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Posts posted by IndyJay1234

  1. I think the Bills cannot get permission to interview other NFL team's personnel people until after the season ends. I think (and hope) this is the reason.



    It just seems to me our plan to this search is similar to our free agency planning. A throw **** at the wall approach and then make **** up as we go along gameplan. Then Market, Market, Market. Why would anyone want the guy who has run the ship the last two years to run the search for the GM/Coach?

  2. brohm has a $2 mil salary this year.


    fitzpatrick makes $932K


    edwards makes $624K


    let's see if brohm is twice to four times as good as fitzpatrick or edwards.



    Welcome to twobillsdrive.com established in 1996 and destroying QB's confidence since 1997.


    I still remember Parcells talking to the Dallas media about not playing Tony Romo in that particular year early in the season. I am not going to play him until he is ready.

  3. Then bring that up to the person that mention it! Don't agree with your assessment though. Just having our starting LB's would go a long way at stopping the run and i think our trio is average. But Draft and Scott? A healthy OL working together all year. You don't think that would help?


    No I dont think having a healthy OL or LB core would help. Both units even under the best of health were among the worst units in the league. You will never get away with the offensive line play that the Bills have had with average QB play.

  4. Did i say the front office has done their jobs? Pointing out a couple of other quality players you missed! If you're asking, i do think we have some young talent. Unfortunately not at the QB position and coach. As far as the front office goes, not totally impressed.



    My point is that this team completely healthy would look very similiar to the team we saw tonight. Blaming the loss or the Bills failure the season on the sheer number of 14 injuries I believe is off base.

  5. Marlin Jackson WTF? Its the sheer quantity of injuries, in a team sport, chump. Especially along the O-line and Prime was the only one pointing that out tonight it seems. We had to max protect the entire second half. Our duct tape D held them to 19. A patchwork O-line was THE reason for an L tonight IMO, no "names" needed.



    I would take Marlin Jackson over Mckelvin to be honest. Does not have the ball hawking ability but does a great job in coverage. He was a first round himself that has the ability to develop into a shut down corner.

  6. There is no argument that they've made mistakes in drafting and the Colts have been amazing at restocking their team. But I wasn't comparing the Bills to the Colts, or to any team for that matter. Losing 14 players, even if none of them are superstars, hurts a team.



    I cannot completly disagree however it is not the reason why we are losing. We are losing because our FO cannot identify areas of weakness and correct them. 10 years the reason has been simple. QB and Line. Well. FIX IT or expect the same result.


    Look at this years roster and compare it to the 3-13 2001 team. It looks very similar. Actually the 2001 team looks better on paper to me. That is the scary part.

  7. Butler, Leodis


    Here is what cracks me up. Is that some of our Fans keep arguing about the fact that we have a talented team if not for the injuries. Same fans then complain about the front office? You must be in agreement with the Front Office that they have done their jobs. Amazing its been only 10 years since we made the playoffs with this Superbowl talented roster of ours.. Amazing!

  8. Bob Sanders is the only player of note on your list for the Colts, and saying he's injured is like saying water is wet.


    Marlin Jackson isnt bad and Freeney missed the last game. Gonzales is a player the Colts were counting on and has been out most of the year. The point is look at the rosters. Look at the Bills roster and add all the players on IR and this is still a team that is not very good. They play hard and the defense keeps them in games but the misses by the front office are amazing.


    Picking Willis over Dallas Clark

    Picking JP over Stephen Jackson

    Picking Whitner over Cutler

    Picking Lynch over Revis

    Picking McKelvin over Clady

    Picking Maybin over Oher

    Picking McCargo over Mangold.


    Staying in games with our offensive line and QB play is really quite amazing to me.

  9. Our defenders look like midgets compared to the Jets O-Line. The defense played their butts off though. Had no business being in this game. The offense was simply brutal. 194 total yards on 50 plays and 25 minutes Time of Possession. Take away the Lynch 35 yard run and Evans 38 yard bomb, and they had 48 plays for 123 yards or 2.5 yards per play.



