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Posts posted by glazeduck

  1. 1 minute ago, Beck Water said:


    What is the injury?


    As for size, didn't stop Worthy from going in the first

    He battled wrist, ankle and core injuries at various points. As for size vs. Worthy, think it’s both a relative thing — he’s alight at 6’1 whereas worthy is just all-around a smaller guy, as well as cumulative — bad combine/lost weight, etc. 


    No clue what the deal is but at this point he’s too talented for the lack of risk…

    7 hours ago, Buffalo03 said:


    Dude only has 17k followers. Without looking deeper into who the hell he is and if he’s legit, hard to believe he’s that well embedded, if at all. 


  2. 5 minutes ago, KDIGGZ said:

    Thanks for the insight. At the end of the day we should be fielding a team of the best football players. I feel like they are putting too much thought into this. Find good football players and put them on the field.

    Not to mention the draft process is grueling. I’m a Duck honk so would be super cool to get him but I’m also a Bills fan and the player I saw is a damn good one. 

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  3. Man… I watched every game of this kid’s career. He played hurt, he played sick, never said a word when he was sitting and learning behind vastly inferior players, never took a play off, was a leader in the locker room. 

    I know you can’t know what’s in a guys heart but I have a VERY hard time believing that he’s dropping due to heart. 

    Size and injury feels exceedingly more likely. 

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  4. Need a corner, Khyree Jackson would be an awesome scheme fit but from the limited tape I’ve seen of Tampa he could be good too. 

    Need offensive weapons, any combo of Franklin, Jatavion Sanders, Johnny Wilson would be nice. 

    Mo Kamara please. 

  5. 38 minutes ago, HappyDays said:


    I'm like 75% sure we'll be taking your boy from Oregon tonight. We are not at the spot in our team's life cycle where we should be trading for a weathered WR that we have to commit major cap space to. Drafting a couple young studs tonight makes way more sense.


    Unless we’re trading for a vet I think he’s the guy too

  6. 5 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

    Yes, one of the biggest knocks on him is he has an extremely limited route tree. 


    Yeah I can’t see Coleman as the pick. He’s a guy that’s going to take a couple years and even then may be a specialist type. Doesn’t feel like a great fit for a team trying to win a Super Bowl and needing WRs to step immediately into a starting role. 

    1 minute ago, DrDawkinstein said:

    I know it's easy to sit out here and criticize and second guess, and I love me some Brandon Beane, but...


    The board calling for:

    Linderbaum or Dax Hill over Elam

    Humphrey over Basham

    DK Metcalf over Cody Ford


    We've been more correct in this range than the Bills FO.


    Beane better have a few more magic tricks up his sleeve tonight.

    As probably THE loudest guy on this board wanting DK even over Oliver, I feel this one, for sure. Beane probably shouldn’t be anywhere near as Teflon as he is. Guess we’ll see…

  7. 3 minutes ago, BillsFan130 said:

    I mean, fair points.


    But who do you trust more with offensive players, Andy Reid or Sean McDermott/beane?


    Andy Reid obviously was confident enough to trade up for a WR in the 1st round which is a glaring need for the bills 

    Both have had their hits and misses. Again not really my point though. For all we know all of these guys had some major enough red flag that Beane and co. weren’t even considering them. Think of it that way — Reading the hundreds of posts on here and Twitter of fans freaking out about the same 3 or 4 dudes — what a waste of time and energy and emotion, all for something that potentially doesn’t even exist. 

    As with all drafts, only time will tell. That’s one of the biggest challenges in drafting 21 and 22 year old young men, none of them

    are even grownups yet. I have my opinions and favorites like everyone else, but without more info I have no idea how reasonable or realistic those are. 

  8. 1 minute ago, BillsFan130 said:

    Everyone at 28 has some sort of red flag or a concern/limitation. That's why they aren't top 10 picks.

    100% right, but also wasn’t my point. All of these ranking sites and message boards are being populated by fans with extremely limited information. When even the pros with all of the info get it wrong as often as they do, it’s just not worth the hysteria that some folks are bringing. 

  9. Just now, SCBills said:


    I could be convinced to send them Pick 60 for Aiyuk.  Definitely not 33, let alone both. 


    He's going to command 30M per year.  No way I'm trading away heavy pick premium for the right to pay a dude all that. 

    Yeah 2 2s is too rich for a guy they have to move. Especially with a number of other quality vet wrs reportedly on the market. Fortunately that’s types of trades, when they happen, are rarely ever close to the rumored price. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, SWATeam said:

    Anyone think one of these two wrestling centers- Powers-Johnson and Frazier- might be in play?


    I think it's interior OL, DeJean, or another trade back.

    I’ve been surprised there’s not more talk of JPJ or Kool-Aid. Both great fits in our schemes, good/great value and spots of fairly significant need. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. Just now, Alphadawg7 said:


    There was never a "big splash" coming though, that was crystal clear that was not Beane's intent for anyone who actually watched Beanes press conference last week and listened to what he was saying.  I posted it with takeaways and those takeaways came out spot on and matched everything he said last night in his press conference about round 1.  


    Now...Bills are armed rest of this draft (only had to move back 5 spaces) to really address some needs on this team, including ammo to move around the draft as he sees fit.  Plus we have 3 picks in the first 2 rounds next year still and Beane still also has this coveted pick 33 that I am sure he is getting flooded with offers for if he sees an opportunity that makes sense to take.  


