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Posts posted by Nextmanup

  1. 45 minutes ago, Mister Defense said:

    Josh Allen is dramatically more skilled and so has dramatically more upside than Manuel. 


    I wanted to believe in Manuel and so rationalized he was going to get better and better... and that his almost on target passes were the kinds of balls that young quarterbacks threw.


    But he rarely put the ball where it needed to be, forcing receivers to stop, change routes, or get mauled going for the ball.  I was happy when Manuel was in the vicinity, thinking that meant he would eventually get it right.


    But that was nonsense--Manuel did not have a good, accurate arm.  He could not learn the needed skills, as he simply didn't have them.


    But Josh Allen has a real NFL arm and  likely elite NFL QB athleticism and leadership.  He throws a great ball, on target, with receivers in motion, and can make any throw.  His low percentage of completions is the result of many drops by receivers and of taking risks to make something happen (often because of the dismal running attack this year).


    I could be rationalizing again, but really believe that the facts indicate that Josh Allen will be a great NFL quarterback--and soon. 

    I do not think Josh is dramatically more skilled than EJ.


    Both have serious deficiencies to their talent pool.


    I do think Josh is a dramatically better athlete.  Josh Allen is really quite a naturally gifted athlete, but then again, so is Tim Tebow.



    Just now, BarkleyForGOATBackupPT5P said:

    Ironically. The game that probably killed his career, Jags in London.. his second half performance was amazing to me. That throw to Robert Woods in particular. First half was definitely a case of the yips, and I always imagined the 2nd half was "I've screwed up so bad, this game / my near end to my career can't get any worse. I don't care anymore I'm just going to have to play the best possible performance I have" and EJ on a good day with no nerves was always the best version of EJ.


    Ya just can't have that in quarterbacks. Almost everyday has to be a no nerves best version of yourself if you're quarterback. Toughest mental position in sports.

    One thing I consistently notice in watching Aaron Rodgers during Packers games...just the way he walks around between plays, the look on his face, the body language...the dude appears to be totally calm and under control at all times.


    Many guys are overwhelmed with all that they have to do to play QB in the NFL, and I understand it!   But then you have Peyton Manning, Brady, Rodgers, Joe Montana, Jimbo, Dan Marino....they have an ability to play the position without having to push everything to the limit; they can play under control.


    I think that is a key to success, along with lots of other things you have to be able to do!




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  2. Since Beth Mowins has been brought into this...


    I just want to say that it is easy to dismiss criticism of her as being misogynistic or the "good old boy network" rejecting something new and different.  I get all that.


    And let me reiterate I cannot stand Beth Mowins!  It has nothing to do with any of that.


    It's that West Virginia white trash drawl she has; I just can't take it.


    7 minutes ago, Call_Of_Ktulu said:

    I am putting so much money down on this game. I want the Bills to lose but I know they will win this game and miss out on the blue chip player. The Bills win these useless games all the time, I might as well make some money off it.

    Your post makes a lot of sense on two levels.


    First, yes, we always win these meaningless games which only serve to take drafted talent away from the team.


    And second, yes, why the hell not financially benefit from this self-destructive habit!


    I hope you win a lot.

  3. 13 hours ago, Marv's Neighbor said:

    NFL Europe has already headed down that road, and it was a dead end.

    That was a dead end; but that isn't the real NFL in Europe; that was a European copy of the NFL.


    And as to /DEV NUL/'s comment, European soccer is already way bigger in the USA than it was even 10 years ago. 


    My 15 and 18 year old nephews are so-so Bills fans (grew up and live in Buffalo) but gigantic English Premier League psycho fans; they follow that league like I followed the AFC East at their age.


    Even if soccer remain a "niche" type thing in America, you have to realize America is so big, that "niche" following can't still be the size of a European country.


    As far as I know, the USA World Cup remains the best attended World Cup on record.



  4. 8 hours ago, 4merper4mer said:

    Fantastic line delivery.  Rapes 14 year olds.


    The fact that these two things are weighed against each other as if we can so ill afford to lose an friggin actor that we'd, as a society, even remotely consider his return to prominence is a disgusting statement on our culture.