    You cannot say 38 yard bomb. This is the new standard of Bills expectations of what a bomb is... 38 yards!! Jesus.

  10. Are you a big Brian Brohm fan?




    Baltimore had 17 guys on IR last year but actually went to the AFC Championship. Injuries are the crutch that casual Bills fan lean on when things go wrong. This team was so bereft of talent it's absurd. Almost like the team was constructed by amateurs. This injury thing happened in 2007 when guys like Leon Joe and Jason Webster went down.



    Lose the "Almost like" before this team was constructed by amateurs and this is a great post.

  11. Name the big name that is on IR.


    Is it a Bob Sanders?

    Is it a Anthony Gonzales?

    Is it Marlin Jackson?


    Every team in the NFL deals with injuries. I am sorry but other than Eric Wood and Mitchell who is the big name injury that explains the lack of talent. The number 14 is impressive until you see who is on the list.


    In fact here is the list.


    G Seth McKinney - Placed on Injured Reserve - 11/25

    G Eric Wood - Placed on Injured Reserve - 11/24

    LB Keith Ellison - Placed on Injured Reserve - 11/20

    TE Derek Fine - Placed on Injured Reserve - 11/18

    LB Kawika Mitchell - Placed on Injured Reserve - 10/14

    LB Marcus Buggs - Placed on Injured Reserve - 10/14

    CB Leodis McKelvin - Placed on Injured Reserve - 10/1

    TE Derek Schouman - Placed on Injured Reserve - 9/22

    OT Brad Butler - Placed on Injured Reserve - 9/22

    RB Justise Harrison - Injured Reserve

    C Marvin Phillip - Injured Reserve

    DE Jermaine McGhee - Injured Reserve

    CB Lydell Sargeant - Placed on Injured Reserve 9/1

    DE Marcus Smith - Placed on Injured Reserve 9/1

  12. When you have 14 guys on IR, being devoid of talent is no shock.

    Name the big name that is on IR.


    Is it a Bob Sanders?

    Is it a Anthony Gonzales?

    Is it Marlin Jackson?


    Every team in the NFL deals with injuries. I am sorry but other than Eric Wood and Mitchell who is the big name injury that explains the lack of talent. The number 14 is impressive until you see who is on the list.

  13. We had iron clad rights to Kelly so he wasn't going anywhere. Peters quit on his team. You don't reward players who quit on you. Ask any Philly fan if they think Peters is worth $11M.


    As for Shanahan, what guarantee do you get for your $50M? You think he's some kind of miracle worker? He had Elway when arrived with the Broncos and he left the team in flames when he left. As far as I can tell Shanahan has never had to build a team from the bottom, so why are you so convinced he can do the job, much less acting as his own GM?


    I would prefer someone who doesn't act like WNY is some kind of sinkhole.




    We had iron clad rights to Peters. Franchise Tag after the next two years he was signed for. And your missing the point. The point is it seems like a lot of Buffalo fans are shocked when we are turned down now... And then when people dare say no it is all F You man F you.

  14. You were wrong on several different fronts. The first being that Dallas has not, and probably will not fire their coach. Secondly, we're the only team shopping right now. He took the meeting because he is on the market. It would be silly for him not to.


    Thridly, the report of 10 million per year stems from a crappy vic carruci article. I'm willing to bet they didn't talk money. They probably explained that "money is not an obstacle" or gave a bit on how Shanny will be getting paid more in Denver, but it makes no sense to talk money at this stage, when his agent isn't involved, and no other teams are on the market.


    Lastly, if you think Shanny is netting 14 million next season you're probably not the most credible member on this board.



    I am sorry where did I say he is netting 14 million next season? Where did I say what he will make? I am saying that he took the meeting to generate an interest and LEVERAGE. I said that he and his agent can tell future positions that will come open whatever they want with regards to the meeting with Russ. I am saying he played his cards the way many of us interview for jobs when we are unemployed. You take every appointment even if you are not interested. Crappy article or not it is out there. And it gives Shannahan leverage.


