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Everything posted by Mediaman

  1. Signed sealed and delivered. Who's High Pitch
  2. Directv's Sounds of the Season Music channel started right after Halloween. What no Thanksgiving day music?!
  3. DAMN DAMN DAMN, I should have went: http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/a.../stern_giveaway
  4. Maybe the networks should show the unedited videos of the beheading of the innocent hostages taken in Iraq. You know, equal time. I can't blame the marine, I don't agree with everything we've done, but we are there and there is no easy out. Has anyone seen the documentary on HBO "Last Letters Home" I could not sit there for its entirety, it was way to difficult to listen to these families read these letters of their loved ones.
  5. I finished shopping 7 years ago when I got married Wife=Designated Shopper
  6. In reading your post however, one might conclude that Christmas is the holiday that dare not speak its name as if we were all hiding from the wrath of Pharoah. 123058[/snapback] But thats the point, we light up NYC, the stores start selling the deocration in August, but if someone in an office says Merry Christmas then we are insenstive to non christians.
  7. Yeah Mike Woods is a stud....oh man this is getting gay.
  8. I dated a girl who told me one year they hid the easter eggs in the Christmas tree (Artificial)
  9. Hey, Good Day NY was at a diner down there this AM. Man I miss a good Bklyn diner, we have nothing up in the burbs. I also miss the steet lights on Avenue U, 18th Avenue and other busy streets during the Christmas season. And from going from store to store in the bitter December cold (before the greenhouse effect kicked in) we hardly went to the mall back then. I also hate the shopping theme that has dominated Christmas. Those reporters on Christmas eve, can take the night off, run last years tape and noone would notice. Luckily for me, my wife does all the shopping so I actually get to enjoy the season. And as far as bringing up Christmas too soon, at least its after Halloween!
  10. Don't say Christmas season, someone may get offended, its the winter solstice holiday season.
  11. Excel, I'm staring at TBD all day. God I need a new job.
  12. Oh so close, but we only allow one answer here on Who Wants to be a Turkish Millionare......
  13. High di do.. Mr Hankey rules. But I"m sure someone somewhere is upset that either South Park has goofed on Christmas or that Christmas is even mentioned.
  14. Exactly, bring it in and I'll be the first one helping to wire it up or whatever it takes. The Christmas season is for everyone. The more festive the better.
  15. http://1010wins.com/topstories/local_story_322073744.html I'm sorry, I don't believe in saying Season's Greetings, or Happy Holidays. If you are Jewish I will say Happy Chanukah, and if you are a Christian I will say Merry Christmas. If I don't know what religion you are, then I don't know you well enough to even be speaking with you. I don't believe in this PC crap, I still call it the office christmas party and I don't send out winter solstice cards. Let my kids have Santa in school, and as far as the non Christians, well too bad, get over it. Lots of jewish kids got candy canes as well and noone complained back then. And everyone grew up just fine. I didn't complain when we had Yum Kippur off in public school in NYC. This is not meant to be a Christian vs Jewish thread, just stop with the PC stuff. I'm not even religous, but let the kids have something to look forward to. Sorry had to rant.
  16. If we tell you, you'd probably be pissed for wasting bandwidth I did it for Alison....yeah thats right Alison....
  17. I put the TV on MUTE halfway through the first quarter. And in bed by the 3rd, What a bad game. And to think I almost didn't want to watch any afternoon games cuz "My" game was on at night. Thank god I didn't go with that plan. Oh well..........
  18. But thats not the point, this video is not ILLEGAL. They have a right to sell it. Its a matter of bad taste, but then again some people say pornogrophy is in bad taste. And not just the XXX stuff, Playboy for instance. Why this story is even news is amazing to me. I remember the Faces of Death videos available to rent to anyone at my local video store (Before Blockbuster came to town).
  19. Ok why would you want this? The gas station is not the ones that produced the tapes. And the article says the gas station promised to pull the tapes. I wouldn't watch the tape, but that doesn't mean I want to censor other people from watching it. Better move this thread to the PPP board!!
  20. I Tivo'd Desparate, since the Fox lineup is easier on the mind after a long football day. How was it? My wife wants to watch that tonight, but I can wait till Tuesday (MNF is on)
  21. Yes I know its early in the week for OT topics after a good victory over the J E T S suck suck suck.... But, anyone catch this show? My wife didn't buy it, she thought the site of those girls wearing hot shorts as being dressed to casual. It was great eye candy though. She thinks either the entire show is a sham and we are the "victims" or that they are just trying to pull a fast one on us with no punchline.
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