    Show this guy the door for good. 

    Did he rape a 14 year old?  Isn't the entire point of this video to say he did not and that people like you don't know the truth of the matter?


    Even if it is determined that he committed some crime, he can still be a good actor.  Those 2 things can exist in the same universe.





  5. It's amazing how much talent will help overcome "confidence" issues or opposing coaching film review.


    Unfortunately, EJ didn't have much of it and that was obvious from the beginning.


    I would suggest he was no different in year 2 vs. year 1; it's just that expectations changed around him.


    The same will happen for Allen next year; the honeymoon is going to end at some point and he'll have to produce--on a consistent basis--if he is going to stay in the league.



  6. On 12/25/2018 at 3:20 PM, SoCal Deek said:

    Yikes! There are a ton of sob stories on here. The Bills has virtually ZERO injuries on either side of the line of scrimmage throughout the entire season. There are teams around the league having to make personnel decisions on a weekly basis. Whereas the Bills saw a starting CB RETIRE during a game, then traded away their #1 WR, and cut their opening day QB. Yea....I’m sure this mess was due to an old Offensive Guard retiring!  Sheeesh

    Excuse makers are going to make excuses.


    It's what they do.



  7. 21 minutes ago, Bring it said:

    Brady is obsessed with being snubbed in the draft and making it clear that he is the best ever! He will not go down easy. More like having to be beaten into retirement!!

    He is definitely that kind of athlete.


    Some have to be pushed out because they would play forever if they were allowed to.


    I can see a scenario where Brady declines, wants to continue, and the organization actually pushes him out.


    Not necessarily next year however.



  8. I'm in Germany for the holidays and just saw a TV commercial promoting NFL football.


    They are going to show all playoff games and the Superbowl on regular free TV, which I'm not sure has been done before.


    Superbowl, yes, but not all the playoffs.


    I thought it was interesting.  Global promotion of all big time sports is going to be the next big thing.


    Euro soccer in N. America and NFL in Europe.


    We're already heading down that road.



  9. 17 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

    I keep seeing cap hell, but how much of that was self imposed? 

    Almost all of it.



    24 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    But this isn't correct.  Why do people on the board keep throwing this false statement out there?  It was widely reported and also confirmed by McD in a press conference that the "plan" going into the 3rd preseason game was to start ALLEN week 1. That was when there was 3 QBs still here.  They had their hand forced a little bit when Allen and the offense got overwhelmed the 3rd game, but the intention was to start Allen NOT Peterman.  


    So ultimately, they didn't start Peterman because they felt he was a good starter, they started Peterman to sit Allen a little longer to make sure he was ready and he was ALWAYS going to start at some point early in the season.


    But fans here keep spinning this as if McD decided Peterman was a franchise QB and turned the franchise over to him.  And the only reason we kept him over AJM was because no one offered us an asset for Peterman, and the Raiders foolishly offered us a 5th and they took it considering they were going to cut one of the two anyway and NP outplayed AJM anyway in preseason.  


    And no coach ever goes out on Sundays and tries to tank.  McD is going to try and win every single game, no matter how good the roster is or isnt.  They knew this was going to be a rebuilding season, and both Beane and McD said that.  And our teams biggest struggles were mostly with NP and DA, so injuries contributed heavily to several of those really bad weeks.  


    I respect your opinion, but I cant see how any can look at McD and Beane and think they look bad.  They broke the 17 year drought with a below average roster.  They got rid of bad contracts or players who didn't fit the future plans.  They drafted very well grabbing impactful starters in Tre and Milano, managed to grab 2 first round picks without giving up any future picks to land our QB and MLB to anchor both sides of the ball, and found value still in the draft after in guys like Taron and Phillips who look promising themselves.  Not to mention guys like Levi and Gaines who show potential too.  They found a gem in UDFA and other teams practice squad players.  They weren't afraid to cut bait on a trade that didn't work and cut KB to make way for the younger players.  


    And most importantly, Beane fixed the cap a year earlier than he projected while also grabbing a few extra draft picks this year too.  I mean how is anyone upset with this?  Drafting well, clearing out cap space, adding extra picks, finding value in UDFA and PS players, etc...I am quite pleased with the direction of this team.  We got a top D right now with a young QB that is exciting and there is a lot to be excited about.