    Beane killed it round 1.  Not to mention, Worthy and Legette were the exact 2 WR's I had been very vocal about NOT drafting in round 1.  Worthy is a terrible fit in Buffalo for what this roster needs and Legette has the most to work on to avoid being another Gabe Davis.  

    100% this. It’s human to want the bright and shiny object, but this team has a lot of needs both short and long-term. 

    • Agree 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, TheyCallMeAndy said:

    RE: Adonai Mitchell -


    Ive seen unnamed scouts talk about him being an issue, ‘uncoachable” was the term used. Some unspecified characters concerns and him struggling to manage his diabetes.


    NFL.com and some other big time scouting reports mention zero issues. There have been zero articles written, no specific details alluding to situations or events.


    Does anyone have any info on these character ‘red flags?’ He’s likely the highest potential WR on the board still, and I’d take him at 33 if the character checks out. 

    We’ll never get the real truth, but I think it’s safe to say that so far, the market has spoken for itself…

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Buffalo4Life01 said:

    That's not the point.  You don't trade with your BIGGEST rival.  I don't care what you gain from it.  Andy Reid and Mahomes will continue to be our dad and grandad until they both retire, unless we grow some balls and do something about it.  

    You will NOT be pleased to know how the Pegulas feel about Bob Kraft or the Hunts 😬

  14. 17 minutes ago, BillsFan130 said:

    Nope. Said I would be happy with Brian Thomas, worthy or Legette.


    Didn't do a marginal trade up to get Thomas, and didn't pick worthy or Legette at 28 when they were sitting right there.


    Seems like the compensation they got from the trades weren't great, and it also sucks that the chiefs got the fastest guy ever in the NfL

    Quoting this, not to pick on you or argue directly, but since these are kind of the consensus guys the board is in mourning over…


    The problem with us fans falling in love with specific players, is we’re basing that on maybe 30% of the overall process. What we get — limited angles of college football games and the now largely for show combine, just don’t factor in as much as the things we don’t get access to: medicals (Thomas reportedly had concerns); psych. evaluations (Leggette reportedly not too bright); interviews both with the player, their teammates, coaches, other staff and support folks (AD Mitchell purportedly has attitude and effort issues); scheme fit and internal staff considerations; other priorities (comfort in cold weather? Willingness to block? Etc.)


    I get why folks are annoyed by being told to “trust the process”, but it’s also the most logical option, given how little info we really have available. 



  15. 1 minute ago, Mikey152 said:

    Franklin is interesting. 4.41 isn’t exactly slow, but his 1.61 10 yard split was.


    His jumping was fine/good and so were his shuttles, so it was probably just a bad start. Maybe because he was sick. That said…his flying 20 (the second half) was insane. This matches what you see when you watch him play…his top gear is elite. Worthy was the only guy faster on the field last year.


    Folks better get familiar with Franklin, I’m with Gunner, I’d put a decent amount of money on him being the guy we eventually pick. And I think that’s a good thing. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. Just now, GunnerBill said:


    I think good chance the Broncos do find a way to trade back and then either they take Nix with that pick or the get a 2nd rounder (currently don't) and take him with that tomorrow.

    Yeah his age and early career makes him a tougher e v a l. I think he and Penix are a lot closer that top-15 and out of the first rd., but we'll see! 

  17. NFL Draft X Oregon Ducks... Feels like a good time to chime in here. 


    Troy Franklin is -- by a significant margin -- the best receiver to ever play at the U of O (to be fair, it's not exactly a who's who list, but he was an absolute star). 


    It makes sense to me that Buffalo would have interest, Franklin excels at a lot of things that Gabe Davis did -- he's just a much better player. He gets open deep, he sets up DBs extremely well, he makes clutch catches routinely, and he runs extremely precise routes. I think perhaps the most promising aspect of Franklin as a prospect? He was pretty much Oregon's only option on 3rd downs, and everyone knew it, yet consistently got open and made the play needed. 


    Looking past his combine, because it sounds like he was sick, his biggest knock against him is probably his hand size -- they're small by NFL standards, which could be an issue -- but I do know that some NFL personnel execs use hand size more as an evaluation metric of natural hands, than a go/no-go determinant (the logic being if you're still a good hands catcher with small hands, that's a more innate skill, versus struggling to catch the ball despite having baseball mitts for hands). 


    I haven't watched the other guys enough to know where, exactly, I'd slot Franklin, but I think he's just a natural WR who's going to succeed, despite perhaps not being a Calvin Johnson-like athlete. Obviously the Duck fan in me would be ecstatic, but so would the Bills fan...

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  18. There's absolutely nothing to be learned from this. Zach has played extremely well in Taylor's absence, but:

    1. Is only playing BECAUSE of that absence, and
    2. he was terrible here.

    Zach is on another team because he wasn't good enough to stay on our team. This isn't Wyatt Teller 2.0.

  19. 19 minutes ago, balln said:

    Yea well they fall in love too ***** much these lunch pail 4th and 5th year senior ,good  attitude , hard working, senior bowl

    darlings -  but athletically inferior / tweeners. None of these guys they pick have a position ! Basham was neither a DT or DE in the nfl ? 

    It's exactly this. Culture fit, lack of rap sheet, leadership qualities, intelligence, intangibles are all important parts of the process, but they very VERY rarely elevate a below-average athlete to being more than just an average player, at best. Not at all to defend or excuse his actions, but Jefferey Simmons vs. Ed Oliver is another example. Obviously Ed has turned out better than the Boogie situation thus far -- and again, Simmons is a POS -- but he's unequivocally the better and more impactful player. When the goal is to find the best football players, sometimes you need to take chances on talent...

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