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Posts posted by Pokebball

  1. 12 minutes ago, 4th&long said:


    I would suspect this is true for both parties for either of the two potus candidates. In fact, 22% seems too low to me. And yet, here we are, doing this to ourselves.

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  2. Just now, ChiGoose said:


    Former elected officials generally do not get prosecuted for possessing documents unless they obstruct the investigation. 


    It's why Pence wasn't prosecuted

    It's why Biden wasn't prosecuted

    It's why there weren't prosecutions for every administration since Reagan.


    The only reason Trump is being prosecuted is because he obstructed the investigation.


    You're telling on yourself here.

    Yeah, they're above the law as well

    • Like (+1) 2
  3. 11 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    Agreed, Trump is actually arguing that Biden should be above the law.


    Thankfully, Trump is wrong.


    What has actually happened is that people who have no idea what they are talking about are unable to tell the difference between obstructing an investigation and not obstructing an investigation.


    It's a sad reflection of our very dumb world.

    He broke laws by taking the classified documents. He broke laws by not properly securing the classified documents. He broke laws by sharing classified documents with his ghost writer. Not obstructing 10 years later, does not make those crimes go away.

    • Like (+1) 3
  4. Just now, ChiGoose said:

    10% of students thinking it’s ok to restrict access for Jews is bad. 

    However, ascribing the behaviors or beliefs of 10% of a population to all of that population is disingenuous. 

    Enabling and encouraging it deserves to be projected to the entire university IMO

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

    Politicized faculty, infantilized students, and mediocre classes have combined to erode the prestige of college degrees, even at once elite colleges. A degree from Columbia no longer guarantees either maturity or preeminent knowledge but is just as likely a warning to employers of a noisy, poorly educated graduate more eager to complain to Human Resources than to enhance a company’s productivity.



    I was responsible for hiring entry level students in my firm. The kids coming out of smaller colleges, and even those that began their education at community and junior colleges proved to be much better employees, in both performance and attitude. And it wasn't even close.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    File under: Some Things I Learned Today.

    No condom.

    But that's ok I guess because no sex with Melania either. Separate beds or bedrooms.


    So Trump nailed a "Horse Face." Seems likely to play out well in the media!

    Well, this assumes the moral and ethical character of a witness is even important in this case. Appears to me moral and ethical character of witnesses is not important.

  7. 1 minute ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Glenn Reynolds is an actual law prof. He obviously is more interested in his blogging career now. But he is a serious person.

    And he's right: the "over criminalization" thing is a problem.


    So like he says, go ahead and try to correct what you think is selective prosecution through the political/electoral system.

    If we believe Trump, that is where Reynolds is wrong. Trump believes that these prosecutions make him more popular and more likely to be elected. So much for this comment:


    I believe Biden is above the law

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