    So starting Peterman Week 1 was a last second adjustment when Allen's big pre-season audition went poorly?


    I disagree with that.  If the plan was always to make Allen the starter, more would have been done to have a "mentor" on staff to guide him IMO.  Obviously Peterman wasn't that guy and don't forget, they moved AJ off the team voluntarily.


    They also thought subtle tweaks to the O line would be sufficient, and they weren't.  They had ample time to do something about the losses there and showed poor judgment.


    McBeane should be on the hot seat and had a poor year IMO.


    You're entitled to support them all you want.


    If they don't make quite a large series of successful key changes this off-season, and if Allen doesn't show steady improvement next year, I think they'll be gone.


    Look at Pegula's actions with the Sabres.  He is not afraid to move people out the door when things aren't going according to plan.  Ask Darcy Regier and Tim Murray what I'm talking about; they'll tell you.



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  10. 7 hours ago, PatsFanNH said:

    That’s wrong no matter what sport it is.. why do people forget it’s just a game?!  We watch for entertainment and hopefully have a fun time at the field.  


    Worse thing I saw was on the Pop Warner field where a group parents from the other team kept swearing and saying “they need cripple that little bleep! He has to hurt get in on the quarterback like that!”  (They were talking about my son.. took a lot of restraint not to yell at them and create a scene.)

    There are a lot of losers in the world and they like to project their own failings by asking their children to achieve the success they were incapable of themselves in all sorts of pursuits.  


    Sports is one of them.


    It's a shame.  The dumber the person is, the more they are likely to engage in this behavior.




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  11. 31 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    Coach-speak.  Means nothing.  He's not going to throw him under the bus.  Remember all the kind words for Peterman...

    I know what you are saying and agree with you.


    Having said that, I fear these guys actually do want to keep him around.  I assume they would have moved him at the deadline if they did not want to retain him for next year.


    I think keeping him is a mistake.


  12. Can anyone explain to me what this is exactly?


    I.E., is he playing a character from "House of Cards" and is he delivering lines directly from that show? 


    Or is any of this newly written for purposes of this short video?  


    I never saw the show and didn't even know it existed; I thought his delivery of the dialogue in this little clip was fantastic though.

    I wonder how long it took to produce this and how many takes.  I bet not that many actually.  He is a talented guy.





  13. 4 hours ago, Mark Vader said:

    I haven't seen this yet, and I usually tend to stay away from 3D viewings.


    I don't see why this movie would be any different. I would just watch it in it's standard format.

    I feel the same way; I've been following this project for a while and am anxious to see it, but I wouldn't watch it in 3D.


    It is too artificial and a distraction IMO.



  14. 7 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    Don't know anything about model trains but I'm going to guess you can't run a set up that large without multiple transformers feeding power 

    It's lego; the power source is in the engine itself (battery).  The track is plastic with no electricity running through it.


    That's a great setup! 



    4 hours ago, Gray Beard said:

    Lego looks easier for that than the old Lionel stuff that I had as a kid.   Lego ain’t cheap. Looks like a pretty nice house, so I guess he can afford it.  I always think the fun is in the building of the layout. Once it works and you run the train around it a few times, then what?


    I used to like to make the Hotwheels track start someplace high, like on a dresser or something, and then see if I could make it go over chairs, into the next room, down the hall, etc.  I did it “for my kids” and sometimes I would even let them use it.

    Lego is expensive and that guy has a mile of track; the whole time I was thinking how much money he has invested in extra track lengths.


    Lego trains are totally fun and cool; if you have kids check 'em out!


    They actually have a large adult following as well.



    This is one of the all time great Lego trains IMO: the "Emerald Night."


    I have this one; long discontinued but you can still buy them at fairly reasonable prices.



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  15. 1 hour ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    Are you suggesting the team we fielded this year was their attempt at being a good team?  LOL


    Some of you guys need to understand how to separate fielding a team and building a team.  The team on the field this year, especially the offense, is not even close to the finished product.  I mean its literally the beginning of rebuilding and what they FIELDED under the circumstances, not what they BUILT..  Some of you act like this was their best effort at building a contender.  


