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Posts posted by BillyWhiteShows

  1. 2 hours ago, CommonCents said:

    Per NFL.com


    I think the Jets are ahead of Buffalo in the rebuild process but this might be a mistake.


    I don’t think this is a mistake.  If anything, it’s a good move for the Jets.  Bowles is a good DC, though I don’t think he’s very good as HC

    2 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Well, Bowles has had 4 years and 3 losing seasons, if they win the last game will be 3 years of 5-11.


    TBH, I really think it's on Maccagnan and Johnson for not giving him a lot of talent.  They expected him to work with has-beens and scraps at QB.

    Then, after this season when they finally got a guy who might amount to something at QB, great idea: fire the HC which will likely mean, a new OC.


    How to Ruin a Young QB: Give him 3 OC's in 3 years (See Bradford, Sam; Smith, Alex).

    If Bowles was on a short leash (Win or die) this season, IMO they should have kicked him to the curb and brought in someone new last off season, in the hope of giving a new HC/OC and QB several seasons to develop together.


    Ruined?  Seems to me like both those QB’s had pretty decent careers

  2. 1 hour ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:


    ....sure he's a HUGE risk at 2019 cost of $1.081 mil....or we could pay Sammy like numbers ($16 mil) for the same production...oh wait, he's injured AGAIN......and Zay is in great (?) hands with 62 years of combined WR coaching between Robiskie and Culley to bring his arse around, right?......think maybe a TRUE #1 would make a difference along with the speed merchants Foster & McKenzie "around"?....for a million bucks (damn Rockpile Beerman makes MORE), I'd see how the draft/FA pans out as well as what this kid shows in TC and pre-season.......my lowly content contribution...


    Well there’s is no doubt he has improved a bit since last year.  I also would be fine keeping him on the roster.


    My only point is that this season his stats don’t really give a good idea of his true contributions this years. While they are decent stats for a #2, I do believe that many of his catches came at the end of the game when defenses were allowing catches in front of them.  I also remember a number of very untimely drops from Zay and can’t remember one game where he really took over like good receivers do.


    like I said, he has improved but still has a long way to go.  I do agree a better #1 WR would help his production

  3. 33 minutes ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:


    ....and unfortunately with some of our patented blowouts, "garbage time" was the ONLY thing available.............


    Not really.... there were several tight games and Zay rarely made a play or only had a few catches. 


    I would also be curious to see how many of those catches came in the 4th quarter when the game was already out of reach.  


    Just trying to provide context 

  4. I remember this game and the 1996 season quite well.  I recall Jim Kelly as having an extremely shaky year and Thurman really appeared to be slowing down.


    I can recall that this playoff game was home and didn’t even sell out.  It was actually blacked out in Buffalo and surrounding areas.  We had to go to a bar who was showing the game illegally.


    Kelly was having a pretty lousy game struggled against a good Jags defense.  I remember a debate between two people sitting near me about whether he was done or if he still had it.  The person who said Kelly was done would constantly says “See...see I told you.”


    Then once Kelly was out Todd Collins came in with about a minute left and he looked a lot like Nate Peterman in last year’s playoff game.  The anti-Kelly guy was like “THAT’S your future!?!?!?”  

  5. 12 hours ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    So its ok to have a society who is drunk?  Sorry, but that statement makes utterly no sense. Just because something is legal doesn't mean its now something people use all day long for one.  Second, its a million times safer and less impactful than poisons like opioids.  


    And as far as killing people...you are completely wrong and made false conclusions off a false narrative of some story you read.  The 100% facts are that there is not a single recorded death in all human history in any country, state, village, tribe, etc that is attributed to cannabis use.  Yet people die from drinking alcohol, eating peanuts, even drinking too much water every year...not one death ever attributed to the prolonged use of cannabis.  Its literally medically impossible to even over dose from cannabis.


    Now, can someone make a poor decision while using cannabis like drive and die in an accident, sure, just like they can when using a Vicodin, alcohol and many other "legal" substances..  And the reason its shows up in blood toxicology tests is because its detectable for many months after use where things like alcohol and most narcotics are no longer detectable within days.  It does NOT mean it was recently used or was the cause of the "accidents" as you are implying in your "findings".  In fact, in legalized states cannabis related "accidents" are a minute fraction compared to drinking and distracted driving accidents (texting, eating, makeup, etc).  The gap between them is massive in terms of occurrences.  


    So sorry, cannabis is light years safer than many other legal products in terms of public danger.  And its never killed anyone from the use of it in the history of the world.  


    ....Yeah, this isn’t true. 

  6. 2 hours ago, BuffAlone said:

    Saying he thinks Daboll would be a great fit, not that he's been asked of his opinion, is not exactly "publicly lobbying" for his hire. Its just his opinion.

    That said, Daboll has not taken the league by storm in his opportunities in the NFL. And consequently is not, or probably considered to be by his peers,  ready for that leap...as of now


    You misread what I wrote.  I said that Farve “publicly lobbied” for him y to get a chance to interview as HC in Green Bay.  He said he would be a great fit.


    Farve knows Daboll from his season with the Jets.  This likely was his attempt at getting his friend’s name out there and it seemingly worked 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Rochesterfan said:

    Seantrel smoked Weed before he ever had Crones Disease.  He was suspended multiple times for weed abuse going back to college.


    If it was about the disease he could of worked with the NFL for an exemption, but he did not because it was not the CBD to treat the disease he craved - it was the actual pot and the high feeling.


    There are treatments using CBD that can be helpful without getting the high feeling.  


