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Posts posted by OBXBILLSFAN

  1. Mr. Big Fat Sour Grapes continues to shoot his mouth off. He's very lucky the Vikes paid big money for a soon-to-be-33 year old whose game is in serious decline.


    He can dis Edwards all he wants, but Edwards is as big or bigger than him, and more mobile and athletic. Anderson is a former 3rd rounder whom Krumrie loves. I think we'll be better at DT this year.


    And exactly what does he know about JP and his progress at QB?


    Blasting your former team as Mr. Sour Grapes has done is a classless thing to do. I always thought better of Pat.

  2. At some point, you have to go with you're 1st round pick, even if he's inexperienced. Playing is the only way to learn. Drew wasn't getting it done, and Kelly's not coming out of retirement, so it's time to hand the reins to a young and exciting player.


    And if JP fails, it won't be for lack of preparation or work ethic.

  3. Not a member, but I need to the Bills bar down there. In VB quite often, mother in law lives on 49th st.


    BTW, OBX, I know you said you go to quite a bit of the bills homes games. POsted last week got $29 tickets on Southwest out of BWI for the Dolphins game. I think they were $49 each way out of ORF, so that may even be cheaper than driving.


    That's a great fare. While we have always driven, we might consider flying a few times if tickets remain that cheap. As season ticket holders, we're always looking for ways to break up the monotony of that 12 hour drive.


    Thanks for the info, and try to get to Gators in VB sometime for a game.

  4. I'm a Formula 1 fan, and have absolutely no sympathy for the Michelin teams. The configuration at Indy was no different than previous years, and every team tested and practiced on the course before the race. It is up to the tire manufacturer to produce a tire that performs properly at each venue.


    Ferrari and Bridgestone have been at a disadvantage all year, thus no wins for Michael Schumacher - the best driver in the world - going into this race. But I didn't see any courses being changed to accommodate them.


    It's a shame for all fans of F1 racing that Michelin couldn't produce a decent tire for this race, as Bridgestone did. But change the course the day before the race because Michelin and its teams didn't do their homework? Absurd.


    Who do these guys think they are, NASCAR?

  5. You have to set up another one for that section. Once you do that, you SHOULD....and note I say SHOULD....be able to "associate" with a chapter. Unfortunately, I can't do that.


    Plus, I can't find the listings of clubs ANYWHERE on that site.


    Thanks. I created a new account and got registered - applied to the Virginia Beach Chapter.

  6. On a sliding scale I can't disagree with you, but I definitely have my limits.  Chimps?  OK.  Snail Darters?  Nope, sorry, they gotta go if they stand in the way of progress. 


    Guess that makes me God. :lol:  Note to the guy from FSU--bug off, I'm Him.


    I think compromises can be reached, even concerning Snail Darters. I'm all for progress, but we certainly have the technology and the knowledge to preserve the flora and fauna as we go along.

  7. Talk about completely unintuitive and sh!tty web design. That page sucks. I'm trying to officially "register" as a BB with the LVBBB. It's not working in firefox. Think I should try IE?


    I've tried repeatedly, but it won't take either my user name or password that I use on BB.com.

  8. I think that animals should at least have some basic rights, including the right not to be tortured or maimed, not to be killed for greed, and not to have their habitat wantonly destroyed. If that makes me stupid, I guess I am.


    And I'm a political conservative.

  9. ;)  Seriously, brought my folks down to the OBX for Thanksgiving a couple years back and my father fell in love with that Food Lion.....Freekin guy lives in Webster, go figure.


    I've been in the Kill Devil Hills Food Lion several times, and can't figure how it can be better than any Wegmans, anywhere.

  10. Me too.


    And I think that ex-Raven's guard Anderson will be helpful. Some have criticized him as being only a "road grader".


    What's wrong with that? A guy that poked holes for Jamal Lewis?  Providing pass protection for the herky-jerky Kyle Boller as well at the "qb-of-the-day" Raven's philosophy through the last 5 years, is IMO not much of a basis to rate ANY OL's qb protection skills...


    Yeah, I like road graders on the O line. If Anderson has a pass blocking problem, McNally can probably help.

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