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Everything posted by CoudyBills

  1. Why didn't @Tiberius post this? He's all over the news cycle, scouring the interwebs for truth. It is hard to find men like him in this world. Men of such integrity and character. Anytime.
  2. Swalwell should brush his teeth with a glock17. Bob, you can always disagree with me. You'd be wrong but that's okay.
  3. Absolute cover up, Roberts and the dems. Let's get all the witnesses and make them answer all the questions. Then we can all see that Schiff is a lunatic. Fast and Furious? You have so much integrity good sir.
  4. Why bless your heart. So, you're saying it was released before 9/30? Elections have consequences bro. You're my bro of the week. Because you are a man of integrity, the utmost moral character, please tell me your thoughts on fast and furious.
  5. The aid was withheld? It wasn't released on 9/11/19? Hey Gary. What are you planning to do this weekend to deal with the impending acquittal?
  6. What are you 6? You whine worse than my kids. He just needs to get on to next weeks talking points. Orange man bad, mommy.
  7. No. I come here for a laugh. If you are actually interested you can go to the source rather than flicking the ***** off the toilet paper before you read it. That's the hill in case you are wondering. I get mine from the beacon journal.
  8. Complete misrepresentation of what he said. Very trash eating bum worthy. Good job bro. smells like capitulation in here. Keep reading the thread. Liberal tears mmmmm.
  9. Complete misrepresentation of what he said. Very trash eating bum worthy. Good job bro.
  10. Is that really all you have? Are you capable of intelligent debate? The thetas need to dig deeper.
  11. Seems pretty clear that Roberts and the Democrats are engaging in a huge cover up. Let's here from this "whitsleblower".
  12. Sounds like high level meetings were had... My top 5 personally? I don't see how that would be your business. President: Reshaping federal courts The economy, not screwing it up...right, hack. Embassy move Stemmed the tide of illegal immigration on the southern border. Fundamentally reshaping historically one sided trade deals. Pulled out of the Paris Bankrupt America deal. B word slapping Iran, bringing troops home, diplomatic talks with North Korea, countless pro business deregulation moves. On second thought you are correct, complete failure. @thepoliticthepoliticalhack...errrr @SlimShady'sGhost
  13. Agreed. Same thing clearly, if you're a political hack. DR...fighting the good fight. I would have called a hack a hack and walked away.
  14. Better discussion...what kind of musick do you enjoy? Music...weird auto correct.
  15. I said 5 things done well. A rational human could pick out 5. You are a hack. Oh the sea of humanity.
  16. Please list 5 things your president has done well as your president.
  17. Complete fabrication. There are not 150 million people, in this country, informed enough to make said decision.
  18. The capitalized part, please elaborate. Not a trap, honestly asking.
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