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Posts posted by OBXBILLSFAN

  1. I think we're all giving up too soon on Gandy. His biggest problem has been injuries, very similar to JJ. If you'll look at Gandy's bio, he started 20 games at LT for the Bears and 10 at LG. He's still only 26, has pretty good size, and is the type of guy McNally likes - bright and motivated.


    I'd like to see how Gandy develops under "Mouse" before summarily writing him off.

  2. I'm anxious to see how Gandy performs with a good O line coach like McNally. Gandy started 20 games for the Bears at LT, and another 10 at LG. He was a 3rd round pick out of Notre Dame, has decent size, and is only 26.


    He also seems bright and motivated - a McNally-type player. I see a lot of upside if he can stay healthy.

  3. What amazes me that there are fans are so skilled that they are able to rank the success of the off season before the team actually steps on the field. These are the same skilled individuals who can rank a draft without ever seeing the draft choices play.


    What talent.


    I hear you. I don't know how TD, Modrak, Guy and all the other player personnel guys keep their jobs when there are so many all-seeing, all-knowing experts around.

  4. JJ was anything but a "middle of the road" player.  He's a notch below top tier in spite of the fact that he is oft injured with minor injuries. 


    He was too expensive, but that doesn't mean he won't be sorely missed.  To say that Gandy, a Chicago of all teams, castoff will "fill that spot very competently" after never even having started all of his seasons or even played T at all is baseless.  You haven't a shred of evidence for that statement.


    Gandy started 20 games at LT for the Bears, exactly as many as Teague started there for the Broncos. Gandy also started some at guard. Perhaps you should check your facts before lashing out like a pit viper.

  5. So, replacing two of our better players with scrubs is making the team better?


    Pat Williams is at the end of his career, meaning we will be better at DT with young and developing Edwards and Anderson there.


    JJ was a middle of the road, oft injured LT who was WAY too expensive to keep. I wouldn't be surprised if Gandy fills that spot very competently.


    Why is it that every guy we lose is a great player who is absolutely irreplaceable, to the point where we just can't be successful without them?

  6. But the difference isn't going to be 100% or more from top to bottom.  So much for the players not ever accepting one.


    Way to screw yourselves, guys.  You could have had $42 million not too long ago.  Whoops. :w00t:


    The NHL owners and players should all be horse whipped for their stupidity and greed.

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