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Posts posted by BillyWhiteShows

  1. 14 minutes ago, NewEra said:

    He was the worst player on the field.  No question.  He’s weak.  No question. His instincts aren’t up there with the greats.  No question.  


    He won’t be the worst player on the field next season.  No question.  He will get stronger.  No question.  He will learn to play the position at a higher level.  No question.


    will he be good enough to play MLB?  TBD.  I’m not convinced he can play MLB at a high level.  I am convinced that we can be one of the best coverage LBs in the league and is a perfect fit in the zone D.  Playing the run, he’s abysmal to date.






    I hope so.  After today, it seems like that’s a long shot but I hope you are right

  2. 18 minutes ago, Binghamton Beast said:


    Again, he’s 20 years old. 


    He he will be staying at MLB. 


    That’s a cop out

    7 minutes ago, BuffAlone said:

    I have. I see nothing insulting in any way. 

    I called his take speculation. Said "gotcha" and thanks for the insight. Am I missing something?

    What are you? A SJW or something? You're crusading over nothing.Get over yourself 


    I did take it as an insult.  Your comment was sarcastic and meant to demean my thread.  Thank you to those who pointed this out 

    • Like (+1) 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, MrEpsYtown said:

    I think the "move Edmunds to OLB" idea is kind of tired. We spend the majority of the game in a nickel defense, which would be he and Milano anyway. 90% of the fits and things would be the same as they are now regardless of calling him a SAM in base. Also your SAM backer in base defenses has to often jam tight ends and have a really strong punch, which is not something's Edmunds seems to do well. Draft Josh Allen and stick him there and get some functional depth. Edmunds played terrible, but he will be better. During draft time everyone talked about how great his instincts were. He's playing soft and needs some strength. 


    We wound up in base a lot because the Pats forced us into it. They came out with a tight end and a fullback a ton which is why we saw so much Corey Thompson. The Lions playing 3 wide looks played into our hands last week. It was smart of the Pats to force us into base, forcing us to play Thompson and taking advantage of him, as Raphael Bush is a much better player. 


    We should have signed Marquis Flowers a couple of weeks ago instead of assuming Corey Thompson was going to be okay. The Pats took advantage of this. 


    I did see Thompson struggled badly especially on those jet sweeps.  But I also felt that Edmunds was just as bad of a liability against the run.  Thompson has an excuse....Edmunds does not.  

  4. 3 minutes ago, ScottLaw said:

    His overall play at the position has been mostly bad. 


    He has made a few nice tackles in pass coverage.  I can remember a few times when he was right on a RB sand stopped them short of the sticks with a good tackle in coverage.


    but his mishaps in the run game and not getting in his zone have far exceeded any flashes he’s shown.  He has been bad

  5. 4 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Yes, watching Eagles Houston and marked difference in WR play.


    Did you watch the last drive where Foles set the team up for a FG.  Foles threw so decent passes but theu weren’t between the numbers.  Jefferey and the TE’s caught those balls because they are good receivers.  The ball placement was the same, the difference was the quality of who was catching the ball. 

    1 hour ago, ScottLaw said:

    I'd put them(McDermott and Beane)on notice that the offensive production and talent is completely unacceptable and it absolutely better be fixed this offseason. 



    They knew the offense was going to suck this season.  This has been the plan all all along. 

  6. 1 minute ago, JM57 said:

    Edmunds has not been perfect, but dreadful?


    Excuse me barkeep, I'll have what he's having.


    He has been pretty bad.  Many of the struggles in rush defense can be largely attributed to Edmunds.  He has NOT been very good this season and IMO he’s had a disappointing year.  Spare me your “he’s 20 years old” argument.  I just don’t think he’s very good at MLB in this defense and I think that out front office (who I normally support) made a very bad pick in Edmunds.  Maybe he’ll make me eat my words.  I hope so, but I don’t think he has it - at least not at MLB

    Just now, Binghamton Beast said:

    I would say Edmunds has been very inconsistent but certainly not dreadful when describing the whole season.


    Good point, perhaps dreadful was the wrong word.  I don’t feel he’s very good though 

    3 minutes ago, BuffAlone said:

    So basically, this is complete speculation on your behalf? Gotcha. Thanks for your insight


    Yep, just like the majority of topics in this forum 

    • Thank you (+1) 1

    Based on Sean McDermott’s press conference, there’s a few things that I was able to take away.  Of course this is my speculation because McDermott doesn’t say too much so this is my interpretation.


    - He’s not happy with any of players who had those timely drops - specifically Foster, McKenzie and Logan Thomas.  Also Jason Croom.  When talking about settling for FG’s in the red zone he said “When you get a chance to make plays, you have to make plays,” seemed to speak specifically to Foster and Thomas who had a chance to score a big TD and keep the game close.  He was asked about Croom and he said that a TD there would have changed the game.  


    - Things may not be so simpatico with old pal Juan Castillo.  He said he expected to run the ball better and was disappointed with the results.  This could be take as a knock to Castilllo, Shady, or maybe even Brian Daboll.  Still I think Daboll has done enough with the offense and has gotten good progression from Allen.  He’s going nowhere, but Castillo could be a goner if McDermott brings in a new OL/Run Game Coordinator.  I think we’ve seen the end of Shady too.  