    And oh geez being called not credible on a football chat board really really hurt my feelings. I may cry. Jesus.

  15. Do you think Shanahan would sit with Brandon for 7 hours if he thought he was a clown?



    Yes I do... What is the salary of the highest paid coach in the NFL right now? Is it 10 million? Is it close to 10 million?


    By going through the process and getting the offer Shanahan has now set his price for every other team in the league. "WELL Buffalo will pay me 10 million so if you want to talk the starting point is 10 million." Dan Synder and Jerry Jones have to be pissed.


    Shannahan now has leverage and has driven his salary up by 3-4 million a year. 7 hours of talking worth 3-4 million a year to you?

  16. It's kind of chilly out also, they may get sick.http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2009/11/25/b...ticing-in-rain/


    This son of a B word is taking away all of our fans excuses to why we are a bad football team. Practicing outdoors, full contact practice, yelling at them. Now when we get creamed we will have to face the reality that this team is just not very good. Plus he has much much better Press Conferences... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Let's all take a deep breath and think about this. TEN MILLION for a football coach? This all seems really crazy. I think the Bills Organization needs to slow down and think about this. First the job is offered to Gruden, then Cowher turns us down, now Shanahan and Holmgren. What the hell is going on?


    If Ralph really wanted to right the ship... Sell the team. Find a guy willing to buy the team from his estate at the time of his death. Ralph owns the team for as long as he lives and the sale is final upon his death while the new owner owns a small percentage of the team now. The new owner could go through the approval process with the NFL owners and be an active member in the interview process with Ralph. When Ralph dies one would hope the coach would already be approved by the new owner. Next step would be finding someone who wants to keep the team in Buffalo. Build a new stadium on the waterfront and get the blow you away facilities that every other team has. Otherwise stop wasting my and everyone elses time with this nonsense of Bill Cowher and all the rest because we all dont need this kind of headache.

  18. Please excuse me for not remembering who said it (Tim Graham, JW or someone else), but I read that people at OBD are expecting the ax to fall, possibly on them and for that reason, the level of "confidentiality" is disintegrating as people working there are telling anything they know to people (including press sources).


    This is the wonder boys plan. Second time I have posted it.


    Step 1- Fire coach midseason and allow fans to dream of big hire like Cowher.... No matter what happens rest of the way the sheep are asleep and will follow your every move. It will be like draft day every day because of the possibilities.


    Step 2- Media will begin circulating rumors that You- Ralph has finally seen the light and will spend big bucks on coach


    Step 3- Include former greats on decision so fan base buys into whoever is hired. Jim Kelly Approved coach and QB.


    Step 4- Wait until January and Hire a coordinator from another team with previous head coaching experience. Claim you tried to hire the bigger names but they were not interested.


    Step 5- Market, Market, Market.


    Step 6- Enjoy a year or two of rebuilding while patient fan base waits for a winning team that will never come.


    Step 7- Wait for death and count money.


    Step 8- Rinse and Repeat.

  19. Step 1- Fire coach midseason and allow fans to dream of big hire like Cowher.... No matter what happens rest of the way the sheep are asleep and will follow your every move. It will be like draft day every day because of the possibilities.


    Step 2- Media will begin circulating rumors that You- Ralph has finally seen the light and will spend big bucks on coach


    Step 3- Include former greats on decision so fan base buys into whoever is hired. Jim Kelly Approved coach and QB.


    Step 4- Wait until January and Hire a coordinator from another team with previous head coaching experience. Claim you tried to hire the bigger names but they were not interested.


    Step 5- Market, Market, Market.


    Step 6- Enjoy a year or two of rebuilding while patient fan base waits for a winning team that will never come.


    Step 7- Wait for death and count money.


    Step 8- Rinse and Repeat.

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