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Posts posted by Bockeye

  1. On 10/6/2021 at 4:05 AM, Sundancer said:


    Rebelling against science. Americans leading the March back to the Middle Ages. Bravo. 

    Yep - tell me how these drug companies have never pulled product from the shelves. YOU CAN’T


    ”This science has been around forever” - but yet it hasn’t and we needed Operation Warp Speed to get the vaccines rolling out. LMAO


    Agreed with someone else’s point - we’re sure as hell not going to change each other’s minds. Having said that, I really appreciate the posts and links from others who have a head on their shoulders and realize what’s going on. Thank you. 





  2. 21 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    Medicine is about benefit vs. risk.  The math indicates that even ion younger people the risk of getting Covid far outweighs any risk with the vaccine.

    See my comment about benefit and risk; the risk of getting Covid are still much higher in the younger population than the risk associated with the vaccine.




    “Thus, due to both the problems of under-reporting and the known lag in report processing, this analysis reveals a strong signal from the VAERS data that the risk of suffering CIRM – especially males is unacceptably high. Again, children are not a high-risk group for COVID-19 respiratory illness, and yet they are the high-risk group for CIRM.

    So much for your theory on children/young adults getting vaccine.”

    If I keep schooling you this much, I’m gonna have to bill you. 

  3. Thank you - now your reading comprehension is on full display. I actually pointed out that the article is from March and ONLY just over 50% of HCW’s were vaccinated at that time. I then went on the state that the % picked up considerably after March because these HCW’s were coerced/forced to get the jab and thus the rate is higher now. 

    Consider yourself schooled. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, Sundancer said:

    Yeah hard to talk to the brainwashed. 



    Article from March and then mandates we’re enacted. Many were forced and/coerced into getting the vax.  

    There goes that theory. 

    Seriously, you guys have think and take a look at the timeline and all that’s happened. Stop drinking the rhetoric. 

    Undisputed FACTS


    No mask, then mask, then three masks


    vaccine bad because trump made it. Trump gone, vaccine good. 

    vax means you won’t get covid. Oops, you can get covid. 

    vax means you won’t spread virus.  Oops, you can spread virus. 

    vax means you won’t die.  Oops, you can die. 


    We can eradicate covid.  Oops, we will live with it forever like flu. 

    and the list goes on…


  5. 3 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    You honestly believe a cold is comparable to a major issue from Covid.  You honestly think that.


    There’s really nothing to be said about that.

    Then take the risk and if you get it have the decency to die in your own bed and not waste resources that could be used to save someone else.

    Likewise with your adverse effects. Blood clots, strokes, etc from the vaccine - stay the hell home and deal with it. 

    Same goes if your obese, smoker, drinker, and have any other preventable conditions.  DONT go to doctor or hospital - deal with it as it’s your own doing. 

  6. 3 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    Then go get Covid and die if you’re willing to give your life.  And when you’re gasping for breath and declare like many have when in their death bed that you should have gotten the vaccine, it will be too late.


    I would be 99% sure this anesthesiologist and the other guy got their childhood vaccines, got their yearly flu vaccines as that is required by many health care organizations.  So enough about your freedom.

    Oh Jesus, you’re the same type that thought the “insurrection” was the end of America as we knew it. 

    You and your like are such freaking wussies. 

    How many times must it be explained that these are not like normal vaccines which have been created in the past like polio, etc.  These vaccines were rushed to market and the side effects are only coming to be known.  

    So get your booster and maybe some blood clots, a stroke, or even death.  Have at it. It’s your choose and you can choose it freely. 

    Me and my family won’t be taking it and am also willing to give my life.   Coincidentally, know much much more bad asses than I which are willing to do the same. 

    I wish they actually would try to mandate national vaccination at this point.  ***** ain’t going to end up like Australia, I can tell you that. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 23 hours ago, GaryPinC said:

    I think the intelligent thing to do is to get it, but it's your choice.  It's also a matter of public safety, healthcare costs, and stress on the healthcare system.  So when your employer forces you to get it to maintain a safer working environment and keep their healthcare costs lower, either get it or find another job.  It's your choice, but stop whining about it like a kitty.


    I've had to get flu vaccinations for years or lose my job.  This is no different and will be supported by the courts.  I don't like it, tbh, but it's my choice to go along.  I prefer my job here.


    Choices have consequences, freedoms come with responsibilities.

    Yeah - this is idiotic. Should we increase health care costs across the board for an entire company because a person is older, fat, drinks too much, smokes. pre existing conditions, etc???


    Most of these things can be prevented. Let’s charge them all - Stupid idea. 

    Think before these idiotic ideas are thrown around. 

    It’s purely political at this point - no matter what, get the vaccine or you will be punished.  That’s the current mantra. 

    Freedoms continue to disappear and you sheep continue to listen to the press, social media, Fauci and other idiots. 

    This is classic psyops and you continue to follow it. I’d just laugh, but it’s sad as hell and destroying our country. 

    I’ll never get the vaccine nor will my family. As in never. 




  8. On 10/3/2021 at 9:48 PM, B-Man said:


    California Homeschooling Inquiries Skyrocket After Gov. Newsom Announces Statewide Student Vaccination Mandate.




    Related: Flawed COVID mandates are speeding up the flight out of public schools.


    https://nypost.com › 2021/09/30 › flawed-covid-manda...





    This is the upside of all the vaccine mandate nonsense with schools. Once homeschooled, kids will no longer be subjected to a lot of the liberal bull#### they are programming these kids with in schools.  Parents will be much more active in their children’s upbringing.  

    Its sad to see “teachers” no longer developing kids and teaching them how to think.  They are now telling them what to think. 