    - McDermott was not happy with the play of Edmunds or Corey Thompson in run support.  He specially mentioned how they didn’t read or get off their blocks.  That spoke to Thompson on the edge and Edmunds in the middle.  I think Edmunds has been dreadful all season long.  It would not surprised me to see him moved to the outside if they can find a suitable MLB.  He is terrible.


    -  While there was no mention of Special Teams, you have to think Crossman is out of a job next week.  

    • Like (+1) 7
  8. 3 minutes ago, BADOLBILZ said:



    Allen had a bad day but Edmunds strung together series after series of poor plays in a row...........it was astounding how ineffective he was.


    Sure he was confused by the defense...but he also had throws that were dropped, including 2 or 3 which should have gone for TD’s, plus Croom’s fumble inside the 10.  IMO he played pretty well and was victimized by terrible talent.


    Edmunds was straight-up a liability today

    11 minutes ago, stevestojan said:



    He had a terrible rookie season

  9. I could be wrong, but I see this game playing out very similar to the last one in Foxboro.  The Bills hung tough but Brady and the offense were too much down the stretch.


    I think this could happen on Sunday too.  Only question is whether the Bills offense can make some big plays late to keep up.  


    Also McDermott has been pretty good against Brady and NE.  Yes Milano and Johnson are out, but I am sure he’ll have some sort scheme to keep up with their RB’s. This could be an interesting game

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:


    Ive been around the game my whole life . Grew up on a football field... Some people arithmetic came easy, for me it was football knowledge 


    I was drawing up plays for my HS coach. I have coached and scouted 


    And I break down the top 5-8 Draft eligible QBs every year after watching every snap for a long time 


    Ok just wondering.  I’m only a fan but what you said made a lot sense

  11. 5 hours ago, Buffalo716 said:

    With the season coming to a close I have decided to re watch every Allen play and reevaluate him.


    What I have loved is his decisiveness since coming back from injury.. Whether it is tucking and running or passing he looks a lot more comfortable 



    -too much hero ball at times


    -Doesn’t secure the ball when scrambling up through pocket


    - can still find some touch on shorter throws


    -consistent footwork still work in progress 


    -needs to take less hits


    -inconsistent ball placement at times


    - can work on decision making when scrambling


    -needs to find checkdown occasionally 



    - a TD threat every single play


    - Truly Big Time arm. Howitzer. Can drop a football anywhere on the field 


    -Decisive and dangerous runner


    - High end mobility 


    - Escape Artist


    -Opens up playbook


    -Threat on bootlegs


    -Threat to Run/Pass in man


    -Reading zones is improving 


    -Fired up game personality 


    -Throws intermediate routes on frozen rope


    -Quick learner


    -good quick out


    -sells good play fake 


    -makes players better


    -great deep curl




    I would have been the first one to say that Allen needed a year on the bench. We didn’t surround him with great talent or veteran leadership 


    He has taken the bull by the horns . He has become a leader by example before our eyes and is making young inexperienced players around him better, like Foster and Mckenzie 


    He has some inconsistencies he needs to clean up but otherwise I am very pleased and somewhat shocked how well he has played


    Stats can Be misleading and his play and demeanor tell a different story. He is arguably the best player on our offense now and giving him some lineman and receivers and a TE should be priority 


    What is your experience scouting NFL QB’s?  

  12. 1 hour ago, 26CornerBlitz said:



    14 points to be correct. I don't know what will beat the Pats, but I'm looking for continued improvement from Allen as he gains more experience as the more important thing in the long run with victory over NE not exactly the expectation. 


    I think they are a tough matchup without Milano especially.  I’m hoping the Bills can keep it close and then come up with a big turnover down the stretch 

  13. 6 minutes ago, BarkleyForGOATBackupPT5P said:

    On another subject while I completely think pot is harmless for pretty much all NFL players (there's always exceptions). the drug has absolutely no PED qualities.. in fact I'd imagine quite the opposite and it'd be pretty damn hard to focus on minute details like the PLAYBOOK and snap count, and for all intents and purposes should be the players' business using the drug....


    I don't find for a second that it helps with pain relief anymore than placebo compared to a legitimate narcotic PAINKILLER which specifically targets pain receptors while marijuana is simply a mind altering drug.. maybe it distracts you from pain I GUESS. Pharmacology of marijuana simply points it to be a psychoactive drug so any percieved effects on pain relief are just that.. percieved lol.


    So I don't get the push to allow marijuana in the NFL as a friggin replacement to pain. I just don't think it really needs to be banned since it really does nothing to these players whatsoever other than what they think they are benefitting from it lol. Always found that a weird argument.


    Don't ban pot and players will stop taking pain killers?? Nah there's no benign action from the drug in that regard. Just don't ban it cause it doesn't matter and if someone thinks it helps.. cool.. whatever. It really does nothing to your neurotransmitters or body at all as far as modern medicine is supposed to do for ailments. And I know a million people say anecdotally it cures any symptom you can name.. that's just because it's a psychoactive drug that creates a placebo for whatever you want to imagine it benefits you for.


    This is like the Seantrel Henderson debate.  Regardless of what you think about pit, it’s a substance on the NFL ‘s banned list.  


    When you are making millions of dollars and have teammates depending on you, you don’t take drugs that are on the NFL’s banned list w/o consulting team or league doctors.  


    Its just bad business.  If it is a problem with addiction then good for him for stepping away and getting help.  But this is not a debate over marijuana, it’s an issue of a player repeatedly banned substances.

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