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Everything posted by Simstim

  1. Indeed. And we didn't recover the fumble. Decently. Not brilliantly.
  2. Good play from Devin. Gonna call him motor once more, but only when he earns it. Been such a dissapointment this year.
  3. My word I get nervous any time we play off the opposition so much. Always looks like they will convert that pesky thrid and long.
  4. Well, that helps. Nice pass from Josh, lovely play from Diggs. 17-0 is pretty decent.
  5. So, if I read this right, Spencer Brown just might be the difference maker. Who'd have thunk a 3rd round OT could save our season? *I don't really think he's saved our season or the difference maker, but, well, he did a difference make. Fun game and good to be back up and running.
  6. That made me laugh. Lovely play. Just sorry the Jest D had no warning that might happen.
  7. Wasn't there exactly the same reports last season?
  8. Annoying that these commentators dont acknowledge when they make a mistake. Tannehill indeed. Plonkers
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