conversion therapy outweigh the nice things Pence has said. 

  8. 13 hours ago, LABillzFan said:


    Mayor Pete does himself no favors going after Pence. In spite of the way the left lies to sue Christians into a stereotype, genuine Christians have open arms for homosexuals. 


    Yeah, I get it. The Bible is strict about gay marriage, but other than the hard-core evangelists who take the word of God out of context or are considered legalistic, Christians would vote for a homosexual. And trying to rile the LGBTQ base by going after Pence, a man who has always said nice things about Pete, is bad advice.


    And by LGBTQ, I don't mean this...


    I support lgbtq liberty guns bible trump bbq Unisex T-Shirt



    Though the irony will be lost on Franklin Graham, he just boosted Buttigieg's popularity immensely. 

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    It just so happens the best tight ends this past decade (Kelce, Gronk, Ertz, Witten) were 2nd and 3rd rounders.  It doesn't mean it's a lock that Hockenson or Fant will be disappointments.  Tony Gonzalez was a top 10 pick and he turned out okay.


    True - Hock looks like he is going to be a great player, but personally I'd rather build up the trenches and go after a guy like Irv Smith or Sternburger from A&M in round 2. If they pick Hock at 9, though, I'll be happy - it's a great player at a need position.

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