    Right I agree.  The Seantrel reference was a joke

  8. 1 hour ago, Inigo Montoya said:

    As the salary cap has gone up and teams are better able to resign their impending free agents, less and less talent is available in the free agency market.  That is why we have seen such a sharp uptick in the number of trades in the NFL during the last few seasons, and why I think the amount of trades are going to continue to increase as teams realize it may be the best way to buff their rosters with the free agency market drying up.


    It has always been hard for the Bills to get free agency talent without paying through the nose for them.  Buffalo is not a place most players want to play.  When we are competing against other teams who can field a similar monetary offer but they also have a big market, a dome, good weather, or low / no state income taxes,  that puts the Bills even further behind the eight ball.  Buffalo is a great place to play football, you just have to get them here for them to figure that out.  Just ask Shady.  He didn't want to play here and would have never played here if he hadn't been traded.  Now he sees what a great place it is to play.


    Beane does not have a lot of players left for trade bait with the Bill's roster stripped down to the studs this year.  That's why I think we will start to see Beane trading away draft picks as the draft approaches (his only trade commodity) for offensive line and receiving help.  You see quality players being traded for late round draft picks all the time.  Here are some traded players and their trade compensation from just this year;


    RB Ty Montgomery    7th rounder

    WR Golden Tate       3rd rounder

    WR Demaryius Thomas    4th & 7th rounders

    OT Corey Robinson   7th rounder

    OT Shon Coleman    7th rounder

    C Brett Jones     7th rounder

    WR Tavon Austin  6th rounder


    Certainly not all of them are game changers, but they do represent a reasonable risk / reward ratio for the draft capital spent.  We have a lot of money for signing these players to long term contracts if they pan out, money that we might have trouble spending in the limited free agency market.  I bet Beane will target players with 1-2 years left on their rookie contracts who have shown some ability and start making calls to their GMs dangling our trade picks as bait. We have all of our draft picks plus an extra 4th, 5th, and 7th this year.  


    With all the coaching changes and rebuilds that are going to happen this off season, (at least six, Jets, Bucs, Jags, GB, Browns, Cards) there may be a lot of teams looking to reshape their roster and they might value draft picks over the last regime's players.  Just look at Oakland, Chucky has unloaded everyone for picks.  


    If Beane can unload late round picks for proven NFL quality starters, I think he will jump on it rather than rolling the dice in the draft.  If a trade gets done, look for Beane to lock them up on a longer term contract with all the cap space we have.  He has definitely shown he is not afraid to make a deal.  I am just not that optimistic the Bills will be able to get a lot done in free agency this year.  Going forward, I think trades will replace free agency as the main way to build a roster outside of the draft, and I expect Beane to be all over it this off season.



    I think the premise makes sense and I can see Beane trading lower round picks for players.  That seems to be something he tries.  


    But I also don’t believe in the whole “free agents won’t come to Buffalo” excuse.  Yes Josh Brown chose Baltimore over Buffalo, but it has little to do with any of the circumstances you referenced.  It was more about playing for a team that had a better chance of winning now with an established QB/Coach than one where the QB position was a huge question mark.  


    I do think that Josh Allen’s flashes could help free agents on offense. 


    With that being said, I think Beane will look to sign more guys like Micah Hyde in ‘2017 than compete for the biggest names on the market 

  9. 31 minutes ago, formerlyofCtown said:

    They ban it when its a better option than opiods for pain.  The phamacutical industry are big backers of Weed being a controled substance.

    So does all the scientific research that is finally being done and unacknowledged.


    I don’t doubt that it has benefits but I also think they are being a tad bit exaggerated by people who....just wanna get high and use it recreationally.  I also don’t buy all of the conspiracy theories out there, sorry.  


    In the case of Seantrel, it’s a joke because people will use his situation to prove the OP original point.  Seantrel was a big user of recreational marijuana, as evidenced by multiple suspensions throughout his college career, that had nothing to do any medical condition.  Once he got Chrones disease (which appears to be no laughing matter) and later got caught for smoking weed again, many people tried to say “he’s just managing the pain from his illness” discounting his past as a recreational user.   I don’t know what happened for sure but to me, it just seems that the simplest solution was the most likely....if you catch my drift. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    What makes this clear?


    There has been speculation, but there's always speculation.  Reporter speculation isn't equal to "clear" NFL regard.
    The only links I could find (and I searched) is this article pointing out a betting site had odds on him (that's a sign of gambler thinking, not NFL regard) and a sports reporter covering Green Bay had him on a list of possible McCarthy replacements.




    Because reporter soeculation just doesn’t come out of thin air.  There’s a reason as to why they would ask the question.  I don’t recall Gregg Roman or Rock Dennison getting  these kinds of questions when they were OC.


    If you searched for links, then you probably missed the biggest reason why there’s been speculation.  Brett Favre recommending that GB interview Daboll/




  11. 17 minutes ago, LSHMEAB said:

    Dude, we're scoring 15 points a game with defenses specifically trying to prevent us from scoring points.


    Daboll has HC written all over him. I think we should consider making him an offer he can't refuse to stay on as OC. He's gonna get more offers than Gregg Williams.


    Laugh all you want.  All I know is that some have said he would be a great HC including Brett Favre who publicly lobbied for him to get a shot at GB’s opening.


    Clearly you didn’t read the article so I’ll sum it up for you.  There was enough talk that members of the media asked Daboll about it.  But I guess the rumors aren’t true because you think he’s not very good



  12. 8 minutes ago, Bangarang said:


    Highly regarded as what? It’s not like he’s proven to be some innovative offensive mind with a history of having good offenses or getting the most out of QBs.


    His best qualification is having worked under BB and Saban. 


    My guess is that people who coach in the NFL respect his work.  It’s orobably information that fans like us can’t understand.  All I’m saying, is that his name has been in the conversation as a potential candidate for head coaching opportunities 

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