    • Agree 1
  9. On 9/17/2021 at 10:19 AM, BillStime said:



    Here’s the thing - I’m not beholden to FOX news nor any other “news” or social media. I owned one of the largest purely analytical companies in the entire US.  I’ll think for myself - thanks. 

    Turning point will be the boosters and continued adverse effects and deaths among vaccinated.  I’d be surprised if you don’t know someone with debilitating conditions already. If not, it’s coming. You’ll deny it at first, won’t post about it or acknowledge it and say “there’s no way to connect that condition with the vaccine”.  But, it’s coming. 

    Please - save this post. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Sundancer said:


    I never thought I'd see the day when an argument that "But there's a Facebook group that says ____" had multiple supporters.


    Congratulations, we've plumbed a new bottom!


     Who else is in this club besides @LeviF and @Bockeye

    Except that I stated I personally know many individuals that have had adverse reactions and even listed a few, so there’s that.  But you’ve chosen to ignore this.


    But, but, if you get the shot, mask up and stay 6 feet away you will be protected and won’t get COVID.  How’s that working out?  

    Who else is in the gullible club with Sundancer?

  11. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10158207967261135&id=80221381134&m_entstream_source=timeline&__tn__=*s*s-R


    I’d actually prefer if you pro-COVID-vaxxers research all these people and tell me these comments are BS. They keep coming in. There are many more similar threads on social media sites that pop up, but most get closed quickly or comments censored. 

    Like I said, I know many, many more people with moderate to very severe adverse reactions than folks who have passed from COVID. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  12. 59 minutes ago, Sundancer said:

    Science: vax side effects minimal. 

    Message board: I have a ____ who is almost dead from the vaccine. 

    Color me skeptical. 

    Wrong. Not minimal.


    Why has Facebook and other social media deleted vaccine side effect groups?

    Once more boosters happen and more children get the vax, it will be worse. 


    Here’s from a NYS nurse I know.  Texted 3 days ago:

    “This vaccination has to stop !
    We sent 3 people to hospital since yesterday for DVT’s!!!! All had the vaccine 

    I’ve seen more clots in the last few months than in the last 10 years combined!


    I started in report this morning and no one wants to talk about it !
    It’s the vaccinated that are suffering!!!!”


    (DVT’s = deep vein thrombosis, btw)


    Reminder - Get your booster.  


    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. 8 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Excellent summary for the nonscientist of the long history of research into the feasibility of mRNA vaccines.

    As vaccine skeptics say, yes, this is a new technology in some sense. But in another sense they are completely wrong - we're dealing with a three decades + history of research and technology:




    We should celebrate science and innovation, not be scared of it.

    Yes - tell that to my aunt who can’t walk two weeks after vaccine or my cousins friend, a healthy 20yo who started coughing up blood 24hrs after. They would love to join this celebration. 

    Just go get your 3rd booster, then 4th , and so on…

  14. 20 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    I might try to sell you on the benefits of the vaccine at a later date when there is even more data but I definitely will never try to force an adult to do something to protect against a 1% chance.

    I appreciate this approach and stance. Wish more people had this view. 

    I think everyone should decide for themselves. Pretty sure I had it (before COVID tests were a thing), and I’m perfectly healthy and workout regularly. 


    I know seven people in my circle that have had adverse effects (from unable to walk, never ending splitting headaches, blood clots and more).  It is way underreported and being suppressed.  I suspect with this third jab there will be even more adverse effects and at some point they will be unable to suppress the info. 

    Having said that, I believe COVID is real and can kill - mostly those who are more susceptible (like obese and underlying conditions),  but can occasionally take someone perfectly healthy (just like a flu can kill a perfectly healthy person).  If you’re in a risk category you have to take a hard look at the risk/benefit and the jab might be the way to go. 

    The mandates (which Biden said pre-election he would NOT do) are insane. 

    I know a bunch of very sane, very patriotic (ex operators and such) great dudes and gals who will never be vaccinated, whose kids will never be vaccinated and whose loved ones will not be vaccinated.  I can guarantee we’re not going to look like Australia. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 17 hours ago, SCBills said:

    Except the majority of people with a PhD are not vaccinated.  

    Since you want to get personal.. Same goes for people like me, who make good money, own businesses, workout and are in shape - essentially, the people your significant other wishes you were.  


    Yep- have to back up SC here. I’m in the same boat - been an entrepreneur most of my life and retired young. So unless you have two houses, a ranch out west, and fly private, I think I have you beat SectionC3,  have fun at work on Monday. 


    I’m not COVID vaxxed and never will be - guaranteed. 


    • Like (+1) 3
  16. 19 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    I am not sure if you want a precise number or are you arguing obesity I'd not the number one risk factor when it comes to Covid? A precise figure I'd hard to come by but I have not heard anyone say there is another risk factor nearly as important 


    Probably not the most reliable source, but further info that obesity is major contributor to bad outcomes from COVID. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CSzT7Z0gljm/?utm_medium=copy_link

    Feel sorry for folks like this AND the covid patients that are dying. 

    I wish they’d stop the narrative that it’s completely safe because it isn’t. It’s like a game of Russian Roulette - get the Jab/don’t get the jab. You could be 100% ok or you could be one of the unlucky. 

    The terrible part is that social media and news is suppressing Information like hers. Doctors don’t even want to acknowledge that the jab can indeed F you up. 

    Its like we are living in China with the news/info suppression.  You have to get data from different sources and figure out who you trust and don’t. 


  18. 6 hours ago, Governor said:

    Oh for God’s sake.

    You seriously aren’t concerned or alarmed that organizations are taking down past research to push the mask narrative? At least don’t think it’s a little odd or even subversive?


    59 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    It is 10 times deadlier than flu.  The amount of ignorance on this board is staggering.

    It’s not 10x deadlier. Good grief!

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