    They were in cap hell, Beane fixed it a year faster than he predicted.  They had guys they got rid of after having been around them in McD's first year.  They had 2 OL retire they had thought would be here.  They went out and got a rookie QB and a second first rounder in Edmunds to groom into being the QB of the defense for years too.  


    I just dont understand how so many fans are so out of touch with reality this season.  This was NEVER the end product this year, EVERYTHING they did was to build on for the future to build a real contender, not some 9 win team hoping to make playoffs again on tie breaker for the next 5 years.  This next year is now about building this franchise to contend regularly.  They have a playoff caliber defense and a young rookie QB.  They will begin adding pieces around Allen to help build his success, and judging by McD and Beane actions thus far, I expect a heavy investment in FA/Draft/both on the OL to help protect the kid and get the run game going again to help take pressure off Josh.  Additionally some more weapons are certainly coming in at WR and probably TE and maybe RB too.  

    It is obvious what they were doing with cap room this season, and they obviously were willing to take a strategic setback in order to build a more sound financial situation rolling forward.


    Having said that, there is also no doubt that they thought it would go substantially better than it did this year.  They also thought Peterman would be a serviceable starter while Allen learned and watched from the sideline.


    This season is not about a 100% tank, or a 100% planned rebuild with everything going according to plan.


    The truth lies in the middle.  They will emerge from this season, overall, looking bad IMO and McBeane's fate will rest in their ability to fix this #*$& show in this coming offseason.



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  16. 1 hour ago, Steptide said:

    Kinda depressing that this Sunday is it until September. I'd love to see a high octane game, and hopefully McDermott and daboll have a few tricks up their sleeves for the home fans, but I won't hold my breathe. Although, it does feel good that we have what seems to be our quarterback. 

    I know just what you mean.  It was apparent this season was over on Week 1 for anyone paying attention.  It's been a lost season and it hardly feels like we've had one.  And now it's almost over.


    Here's to hoping for better things in 2019.



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  17. On 12/24/2018 at 5:04 PM, JÂy RÛßeÒ said:

    "Neil has retired, and so the idea of seeing Neil, Alex, and myself on stage or on record together is not realistic. ...That part of our life, we've moved on from that now."




    Just watched all 17:41 of the video and really enjoyed it.


    Thanks for posting!



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  18. Christmas greetings from Deutschland!  I'm in Germany with my SO for Xmas this year.  They celebrate the holiday on Christmas Eve, the 24th.


    Missed the Pats game as a result, but have read many threads here.  For some reason, WGR550.com doesn't work in Europe.  SO I didn't listen to post game show and what not.


    Anyhoo, Merry Christmas again!

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  19. Ed Van Halen is a pretty well confirmed alcoholic.  He has told a story of being like 10 years old in school, early in the morning, and physically shaking from withdrawal.  The teacher noticed it and was smart enough to realize the kid was an alcoholic.  To make his life a little easier, the teacher told Ed to "go for the clear stuff" and Ed was like "You mean like vodka or something?" and the teacher confirmed.


    If you're shaking b/c you need a drink at 9:00am in school, aged 10 or 12, you are probably an alcoholic.


    Ed has fought the disease his whole life.  His father was the same.  His brother Alex, as far as I know, did not inherit it.



  20. 44 minutes ago, JohnC said:

    You give an accurate depiction of the Skinner situation in Carolina. But the situation in Carolina is a common situation in the league. If you don't believe that your player is willing to sign a contract with you, regardless what you are offering, when he is entering his free agency year then you have little choice but to deal him for the best deal you can get. Even if it is an imbalanced deal you have make a deal or lose him for nothing.


    Skinner was not going to sign a contract with Carolina because he wanted out and he wanted to be closer to Toronto where his family was. (As you noted). It certainly has worked out well for the Sabres and for him. It is probable that he will sign with us but there are no guarantees about that.



    He's going to want and he'll get a long term K, other than that, I love the idea of re-signing him.


    He won't keep up peak production for each year of the deal though, but that's how the game is played these days.



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