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Everything posted by CoudyBills

  1. Dude, why do you insist on being such an ass? Is the media fear mongering this possible pandemic? Yes...you people. I mean, you act like my 10 year old. I expect that from a kid, not someone who claims to be a grown man. You bum.
  2. I think common-sense and wisdom are highly correlated, maybe overlap, maybe same thing? Wisdom should be sought after.
  3. That logic is a dud, even for you Tibs.
  4. https://m.facebook.com/thehodgetwins/videos/236818290673983/
  5. Who wants to throw in a couple bucks to see if we can get Don Jr near John Garamendi? I would love to see Don Jr kick the dog**** out of that moron.
  6. Oh, everyone knows it was an angry white Republic...wait, it wasn't? Mmmmm interesting. @Tiberius. @Gary Busey. any talking points for us tonight fellas?
  7. No. But she knows how much I think about you Gary.
  8. Oh no! Say it isn't so. How will Tibs blame Trump for this one?
  9. "Orangemanbad" - every leftist ***** in this chat. Well done *****stains.
  10. Can't be. He was solely responsible for like the greatest run defense Jacksonville has ever known. I'm sure I read that here.
  11. Who the hell would eat burnt steak? 2 minutes tops, wicked high heat.
  12. In honor of naming ugly *****, I nominate Deez Nutz. Can't be worse. Otherwise, Q baby...that sounds exciting.
  13. A rational adult can see where someone with actual conviction and standards could make a constitutional argument on behalf of someone they don't agree with. That is how the rule of law and society works. People like you should cling to that idea.
  14. Impeach everyone. Can't wait. Christmas impeachment, birthday impeachment, ***** you Bernie impeachment. Exciting!!!
  15. He made a constitutional argument. I wouldn't argue that he particularly likes the president. Last part...well played.
  16. Trump buddy Alan Derschowitz? That's a stretch, even for a ###### like you Tibs.
  17. That was awesome. It was cold last night. I want to make sure he didnt freeze to death.
  18. Of course you went there...lol. Anyway, totally disagree with these last couple pardons.
  19. Don't be a moron. I knew I would pay for the wall, like I pay for your food stamps. You're welcome.
  20. Likewise, your lack of self-awareness is so mind boggling. That is what gives away the fact you are a disingenuous troll.
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