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McGee Return TD

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Posts posted by McGee Return TD

  1. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/cia-trespass-arrest-agent-penis-virginia-langley-police-jennifer-hernandez-a8902436.html


    Woman tried to trespass on CIA grounds while asking to speak to 'Agent Penis', police say


    A woman was arrested after she repeatedly tried to enter CIA headquarters and asked to speak with “Agent Penis”, according to police.


    Jennifer Hernandez, 58, claimed she had applied for a job at the agency and had an appointment with her recruiter at the complex in Langley, Virginia.

  2. A healthy Murphy will do wonders for the d-line this year. I might be in the minority but I think he played pretty well when he was on the field last year. He can get 8-10 sacks across from Hughes.


    That said, depth doesn't hurt, and if Ansah passes a medical evaluation he should be seriously considered. As much as a healthy Murphy would do wonders, it's unrealistic to expect him to play 16 games.

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  3. Just now, DC Tom said:


    I'll respond in 165 more posts.  



    I'll mark it on my calendar in Outlook


    Just now, BuffaloHokie13 said:

    An asian man shot and killed 32 of my classmates. Are asians a threat to college campuses?



  4. 4 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    To "black America?"  


    Let me just cut to the chase and explain why you're stupid: you're conflating individuals with a group.  Don't do that.


    What individual am I conflating with a group?


    Dylann Roof?

  5. 1 minute ago, DC Tom said:


    There's roughly six thousand white supremacists in the country.


    It's not a threat.  If you feel threatened by six thousand screaming idiots, your problem is you, not them.


    The Charleston church shooter is a white supremacist. He was never a screaming idiot.

  6. 35 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    She is one brave woman.


    It's a ballsy take. White supremacy by definition is always a threat to non-white Americans. How much of a threat can be debated, but to say it's not a threat at all is disingenuous. 

  7. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    Anyone who gives dates or strict timelines is either trying to big up themselves, lying in order to divide/troll/slide, or just full of schiff. 


    DiGenova is wired in, but he's no exception to the rule. 


    Comey will be indicted. No one knows when, no one has given a date. The closest to a schedule that's been given comes from Trump/Q who laid out the order: Comey first, then declass/OIG report. But even that is not something to take to the bank.


    I'm just relaying a link I read from someone on this forum. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    Worth the time: 







    I'm referencing this which was posted somewhere on this forum 2 weeks ago.


    A "bombshell" report on former FBI Director James Comey is coming out in two weeks, attorney Joe diGenova said on Wednesday.


    He made the declaration during a Fox News panel discussion on alleged government surveillance abuse.

    "The Horowitz report is coming out in May or possibly early June," Joe diGenova, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, said. He was referring to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz's Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act investigation.


    "There’s another report that everyone has forgotten about involving James Comey alone," diGenova said. "That will be out in two weeks. That report is going to be a bombshell. It is going to open up the investigation on a very high note, and there are going to be criminal referrals in it."

    He did not elaborate on what report he expects out in two weeks and how he came to find out about the timeline for its release.


    Thursday is 2 week's from diGenova's claim.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Perp walk for what? That article never says he did anything wrong. It's uses a lot "seems" there "might have been" stuff but that's it. 


    Remember, this is the guy who put the nail in Hillary's coffin. Now you guys want to tell us he was just out to get Trump??? Ya right. 


    Some deep state believers such as Joe diGenova who is wired  in and often referenced in PPP have this week as the one Comey is going to be indicted in... unless Horowitz gets delayed

    • Haha (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    Go back to who coined the term "conspiracy theorists" in the first place (it was Langley, and its intent was to belittle and shame anyone who didn't fall lockstep in line with the narrative/"facts" being presented by the IC).


    I missed this before. I've heard a lot of people say this and I've never looked into it myself. A quick Duck Duck Go search, though, provides multiple results that claim to debunk this.


    What do you think about this link? https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-the-cia-invented-the-term-conspiracy-theory-in-1967-with-memo-1035-960.t960/


    Am I safe to assume your argument is that Langley coined the term in a dismissive way? I'd be interested to read more about this if you have some links or recommendations of where to start reading on this) I'm also of the assumption you use Langley/CIA interchangeably. Please let me know if that's an incorrect assumption. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    It's a salient point -- 300+ former prosecutors willing to ignore the facts in order to push fiction. How many of them are compromised versus true, blue partisans? Who knows. The point is that the narrative is being pushed, facts be damned, by the deep state narrative builders. 


    They build the deep state narrative while Tom Fitton is literally pushing the narrative that they are deep state. I find this bit of sociology more interesting than politics to begin with, so pardon my past few questions if they were too annoying.


    Carry on!

  12. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    When I titled this thread, I chose the term Deep State because it was a seldom, if ever, used term. It had very little baggage attached to it. Less than a few months later, that term has been used and attached to everything and anything under the sun. That causes confusion and leads to ridicule quite easily by those who want to mock rather than understand the true nature of what's happening. But the actual definition isn't as conspiratorial as you presume, in fact, denying the existence of a Deep State now, after everything that's come to light the past year+, is to admit your own ignorance. 



    Indeed - which brings me back to the reason I posted in this thread today. Tom Fitton implied that those who signed onto the letter are part of the deep state, and you quoted him and decided to post it here, thus my confusion. I assumed you agreed with Fitton since you posted it in your deep state thread.

    5 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:


    The term deep state is simply a nomenclature to describe what has been going on with our government from within, and from outside influences, that are not in the best interests of the United States, but rather in the best interest of the highest bidder (follow the money), or ideology (follow the money).  That is simply my definition of "deep state". Others may disagree. 


    I get this. I just wonder if there is a subset of orignal deep state theorists (like Rhino) who are upset with the bastardization of the term.

  13. Just now, Buffalo_Gal said:

    My guess... take a look if they are Ds, RINOs, GOPe, or #NeverTrumpers. See how long ago they were prosecutors, and under what administration. I am sure you can get 370 former prosecutors to say he'd never be charged regardless of who he is (usually you need a crime to be charged). That wouldn't fit the MSM narrative. 


    Regardless of who they support (isn't the deep state run by a uniparty, anyway?), do they become a part of the deep state after signing on to that letter? Following your logic B-gal, can I assume anyone who doesn't support Trump (Ds, RINOs, GOPe, or #NeverTrumpers) is unwittingly part of the deep state?

  14. 16 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:




    Although I disagree with it, I continue to be fascinated by the deep state theory and it's logic. Are the more than 370 former prosecutors now officially part of the deep state or just doing the deep state's bidding?


    It's also a stupid comparison on behalf of the 370 prosecutors. Chuck Ross's comparison is almost as dumb - but maybe that's Chuck's point?

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